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Showing 426 to 450 of 500 Articles in Health.
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426. What About Normal Weight Obesity
December 08, 2021

Even if standard charts say your weight is correct for your height, you could still be considered obese. Excess body fat affects your health much like extra pounds. Find out more about normal weight obesity and how you can overcome it. Facts about Normal Weight Obesity 1. Follow the history. A study by the Mayo Clinic in 2008 coined the term "normal weight obesity" to describe people with high body fat, but normal weight. Researchers confirmed what some experts had suspected for years. These individuals can experience the same health issues as those who are overweight. 2. Know t... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

427. Discover the New Heart-Healthy Diet
December 07, 2021

The connection between a nutritious diet and a healthy heart just became even clearer. A recent study by the University of Washington found that almost half of deaths from cardiovascular disease can be prevented by changing what you put on your plate. To make those choices easier, researchers also identified several of the leading risk factors and measured how much they contribute to the likelihood of heart conditions and stroke. It's a big deal when you consider that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the US and worldwide. Find out which dietary changes wi... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

428. 5 Mistakes That Cause New Habits to Fail
December 06, 2021

Habits are the key. Your habits determine how much money is in your bank account and the size of your waistline. Your habits determine the quality of your life. It can seem impossible to break bad habits or to create new, positive habits. Most people have an ineffective approach. They try to go cold turkey and rely on willpower to force the necessary changes. You already know this doesn't work unless you're incredibly motivated, and motivation isn't reliable. It's here one day and gone the next. Create new habits more effectively by avoiding the most common mistakes: 1. Cha... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

429. How to Eliminate One Bad Habit at a time
December 05, 2021

Why is it so difficult to break our bad habits? This is especially frustrating when it comes to the habits that stand in the way of accomplishing our dreams. The best of intentions seem to be defeated on a regular basis. Life doesn't have to work this way, however. Nearly everyone has a behavioral demon. Whether it's eliminating our debt, getting healthier, or to stop drinking or smoking, there's always that one challenge we can't seem to beat. In many cases, the answer is quite simple, yet most people lack awareness of it: We simply don't handle our stress and boredom in an effectiv... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

430. 8 Mental Habits That Will Make You Miserable
December 04, 2021

The world doesn't make you miserable. You make yourself miserable. Your physique, bank account, and happiness are all the direct result of your daily habits. It's not easy to be miserable unless you consistently do things to create misery. Fortunately, you can identify and change the habits that are making you unhappy. Avoid these mental habits and create joy, instead: 1. Making assumptions. It's too easy to assume you already know something you don't. Assumptions destroy relationships and prevent you from taking action. Why assume you won't get that great job? Go after it with ... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

431. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 20
December 03, 2021

"The Developer" ">The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 19 (December 3, 2021) An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Twelve months ago, Laicos County Executive, Alice N. Wonderland ordered a permanent lockdown of its residents to curtail the spread of COVID-19, based upon the recommendations of Dr. I. M. Gloomy, an epidemiologist, and Dr. Max Panik, head of the County Department of Health. However, using a lottery number system, Laicos County residents are allow... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

432. How to Turn Yourself Into an Early Morning Person
December 03, 2021

It seems as though many people are programmed to sleep late, but there's a lot to be said for getting up early. You never again have to worry about being late for work. You have some time to get things accomplished before everyone else gets up. Maybe this can even be that ever elusive "me" time. Can you really turn yourself into an early riser if you've always been a night owl? Of course! This will require a little time and effort; any routine is hard to break. Habits that you've been following for many years tend to be even more challenging to alter, but, we humans are adaptable creature... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

433. How to Lose Weight Without Feeling Deprived
December 02, 2021

Do you want to lose weight, but you dread going on another diet? Just thinking about it makes you feel like you’re missing out on your favorite dishes and social occasions with your family and friends. Slimming down may be easier than you think. Small gradual changes that you can stick with for the long haul are more effective than any crash diet. Learn how to lose weight without starving yourself or feeling isolated. Start with these ideas for replacing old habits with healthier choices. Diet Enhancements Most experts agree that diet is more important than exercise for los... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

434. Change Your Life for Good with these 7 Obsessions
November 30, 2021

Too often, we have unhealthy obsessions. We’re obsessed with celebrities, TV shows, a person in our daily lives, extreme wealth, or chocolate. Potentially worse are obsessions with social media which can be all-consuming. Checking your social media feed every few minutes can really hamper your productivity and happiness. The time wasted on these types of obsessions can be extreme. And not only are you wasting time, but many obsessions can be mentally, physically, or financially unhealthy. However, not all obsessions are unhealthy. There are things you can be obsessed about that ... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

