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26. Baseball...America's Favorite Nap-time
March 31, 2019

Baseball…America’s Favorite Nap-time The long, boring Major League baseball season has started and once again, the old fogies who control the rules rejected ideas about speeding up the sport…so baseball still barely edges out watching paint dry or grass grow in a list of most exciting events. The committee has some new concepts, but use Spring Training games or the minor leagues to test the ideas. I predict that one minor change will be adopted over the next twenty years. Team owners, however, are very content to maintain outdated rules to ensure that games continue at an excruciatingly s... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

27. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 14
March 17, 2019

Report # 14: An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, a former Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous thirteen reports on the seven-month history of the transformation that has occurred in Laicos County. March 17, 2019: I now write as an independent blogger, as I was terminated last week as a correspondent for the Mirror Rearview by their backward-looking ownership group. The Mirror Rearview readers supposedly indicated that my reflective columns violated the paper’s motto, “The Mirror neve... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

28. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 13
February 14, 2019

Report # 13; An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous twelve reports on the six-month history of the transformation that has occurred at the three Laicos County public golf courses. (February 14) After several days roaming the streets of Laicos County I gathered candid comments about the recent decisions by the Laicos County Commissioners on the golf course operations and the new adopted tax measures. The following are direct quotes from answers to a fe... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

29. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 12
January 31, 2019

Special Report # 12; An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous eleven reports on the six-month history of the transformation that has occurred at the three Laicos County public golf courses. (January 31, 2019) Yesterday afternoon, Alice N. Wonderland held a press conference to announce the steps the Laicos County Commissioners approved for dealing with the on-going losses at the three County golf operations, as well as recapturing the twenty million doll... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

30. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 11
January 12, 2019

Special Report # 11; An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous ten reports on the five-month history of the transformation that has occurred at the three Laicos County public golf courses. (January 12, 2019) The Laicos County Commissioners held a public hearing earlier this week at the Laicos County Auditorium after an audit revealed that over twenty million dollars have been spent by the County on improvements made at the three public golf courses. It w... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

31. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 10
December 23, 2018

Special Report # 10; An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous nine reports on the five-month history of the transformation that has occurred at the Laicos County public golf courses. (December 23, 2018): The Laicos County Commissioners held an emergency meeting last night to discuss several measures to stem the rapidly declining revenues at the three County golf courses. Operating losses have also mounted recently, especially since the implementation of... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

32. A New Lease On Life: Five Flops That Became Cult Films
December 15, 2018

There are hundreds of movies made every year, and while each one feels it has a fighting chance to be one of the best, a select few fall flat on their face & become cult films. At one time, having the cult film moniker attached a film meant that is was just a bogus movie being hyped up in arthouse theaters. Now, it’s not such a bad thing as some of the most popular movies of all-time are technically box office flops that have developed cult-like followings. Here are five movies that were once failures in theaters, but over time, they’ve become beloved by audiences around the world: T... (read more)

Author: Alfred Mears

33. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 9
December 09, 2018

Special Report # 9; An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous 8 reports. (December 10, 2018) The Laicos County Golf Course Executive, ‘Duff’ Hacker, held a press conference today announcing new rules to be implemented for the three County golf courses, effective immediately. Hacker confirmed that at least twenty golfers have been hit in the head by golf balls over the past two months and three lawsuits have been filed by the players against the County. A... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

34. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 8
November 25, 2018

Report # 8; An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. (November 25, 2018) After my brief discussion with Jim Nasticks two weeks at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at Sausage Creek Links, I wanted to obtain a much greater perspective on his opinions about the revolutionary changes at the three Laicos County golf courses implemented by “Duff’ Hacker, the County Golf Executive. The following is my entire interview with Mr. Nasticks. Reporter: “I gather from you comments to me two week... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

35. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 7
November 11, 2018

Special Report # 7: A series from Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. (November 11, 2018) Yesterday, the County Executives had a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Sausage Creek Links to celebrate the grand opening of the renovated clubhouse. Alice N. Wonderland was given the honor of cutting the large blue ribbon at the front entrance of the building, as most of the Laicos County Executives linked their arms in solidarity. Lester “Duff” Hacker, the Golf Commissioner who orchestrated the transformation of th... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

36. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 6
October 25, 2018

Report # 6: Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. (October 25, 2018); Last week, I met with Lester “Duff” Hacker, the Golf Director for the Laicos County Golf courses. The following is the full content of my interview with him. Reporter: “After three months in the position as Director of Golf operations, how would you summarize your accomplishments so far?” Hacker: “Terrific…I give myself a ten rating…naturally, on a scale of ten.” Reporter: “Have you decided to start playing golf to eva... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

37. Current Movies Not To Miss If You Love To Laugh
October 18, 2018

It’s no secret that the current movies you see being shown at your local movie theater are pretty deep, carefully crafted, and inspiring works of visual art that are certain to get buzz come awards season. While there’s nothing wrong with these movies, sometimes you just want to go watch a movie and laugh your backside off. It’s not that you don’t appreciate stellar acting performances, dramatic scripts, or flawless execution by a director. But when it comes right down to it, nothing pleases the soul more than just being able to let out a big laugh. The issue that comedies often run into ... (read more)

Author: Alfred Mears

38. Cult Films: The Good, The Bad And The Not-So-Ugly
October 18, 2018

When you sit back and judge any one of a number of cult films, you’re doing so with a certain amount of preconceived notions. For many of these films, they’ve gone through decades of ridicule and scrutiny, with most opinions falling in two camps — genius & ahead of its time or pure garbage. With that kind of baggage, it’s a little tough to be able to make your own opinion when you finally take the plunge & watch. Here are a select cult films that have actually moved in and out of favor among their cult following over the years. Nonetheless, each certainly has its place: The Good: Cle... (read more)

Author: Alfred Mears

39. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 5
October 11, 2018

Special Report # 5: Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. (October 11, 2018) This reporter investigated Round Trip Fields, the third Laicos County golf course that I’ve played since the implementation of the new golf policies by Lester “Duff” Hacker, the recently appointed Laicos County Golf Manager. For many years, Round Trip Fields has been rated in the toughest 100 courses in the U.S. by at least three golf magazines, so I was keenly interested in how Hacker had transitioned the course to entice new... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

40. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 4
October 01, 2018

Special Report # 4: Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, USA. (September 28, 2018) This reporter played Sausage Creek Links yesterday. I wanted to compare it with Hammer Valley Club that I tried to play two weeks ago when I gave up after one hole. To avoid being matched with beginners again, I scanned the online tee sheet, and observed open tee times on the back nine holes before nine o’clock, so I elected to just show up at seven-thirty. I remitted the ten-dollar green fee to the new golf professional; whose was appropriately... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

41. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 3
September 13, 2018

Special Report #3: Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, USA. (September 13, 2018) This reporter decided to play Hammer Creek Club yesterday to evaluate the ongoing changes implemented by Lester “Duff” Hacker over the past month, since beginning his new position as Laicos County Golf Manager. I decided to play as a single golfer and made an online tee time at 9 AM for nine holes of golf. As I drove into the facility, I immediately noticed that the main billboard was gone, as well as several advertising signs bordering the parking lo... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

42. The Mirror Rearvew; Report # 2
August 29, 2018

Special Report #2: Stephen P. Bye; Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, USA. (August 29, 2016) This reporter interviewed Lester “Duff” Hacker, who was recently appointed as Laicos County Golf Manager. Two weeks ago, the County commissioners voted to terminate a ten-year old management contract with Golf Really Incredible Management (GRIM) for the three County golf courses and approved a new position of County Golf Manager. Hacker is a twenty year County employee, who most recently, was a senior manager in the County’s waste management division. ... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

43. The Mirror RearView; Report # 1
August 20, 2018

Welcome to my first blog. In this fictional presentation, I take the role of a reporter for the Mirror Rearview, a news service that covers the satirical events in Laicos County, an imaginary municipality in the United States. This blog will be updated at least twice per month. Special Report: Stephen P. Bye, correspondent for the Mirror Rearview. (August 16, 2018) This reporter has learned that the Laicos County Commissioners have held secret meetings over the past six months regarding the operation of the three municipal golf courses. A subcommittee, headed by County Ex... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

