While wearing glasses doesn’t have the stigma it used to, when a child first has to get their head around the issue it can certainly be a little daunting in some cases. But if you do a bit of preparation before the trip to the optician to have a test and choose a frame, the process can be much easier – for both the child and the parent! It’s important to be patient and remember all this is new, so there may be a certain amount of apprehension, particularly for a very young child. (It’s a good idea to stay in your area, so booking in for a local eye test won’t be too intimidating for them.) The key to ensuring the process is relaxed and stress-free is to make it fun. Here are a few simple ways you can do just that. Lead by Example Of course, if you wear spectacles yourself the job will be halfway done, because the idea won’t be unfamiliar to your child. You may even have taken them in with you for your last local eye test at the optician. But if you don’t, point out a friend, family member or even better, a favourite celebrity, who wears them and let them see how cool and relaxed that person is about it. Tip: Don’t forget that one of the most famous boys in the world wears glasses (Harry Potter). Let them Choose their Own Frames It’s very important to give your child some control over what’s happening and that means allowing them to be very involved when choosing their frames. Obviously there needs to be supervision (and advice from the optician), but ultimately they’re the ones wearing them, so they should be allowed to decide the style and colour. Because if you or anyone else imposes a decision and they end up with a pair they don’t like, they simply won’t wear them. Keep them Informed Once the frames are ordered, make sure you keep the child in the loop as to when they’ll be picked up. Creating some anticipation and excitement around the event can add to their willingness to start wearing them straight away. Steady, Steady Even if they’re incredibly eager to start wearing the glasses, though, it’s important to remember they’ll take some getting used to. Start things slowly by suggesting they wear them for half an hour (or less) at first, then gradually work up to longer. Praise them when they put them on without fuss, and there’s nothing wrong with offering a bit of a treat for doing so. A good idea is to make it a routine in the mornings, so it simply becomes part of their life, eventually. Give them Ownership Make them responsible for their own glasses, by giving them a sense of pride and ownership. Show them how to correctly clean and care for them, and ensure they understand they need to keep them safe at all times. Check In The final piece of advice is to remember to check in regularly with your child to make sure they’re still comfortable wearing their glasses. Ask questions about the fit, comfort and whether they’re helping or not and make sure there han’t been any teasing or hurtful comments from other children at school. Book Your Child in for a Local Eye Test For a young person, getting used to wearing their first pair of specs can be tricky, but under the care of a good optician, having a local eye test and the process that follows can be fun and fuss free. Author Plate David Paul opticians epitomise everything you want from a local eyewear specialist. Not only do they offer local eye test services, they also provide an expert service that includes OCT testing, advice on buying your ultimate pair of glasses and much more. The team of experienced eyewear specialists and expert optometrists are there to make your glasses and contact lens buying experience the best it can be.
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