435. Climate Change and Rainwater Harvesting
January 11, 2022

Climate Change and Rainwater Harvesting Global Climate Change is the major issue facing our planet as a result of the increase in carbon dioxide due to the increase in use of fossil fuels to drive our sources of energy. As temperatures rise, the water cycle gets negatively affected. Experts tell us that for every 1°F increase in temperature, 4 % more water will evaporate. This means that over land and sea where there is water, more water will evaporate as the temperature rises while over desert-type areas, the temperature rises causing the area to become dryer and hotter. W... (read more)

Author: Adam Petford

436. Stop Telling Yourself these 7 lies
November 27, 2021

We lie to ourselves each day. We tell ourselves that we’re going to start eating perfectly on Monday. We’re going to start a blog on January 1st. We blame our parents for our current financial mess even though we haven’t lived with our parents for the last 20 years. Maybe we believe if we only had a swimming pool, we’d finally be happy, and that happiness would last forever. These are all lies that we tell ourselves. The lies you tell yourself are the most damaging lies of all: 1. I’ll be able to pay it off next month, so it’s okay if I buy it now. Using debt to purchase an... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

437. Natural Appetite Suppressants You Can Eat Every Day
November 26, 2021

Do you avoid pharmaceutical appetite suppressants because of the many serious side effects? If so, you'll be glad to discover that there are certain foods and spices that can help you lose weight by naturally suppressing your desire to overeat. Consider trying these natural ingredients in your diet: 1. Ginger. Ginger doesn't have many calories, but it has a strong, pleasant flavor, and helps you avoid overeating. It's a popular addition to meals and teas. Ginger root and ginger tea may help you lose weight. * Ginger can be added to smoothies, juices, and other drinks. It can a... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

438. LASER works in ENT Surgery
January 11, 2022

Thanks to the constant technological evolution, the medical laser who is still the object of ceaseless improvements continuously has been applied in ENT surgery more and more up to now. Laser benefits in the surgical therapy of otosclerosis are the better control on bleeding and the risk reduction of “floating platina” and acoustic vibratory trauma. These advantages allow it to optimize the functional result and to reduce risks of cochlear damage connected with surgical treatment. The ideal property of tissue interaction of the laser radiation in the otosclerosis surgery is the laser’s e... (read more)

Author: jason steve

439. Top 5 Energy Boosters
November 23, 2021

With so many ads about which super foods are best, it can be confusing to decipher what's a scam and what's the truth. That's why I compiled a list of the top five energy boosting foods that will give you true, lasting energy to keep you hopping all day! Oatmeal Oats contain the energizing and stress-lowering B vitamin family, which helps transform carbs into usable energy. Oats are also low on the glycemic index because they have a lot of fiber. That means that your body gets a steady stream of energy, as opposed to a short-term spike, because the carbohydrates gradually flow into your ... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

440. How to Break a Negative Habit One Day at a Time
November 22, 2021

Unless you're perfect, you probably have a habit that drives you or others nuts. The conflicting nature of bad habits makes them difficult to overcome. What is your bad habit? Typically, the top bad habits we indulge in are eating unhealthy foods, smoking, using chewing tobacco, lying on the sofa instead of exercising, and nail-biting. The good news is, however, that whatever negative habit you have, you have the power to change it if you want to. Consider these strategies for inspiration to break your negative habit now: 1. Avoid getting overwhelmed. Realize your goal now... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

441. The healing properties of Cabbage
January 11, 2022

According to ancient Roman healers, breast cancer could be cured by rubbing on pastes made from cabbage. Not long ago, modern scientists would have considered this practice as folklore, but now they are not so sure. Jon Michnovicz, president of the Foundation for Preventive Oncology in New York City says: “Studies have shown that if you make cabbage into a paste and rub it on the backs of laboratory animals, you can prevent the development of tumors. But the best way to absorb the healing properties of cabbage is to eat it, of course. Cabbage can fight off breast, lung, and prostate ca... (read more)

Author: Adrian Joele

442. 6 Potential Dangers of the Keto Diet
November 21, 2021

The keto diet has become incredibly popular over the past few years, with numerous celebs becoming advocates for its fat burning benefits. Yet, despite its proven effectiveness at burning fat, there are still some potential dangers you’ll want to keep an eye out for. Consider these possible negative effects of the keto diet: 1. Keto flu. One possible, temporary side effect when you start the keto diet is “keto flu,” with symptoms that include vomiting, gastrointestinal distress, and fatigue. When you stop eating carbohydrates, it comes as a shock to your body, especially if y... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

