Health Articles and Ezines
401. Eating Healthy - The GI Way
January 25, 2022
EATING HEALTHY – THE GI WAY! Researchers continue to gather evidence regarding the GI's far-reaching health benefits since the positive effects of a low-GI eating plan were discovered in the 1980's. Most nutritionists and health professionals agree today that a low-GI diet plan not only helps to keep you slim, but also lower your risk of getting type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer. The diet has also proved to improve memory, concentration and mood. GI means Glycemic Index. It is a measure of how long it takes to break your food down into glucose. The key to the low-GI ... (read more)
Author: Adrian Joele
402. A Plan of action for the Overwhelmed
January 10, 2022
You could be hard pressed to find someone over the age of 10 that hasn’t felt a little overwhelmed at some point in their life. Some people are more overwhelmed than others, but the impact and emotions remain the same. It can be a bit of a challenge to stay focused on finding solutions. However, focus and a plan of action can solve most problematic situations in your life. Some people are more prone to worry and end up doing silly things to make ourselves feel better. This doesn’t determine the results, it just avoids it temporarily. Try these steps to creating a plan, going fr... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
403. A Guide for Choosing Fashionable Eyewear for Men
January 10, 2022
You’ve made the decision to buy a pair of quality designer glasses, or update and upgrade the ones you currently own. There are so many choices when it comes to fashionable eyewear – in fact, that is one of the best things about investing in a pair – but it can prove tricky to make the right choice for you. There are myriad things to consider, each one important to the overall look and feel of a pair of spectacles. For men looking to make the move into the world of designer glasses, here are a few things worth considering to help you make your decision. Size The spectrum of size for ... (read more)
Author: Laura Jeeves
404. How Fashionable Eyewear Can Make You Look Younger
January 10, 2022
Glasses serve a very useful function, and without them many of us would be in a world of trouble. It goes without saying, however, that they serve a second function: fashion. Fashionable eyewear is produced by a number of leading designers and can have a real impact on somebody’s style and appearance, as well as how they’re perceived. One of the key things to think about is finding a pair that doesn’t age you – in fact, in many cases glasses can even make you look younger! The Shape of Your Face One of the things people should always consider when buying a new pair of glasses is whet... (read more)
Author: Laura Jeeves
405. Should I Invest in Designer Glasses?
January 10, 2022
Millions upon millions of people around the world wear glasses, but times have changed from the days when spectacles were purely a functional and practical solution to eyesight issues. Designer glasses offer a plethora of fashionable choices to suit all styles and ages, alongside what are often superior functional qualities. Choosing to purchase a pair represents an investment in your eye health as well as allowing you to make an impactful statement about who you are. These are some of the key things to consider before making that investment: Being On-Brand It’s the most obvious reas... (read more)
Author: Laura Jeeves
406. How to Enjoy Exercise More often
January 06, 2022
Some people love a tough workout, while others not so much. 80% of Americans fail to meet government guidelines for aerobic and strength training, it's obvious why most of us fall into the second category. A recent study by the University of Freiburg in Germany suggests that just 2 changes can make you enjoy exercise more. Participants with similar fitness levels were asked to ride a stationary bicycle for the same amount of time. Those who considered themselves to be athletic said the activity was more enjoyable, and required less effort. The researchers concluded that personal expec... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
407. 8 Motivational tips for Weight Loss
January 02, 2022
Losing weight requires time and patience because there aren't any shortcuts. If you need to lose a few pounds, it will take a minimum of several weeks. Significant weight loss goals can require several months. Keeping your motivation high will make it easier to weather those tough days when your weight loss goal seems out of reach. Use these tips to maintain your motivation and shed those pounds: 1. Place your favorite inspirational quotes on your mirror or refrigerator. A quick pick-me-up can save the day when your motivation is waning. It can also be an effective way to start ... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
408. Power up your brain by adding these foods to your diet
December 27, 2021
Did you know your diet can have a strong impact on your brain and its ability to function? You can enjoy greater brainpower with simple diet changes. The right foods are important for both the mind and the body, so your diet matters. Try these simple additions to your diet: 1. Oily fish. The oils in the fish are important for brain health because your mind requires fats in the right amounts. * Fish has essential fatty acids that can help boost brainpower. Oily fish include salmon, sardines, herring, trout, and other varieties. * The lack of essential fatty acids can lead... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
409. Why Your Body Can't Do Without Fatty Acids
December 26, 2021
Chances are you know the importance of vitamins and minerals to your health, but are you aware that your body also relies on fatty acids for many of its functions? Fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats. You may know them as Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9. These "good fats" are created by breaking down other fats. Since they're essential for health and aren't produced by the body (except for Omega-9), we need to eat food or take supplements that include them. Fatty Acids Are Essential For Health Fatty acids strengthen your health in many ways, including: * Help in the moveme... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
410. What is the best weight loss exercise for women?
January 11, 2022
Overcoming the hurdles related to the rate of weight loss may sound tough at times. As per the age, medical conditions, hormonal changes, physical fitness, etc. the rate of metabolism and weight control may vary. As in the case of women, the weight loss is not as spontaneous as in males. This variation may be the result of different muscular mass or hormonal changes as well as other important factors like pregnancy-related weight gain etc.
