Health Articles and Ezines
476. 6 Major benefits of a smoothie
October 09, 2021
Over the past few years, smoothies have been a growing phenomenon in the health and wellness industry. If you live in a major city, you will have probably noticed the increasing smoothie bars springing up all over the place and people carrying a plastic glass filled with brightly colored liquids, making you wondering what on earth are smoothies?
What Are Smoothies? A smoothie is a blended, cold, thick, and non- alcoholic liquid drink that is made up of fresh vegetables, fruit, its juice or pulp. In most cases, it includes milk or ice cream. Almost all kinds of fruits and vegetables work... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
477. What is Premature Ejaculation and Can You Prevent It?
October 08, 2021
What exactly is premature ejaculation? Well, it depends on who you ask. But the common consensus is that if you regularly come to a climax too early during sex without fulfilling your partner, you may be one of many men who are suffering from premature ejaculation (PE).
As many as one in three men are believed to be afflicted with this sexual dysfunction. Actual figures may actually be higher as this is an embarrassing ailment that not many guys are willing to openly discuss.
What are the symptoms of premature ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation can be categorized as lifelong (p... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
478. 5 Essential power foods added to your smoothies
October 08, 2021
If you are serious about losing weight, you will find some scrumptious ideas and ingredients through this article. In fact, they are so tasty you can't imagine they are so healthy. Isn't it wonderful to think that something tastes this good and is giving you a lot of health benefits? They say variety is key, and this certainly applies in the case of healthy smoothies for weight loss. Any part of a proper diet is to make sure you have a combination of textures and colors and plenty of fresh, raw and healthy snacks. Power foods for slimming smoothies can have a rich and creamy texture - so deli... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
479. Detoxing With Smoothies: The Way To A Healthier You
October 07, 2021
Have you been thinking about starting a natural body detox? If you feel fatigued day and night, sluggish or worn out and tired all the time, you might want to consider getting a natural body cleanser. A lot of folks, do experience these problems and just accept them as common everyday living, they don't realize that these sensations are not normal in healthy individuals. It may be that your body is just trying to tell you something is not quite right. By using a natural body cleansing strategies, you are helping your body to purge the accumulated toxins and kickstart your natural digestive pro... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
480. The 10 Biggest Myths About Premature Ejaculation
October 07, 2021
Premature ejaculation is a serious problem for a lot of men. For many men, satisfying a woman in bed can seem like little more than a dream.
To make things worse, there are many misconceptions about premature ejaculation and the ability to last longer in bed.
Myth #1
PE is a sexual disease that has no cure.
While premature ejaculation may seem like a disease, it actually is not. With practice, you can learn how to re-train your ejaculatory system, and learn how to delay ejaculation.
Myth #2
Condoms are a solution to PE.
While some men have reported that cond... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
481. Can Premature Ejaculation Be Cured by Stopping Masturbation?
October 07, 2021
There are literally two answers to this question. Which are YES and NO
1. NO
Firstly, let's take the No part (This part may sound funny)
No, in the sense that, if you do masturbation correctly, is a good practice and in a good manner. It will reduce a little bit of tension in the body. Masturbation has many advantages and it also has absolute disadvantages.
It reduces tension It makes you sleep better It gives you sexual hopes it makes you feel like a human again
It weakens the immune ... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
482. How Can Facial Gua Sha Transform Your Skin
October 07, 2021
What Gua Sha manages For Your Skin & Body Gua Sha as pronounced “gwah sah”, when done this facial you'll feel incredible amazing, and Gua Sha facials and at-home Gua Sha Facial tools are getting more popular than ever, particularly after a year that boom the recognition of jade rollers skyrocket. Know because the Eastern botox, or Eastern facelift for an honest reason, Gua Sha users claim some impressive effects. Even though there aren’t tons of scientific studies examining the consequences and potential benefits of Gua Sha treatments, the anecdotal evidence is convincing, and it’s amazing ... (read more)
Author: Allan Meredith
483. All About Phallosan Strength Penis Extender
October 07, 2021
The Phallosan Specialty Penis Extender is an additional go-to selection for men aiming to extend their penile size. Almost similar in design to the Quick Extender Pro, this tool varies from the former in complying with methods.
The Phallosan Specialty Penis Extender has a special condom-like sleeve as well as a suction bell. It also comes with an elastic protector cup, suction sphere, tension clip, and also expansion bars.