443. 7 Low-Carb Tips to Help You Feel Full All Day
November 20, 2021

One of the biggest concerns that you may have about the low-carb diet is staying full. Without a large quantity of carbohydrates to fill your meals, you may wonder if you will feel hungry. Try these tips to avoid that low-carb hunger: 1. Ground almond flour. Instead of using regular flour, switch to ground almond flour for your meals. * This low-carb hack is filled with protein, and you'll feel full while using it. * You can make a variety of items with almond flour, such as pancakes, muffins, or bread. Almond flour is versatile and filling, so you won't miss regular ... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

444. Ask the Opticians: Knowing the Right Questions
November 18, 2021

A visit to the opticians should always be a smooth and seamless process, but for anyone who hasn’t ever been before, there may be some apprehension around the event. Having a regular appointment at your optician is very important, though, and just like a doctor or dentist you should factor these appointments into your overall health maintenance. After all, we rely heavily on our vision in almost every part of our lives. The most important thing to stress is that there’s nothing to be worried about; the process is painless, relatively quick and, with a friendly optician on the job, can ev... (read more)

Author: Laura Jeeves

445. Making Glasses Fun and Fuss-free for Children
November 18, 2021

While wearing glasses doesn’t have the stigma it used to, when a child first has to get their head around the issue it can certainly be a little daunting in some cases. But if you do a bit of preparation before the trip to the optician to have a test and choose a frame, the process can be much easier – for both the child and the parent! It’s important to be patient and remember all this is new, so there may be a certain amount of apprehension, particularly for a very young child. (It’s a good idea to stay in your area, so booking in for a local eye test won’t be too intimidating for them.)... (read more)

Author: Laura Jeeves

446. What to Expect at Your First Optician Appointment
November 18, 2021

If you’re heading off to the optician down the road for your first ever local eye test, you’d be forgiven for wondering exactly what it is you might be in for. Even though most people understand there’s nothing to be worried about, for first-timers it can help to know what to expect. It’s super important that if you’ve made an appointment to have a local eye test you don’t put it off, particularly if you’re having any issues. So, without any further delay, here’s what to expect at your first routine optician appointment to get your first pair of spectacles. Consider Some Preparation... (read more)

Author: Laura Jeeves

447. Smoothies A Healthy And Nutritious Way To Lose Weight Fast
November 15, 2021

When you are on a weight loss program you may find it a little boring. These diet shake recipes will help spice things up with the added benefit of helping you lose pounds. Shakes and smoothies are great to make in the summer months due to the plentiful supply of fresh fruit. Adding low fat yogurt makes them even more tempting. But you can still partake in the winter. All you have to do is use frozen fruit which has just as few calories and tastes almost as good. So what recipes would be recommended? I love mango as it is very refreshing when you are feeling hot and bothered. I whiz... (read more)

Author: Donnie Lewis

448. Nutrition: The Key to Fitness and Well-being
January 11, 2022

If we choose good nutrition – including supplementation and make an active lifestyle a daily habit, we could add 5 to 15 healthy years to our lives. Without science and technology, our lifespan would not have been increased as much as we experience it today. However, they were not be able to secure for us our long-term health. As Dr. Myron Wentz, founder of USANA Health Sciences likes to phrase it: “We are living too short and dying too long.” It is true that exercise, restful sleep, peace of mind, regular habits of elimination, batching etc, are all factors in keeping fit, but these will... (read more)

Author: Adrian Joele

449. How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat
November 12, 2021

Belly fat is the bane of a healthy lifestyle. It’s been linked to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. And while some people seem to be genetically predisposed to packing on more pounds around their midsection than others, there are plenty of other factors that contribute to belly weight gain. From what you eat for breakfast or how often you go out drinking on weekends with friends after work, it all adds up over time and can lead in some cases to an extra ten pounds creeping onto your frame without much effort at all. The good news is that losing belly fat doesn’t have to... (read more)

Author: Charlene Gallant

450. Sleep Disorders
January 11, 2022

There is nothing more beneficial than a good night sleep and there is a great physiological need for it if the individual likes to feel refreshed and alert during the following day. Sleep is also important for your memory and learning capacity and possibly for maintaining a good immune system. But there are still many unanswered questions regarding the function of sleep. This is possibly best explained with the fact that people suffering from insomnia also suffer from reduced concentration, reduced memory and decreased ability to accomplish daily tasks. They are also at greater risk for work... (read more)

Author: Adrian Joele

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