The basic approach to weight loss counts on the number of calories you tend to burn instead of the ones that form a part of your intake. An understand... (read more)
Author: Paramjit Singh
411. Pacemaker Surgery In India
January 11, 2022
: • Shortness of breath • A rapid heartbeat • Weakness • Chest pain A pacemaker is a rescue solution to arrhythmias and is therefore advised in such situations. Based on the condition, a pacemaker can either slow down, speed up or stabilize the heartbeat. Pacemakers can relieve problems related to arrhythmias like: • Fatigue • Fainting • A comparatively healthy lifestyle Types of pacemaker The types are based on the condition of the patient and are as follows: Single chamber pacemaker: Usually carries electrical impulses to the right ventricle of the heart. It uses one lead in th... (read more)
Author: Shekhar Dussal
412. Best LASIK Surgery in India
January 11, 2022
LASIK surgery called laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis surgery is a process that deals with the treatment of a single eye with the help of a laser for the correction of the eye vision under the supervision of a trained and skilled ophthalmologist. LASIK treatment is a type of refractive surgery that’s done by an eye-fixed surgeon or an ophthalmologist in order that an eye patient won’t need to wear glasses or spectacles again. LASIK is used to cure hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism. The LASIK Eye Surgery cost in India ranges from $500 to $1,500 LASIK Surgery in India LASIK surgery is o... (read more)
Author: Shekhar Dussal
413. Bariatric Surgery In India
January 11, 2022
Obesity is the most rapidly growing health problem in the world and more than sixty million are affected. Moreover, there is a risk of heart disease and cholesterol for obese people. The search for the ideal weight-loss operation began more than 50 years ago because exercise and diet alone are ineffective in treating people with extreme and excessive obesity. Bariatric surgical procedures cause weight loss by limiting the number of foods the abdomen will hold, inflicting assimilation of nutrients, or by a mix of each stomachic restriction and assimilation. Bariatric is comes from the Gre... (read more)
Author: Shekhar Dussal
414. Best Orthopedic Surgeons in India
January 11, 2022
The process of finding the best Orthopedic Surgeons in India within the healthcare sector today can convince be a frightening task. this is often especially the case if you’re doing the look for the primary time. One thing that you simply got to understand is that the role that such surgeons play. even as the name implies, these are surgeons who possess the talents and expertise to treat and ensure the proper functioning of the human system. If you would like to urge the simplest services you’ve got to urge these services from the simplest surgeon. Orthopedic Surgeon in India As much as ... (read more)
Author: Shekhar Dussal
415. Liver Cancer Treatment in India
January 11, 2022
Liver cancer occurs when a tumor forms in the liver. It can be bifurcated into two parts, primary and secondary. The liver might get affected by primary cancer when malignant growth creates in the liver or has developed in some different part of the body and then gradually spread to the liver. A secondary kind of malignant growth is the most widely recognized sort that occurs. When a tumor cell is developed in other parts of the body and then spread to the liver is known as secondary/metastatic. Cancer can be Benign or Malignant. Symptoms of Liver Cancer Weight loss Itching on the body part... (read more)
Author: Shekhar Dussal
416. 6 Reasons Why You Should Prioritize Self-Care
December 23, 2021
Self-care refers to any activity that we engage in to maintain and nourish our health, including mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. While it may seem like an obvious concept, self-care often gets cast aside for more pressing priorities such as work, family and the everyday pressures of life. There are many reasons why you should prioritize self-care and we’ve listed six of the most important below. 1. Improves mood Investing time in your own care can have a major impact on your mood, leading to greater optimism and positivity. It will help you to feel happier, more satisfied and b... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
417. The Impact Of Habits And Lifestyle On Health
January 11, 2022
A healthy life and a healthy diet seem to be an understatement until a person suffers from a physical illness that dries them off the energy and disturbs their normal living.
A healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle both are beneficial in the long term as well as short term. In the long term, they help one to avoid various serious and tragic diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart problems, etc. In short term, they keep one in their best shape, keep them energized, active, and fit.
Ways to improve habits and lifestyle
• Little habits can make a huge difference in one's habi... (read more)
Author: Paramjit Singh
418. Care and Maintenance of Your Designer Glasses
December 15, 2021
In recent years, the popularity of high fashion glasses has soared and they have become sought after accessories amongst those who require vision correction and even those who do not. Indeed, they are more fashionable now than ever before and designer brands have kept on top of the craze by releasing frames in a multitude of colours and styles. Designer specs might carry a slightly higher price tag, but the quality is usually superior. As with anything, the key to the longevity of your spectacles is taking good care of them. When properly looked after, a good designer frame can last a ve... (read more)
Author: Laura Jeeves
419. Transition Lenses: Are They For You?
December 15, 2021
Spectacle wearers will likely be familiar with the frustration of having to switch between sunglasses and prescription eyeglasses on a sunny day. Photochromic or “transition” lenses offer a simple alternative to this struggle: they start out clear and darken when exposed to sunlight. Transition lenses make it easy to find designer glasses that are practical as well as stylish. Whilst the technology does not appeal to everyone, many people find the convenience of these glasses invaluable. Listed below are some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with photochromic spectacles. ... (read more)
Author: Laura Jeeves
420. Designer Glasses: Latest Trends and Fashion Must Haves
December 15, 2021
If you’re looking to make a fashion statement in 2022, investing in some new eyewear is a given. Whether you wear them on prescription, use them to protect your eyes from blue light, or have them as a fun fashion accessory, glasses are a popular way to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate that you’ve got your finger on the fashion pulse. Trends aside, there’s a lot of benefits to opting for better quality, designer frames than cheaper options. Not only do they look better, but they last longer and offer more options to suit your personality. If you’re new to all this, don’t worry. From... (read more)
Author: Laura Jeeves
421. How not to destroy your motivation
December 13, 2021
Feeling like you just can’t rise to the challenge to stay motivated. Feel like its to much of an uphill climb to your goal, or even walking at a leisurely pace along a flat path to get there is overwhelming? Don't let your fears take control, here are seven tips that may be holding you back. 1. You don’t believe in yourself. You may not be motivated to achieve your goals because deep down inside (or maybe not so deep down) you don’t think you can do it, or you don’t feel like you deserve it. Developing self confidence is a key component to strengthening your motivation. 2. You’re o... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
422. How to stay Motivated: 6 pointers of reassurance
December 12, 2021
So you got your motivation mojo working, good for you. Perhaps you were encouraged by the words of a motivational speaker or got a blunt dose of truth from a friend or family member. Like the quote goes "Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working", half hearted attempts equals half hearted results. Lets turn those motivational attempts into full time rewards with these 6 tips. 1. Remember the pain points. In sales jargon, pain points are problems that come about when the solution being offered is not taken. Try to keep in mind all the things that could or will happen if you don’... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
423. How you can blend Exercise into Your Everyday Routines
December 11, 2021
Many people say that they simply don't have the time to exercise. While this may be perfectly true in a fast paced world, there are certain things you can do to incorporate exercise into your daily life without allotting much time for it. When it comes to exercise, it all starts with a good attitude and a little bit of action each day. It's a common misconception to believe that you need to engage in strict dieting or lengthy and vigorous exercise routines in order to stay in shape. It simply isn't true! Try some of these tips in order to slip exercise into your daily routine: ... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
424. How to Implement a Raw-Food Diet
December 10, 2021
As you hear more and more about the impact your eating has on your health and longevity, you may be considering a raw-food diet. While this lifestyle could be quite different from your usual fare, you might find that you thrive on eating mostly raw foods. What exactly is a raw food diet? In general, it means eating only things that are in a completely natural state. This means foods that have not been processed or cooked. For some folks, this can even include raw meat, though many raw-food advocates do not eat meat, other than perhaps a little sushi. These tips will help you make the... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
425. Follow a Mediterranean Diet to Lose Weight and Strengthen Your Health
December 09, 2021
Mediterranean diets claim that they'll keep you fit and healthy, and they've got centuries of evidence backing them up. Whether you prefer Spanish or Greek cuisine, this is one approach to eating healthy for life. Read on to discover the major benefits of eating like a Mediterranean, ways to get started, and tips for incorporating more of their healthy lifestyle into your life. Major Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet 1. Lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes. Like any healthy living plan, a Mediterranean diet helps fights metabolic syndrome. You'll lower your odds for de... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
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Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more
After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more
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Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more
I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more
Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more