The extension bar is color-coded. Green is for light stress, yellow is medium, as well as red, is high stress. When you establish the extension bars at the environ... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
484. Vesco Pharma Placenta C 1000 - Placenta Extract & Vitamin C Injection - 10 Ampoules
October 07, 2021
Vesco Pharma Placenta C 1000 is a successful treatment for a number of illnesses, like aging. As per the Thai Ministry of Health and Labor, the ampules are free from side effects. These infusions are liberated from any incidental effects and secure your organs. Since the substance is obtained from natural sources, it's liberated from poisonous or synthetic ingredients. Consequently, you will not encounter disturbance or some other sort of side effect. Read on to know more
As per the clients, the ampoules supported their endurance, cell recovery, and general skin quality. High convergences... (read more)
Author: abdul waheed
485. Active Bust Pueraria Mirifica 3000 Extreme - Breast Enhancement Capsules
October 07, 2021
All things considered, you can't foster your body after a specific limit. Regardless of the amount you eat or work out, you will not get stronger any longer. After a point, everything relies on your genes. This is valid with regards to your breast improvement too. Assuming you need to cross this breaking point, you don't have many alternatives. One of the choices is breast enhancement surgery. The disadvantage is that medical procedure accompanies its own set of downsides. Furthermore, it may not convey your ideal outcomes. Along these lines, on the off chance that you would prefer not to unde... (read more)
Author: abdul waheed
486. Why A Condom Size Chart Is Essential For Penis Enlargement Lovers?
October 06, 2021
With the number of penis enlargement users skyrocketing every year, the importance of a condom size chart cannot be over-emphasized. As methods of male enhancement continue to improve, a high number of men are experiencing real growth in penis size.
Whilst this is fantastic news for those that previously may have felt humiliation and anxiety about their diminutive size, the fact remains that men have to make the correct choice in size when it comes to choosing a condom. This is even more important for those men that are currently engaging in any method of penis enlargement.
As the pe... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
487. Do you know the difference between juicing and smoothies
October 06, 2021
Smoothies and juices are both loaded with nutrients and taste fabulous. While they do have the same properties as the fruits or vegetables in their raw form, their being in liquid form have different textures and appearances. These difference lie in the procedure, methods, and machines used to make each drink.
The Major Differences
When you blend, you end up consuming the food in its entirety although some were already pulverized. So, if you blend an apple, your body will digest the full fruit. When you do juicing, the fibrous portion is removed. So, what is left are the micronutrie... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
488. Should You Take Flaxseed for Endometriosis?
October 06, 2021
Is flaxeed beneficial for your health or if you're suffering from endometriosis?
Plant estrogens, such as those found in flaxseed and soy, may affect your hormonal balance. Many post-menopausal women consume flaxseed to alleviate menopause symptoms because of its lignans (found in the seed husk and fibers).
It is thought that lignans in flaxseed fiber may affect estrogen levels, although some people claim plant estrogen actually blocks estrogen instead of increasing it.
Flaxseeds can be ground up and consumed as a powder or sprinkled on food. Flaxseed oil can be consumed in li... (read more)
Author: Nicholas Joo
489. 7 Questions About Increasing Penis Size Answered in Under 7 Minutes
October 05, 2021
How much do you really know about REAL natural male enhancement? Do you read a lot of articles on optimizing and improving sexual performance? Maybe you know a fair amount about penis enlargement products or programs, but simply have never taken the plunge?
Or maybe, like many of our readers, you are confused and conflicted about which male enhancement method works best? Or, maybe like me when I first began this journey, you are curious... but NOT yet convinced that anything can help you at all. In this article, we are going to take a quick and easy look at 7 common questions about penis ... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
490. To many sweet drinks? How to give them up.
October 05, 2021
Sugary drinks have been linked to diabetes, obesity, and now to a shorter life span. A study led by Harvard University found that consuming at least two of these drinks each day makes you 31% more likely to die early from cardiovascular disease. It’s a serious issue for anyone concerned about their own health and their children. While soda consumption has decreased in recent years, these liquid calories are still the primary source of added sugar for most Americans. In particular, kids and teens average about 12 ounces of sugary drinks a day compared to the recommended maximum of 8 oun... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
491. What Is The Average Penis Size? SHOCKING Results Inside!
October 05, 2021
Guys all around the world have discussed, argued, and worried about the average-sized penis for decades. Let's face facts, having a small penis is an issue that can affect both men and women. For a man, there is the embarrassment of having to change in the all-male showers at the gym.
Or perhaps the humiliation of being naked in front of a woman. For women, a guy that has a below-average penis size, could well limit their sexual enjoyment and pleasure.
So it appears a man's penis size is a subject that is often thought about and discussed by millions of people the world over. Let's ... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
492. Can Vaseline Make Your Penis Bigger?
October 04, 2021
There are some articles that claim that vaseline can make your penis bigger but it's not actually the vaseline that causes that. It is caused by penis enlargement exercises.
It is because some men advise that in order to perform these penis enlargement exercises, it is advisable to completely lubricate the male reproductive system. And vaseline is one of those recommended lubricants.
Vaseline turns out to be an excellent lubricant for penis enlargement exercises because it does not dry out too quickly. However, the only problem with petroleum jelly is that it is quite messy and you w... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
493. Which certain foods harm your digestive system?
October 04, 2021
Did you know beans aren't the only thing that can hurt your digestion and cause bloating or gas? There are many foods that can make you feel uncomfortable after a meal. Paying due diligence to these foods could reduce digestive discomfort: 1. Artificial sugars. Research has found that fake sugars such as aspartame or sucralose can affect the gut. They can change the good bacteria in your gut and give you digestive issues. * Artificial sugars are common in diet sodas, but they can hide in other things as well. You can see them in juice, gum, candy, and other sweets. They ca... (read more)
Author: Donnie Lewis
494. Dangers of Seeking Fast Penis Enlargement Remedies
October 03, 2021
In their haste to achieve desired results, men sometimes take more than the recommended dosage of supplements recommended and suffer from unwarranted reactions. They then blame the product and write nasty remarks about it. There are other scammers who advertise products for fast penis enlargement that do not work. The media is responsible for the hype created about different products and if a manufacturer is willing to pay, the promoters work that much harder to try and sell it.
Though some male enhancement products claim instant results, it is advisable to take the recommended dose ... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
495. What Morning Wood Tells a Man?
October 02, 2021
Ah, morning wood - frequently the first friend a man sees when he wakes up in the morning. That erect penis that greets so many men at the start of the day is so familiar that most of us take it for granted.
A guy barely gives it a thought (although he may occasionally give it a few tugs when he has the time), but that morning wood can tell a man a lot about his penis health - and even something about his overall health as well.
Why an erect penis in the morning?
So waking up with an erect penis is common - but why should it be? What is it about sleeping that causes morning woo... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
496. Vesco Pharma's Gluta C 1000
September 30, 2021
Assuming you need to reduce wrinkles, dim spots, acne scars and further develop your skin complexion, you can go for Vesco Pharma's Gluta C 1000. Making these changes will restore your skin. Basically, these injections are a combination of nutrient C and fluid Nano glutathione. How about we discover why you should go for these injections?
Gluta C 1000 is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The purpose of these injections is to light up your skin and restore your young appearance. Each case of the injections contains 10 ampoules of the dose.
How Do They Work?
In your... (read more)
Author: abdul waheed
497. Vesco Pharma VC Vitamin C 1000mg Injections - 10 Ampoules
September 30, 2021
Assuming you need to deal with your skin wellbeing yet have not had Vitamin C supplements or injections, you have missed a lot of advantages. According to specialists, vitamin C is among the most powerful antioxidants. They can assist you in achieving and maintaining young skin. In this article, we will discuss Vesco Pharma VC Vitamin C 1000mg Injections. Please keep reading to discover why you ought to have these shots.
Vitamin C protects your skin against free radicals. Aside from this, it performs a fundamental part assuming you need something for the treatment of hyperpigmentation, s... (read more)
Author: abdul waheed
498. Vesco Pharma Collagen C 1000
September 30, 2021
Vesco Pharma Collagen C 1000 can assist in reducing those scars and fix your skin so you can get a young complexion. This injection is an incredible combination of nutrient C and collagen extract. These shots are administered Intra-muscularly (IM) or intravenously (IV) for the sustenance of your skin. Each case contains 10 ampoules of the injections, and each 5 ml ampoule contains 1000mg of Vitamin C and 1000mg of collagen extract. How about we discover how this injection can assist you with fixing your skin and hit other skin brightening objectives.
How do Collagen and Vitamin C work? ... (read more)
Author: abdul waheed
499. Active Burn Garcinia 3000 Extreme
September 30, 2021
Weight gain and corpulence are among the most common health concerns across the globe, particularly in the west. Excess fat can keep you from having a healthy existence. Actually, obesity is on the list of top factors that might cause cardiovascular problems. The sad part is that a great many people in the developed nations are too occupied to even think about contemplating this common medical problem. In case you are searching for an answer to this issue, we have the solution for you.
You can shed those additional pounds and have a solid existence. In this article, we will audit Active ... (read more)
Author: abdul waheed
500. Discover a Simple Cure For Premature Ejaculation Using Masturbation As a Tool
September 30, 2021
Premature ejaculation, an ailment that has been reported to affect as many as 50% of all American men, can be absolutely devastating both to your relationship's health and to your own mental health.
Premature ejaculation is something that can make you feel both powerless and worthless, two of the worst feelings in the entire world.
Surely there must be something that can be done to combat this terrible condition?
Well, truthfully, there is. The best part is that it's simpler than you'd think. My goal here is to save you time and money reading through huge volumes of ebooks, or s... (read more)
Author: Derik Parley
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Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more
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