44. Silver's History of Purity and Warding Off Evil
October 30, 2017

With Halloween upon us, it is time to brush up on our knowledge of which fictional monsters are susceptible to the effects of silver and the origin of many uses. Silver is often represented in folklore and contemporary fiction as an effective defense against werewolves, but vampires and many other frightful creatures are vulnerable to silver’s effects. Since ancient times, silver has been associated with purity and the moon. Ancient literature is brimming with mentions of silver and attributions to magical powers, antidotes to illnesses, lunar deities, bringing good luck, and protection again... (read more)

Author: Edward Wayne

45. The Keurig Saga
July 08, 2017

We all get awesome wedding gifts. One of mine forty years ago was a Farberware coffee pot. It was an 8 cup perk and it cranked out wonderful coffee for a year or so. It met its' demise through Babcie, my mother-in-law. She was a devoted instant coffee drinker. So, the weekend that my parents came to visit, she filled the Farberware with water and put it on the stove to heat the water. She wanted us to have fresh coffee when we got up but confused the two methods of making it. My dad was first up. He hit the top of the stairs and smelled the acrid odor of the burning pot, flew down to t... (read more)

Author: Margot Howe

46. Amateur in the Kitchen
July 03, 2017

bakeware sets.   You can visit her site at">I don't remember the first time my mother plopped me on the counter so I could help stir a batch of cookies. But I'm willing to bet that most everyone remembers their first unaccompanied foray into the kitchen. Mine came at age seven. Playing hookey from school (a sore throat or something similar) I had my heart set on whoopee pies. I'd seen enough of these marvelous chocolaty sandwiches come out of the oven. It sure looked easy enough. Reading the recipe was a cinch, but somehow my mind transposed 2 cups of flou... (read more)

Author: Margot Howe

47. CSI 18b-The Case of the Deadbeat Beauty
April 14, 2016

Not everything always works out in Forensicland. Sometimes we strike out. In more ways than one. I was gazing out the tall windows of my office at the blue, blue Santa Barbara sky, with nary a cloud in sight. It was my 50-something birthday. The bills were ignored. It seemed like a perfect day. Then the phone rang and a delightful voice answered. Ginger Justín. She laughed; she loved my jokes; she thought I was brilliant. She said I was perfect for her. As an expert. I reminded her of her dad. Her deceased dad. I should have taken the cue. It seems that Ms. Justín’s dad had pa... (read more)

Author: Steve Burgess

48. 10 Commandments of Comedy Club Etiquette
October 20, 2015

A lot of people will disregard the importance of basic etiquette when at a comedy club such as Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, but it is important in a comedy club as much as it is anywhere else that people are performing. Here are the 10 commandments regarding basic comedy club etiquette to take with you. I. Thou Shalt Know the Rules of the Club This should go without saying but the first comedy club commandment is to know the rules of the club and respect them. Every comedy club has its own rules and make sure you know what they are before you go so you can be respectful. ... (read more)

Author: Cleo Gib

49. Equality and diversity is about much more than political correctness.
April 21, 2015

Equality and Diversity training. How does it matter in the workplace, anyway? Surely, the average staff member is too focused on their work to treat those of a different background to them in a hostile way? Alas, you would be surprised just how necessary such training remains in the 21st century workplace. However, equality and diversity training is also about so much more than political correctness or the basic respect for other people that one might imagine it to boil down to. True, a company may initially seek such training due to a documented instance of sexual harassment or other di... (read more)

Author: Smith Lara

50. Long-time drug addicted young adults may be assisted by mindfulness training
April 09, 2015

The MORE intervention's participants used mindfulness meditation to focus on all of a pleasant experience or objects (such as a sunset or other beautiful natural scene) sensory features, while reflecting on any positive emotions that they experienced as a result of this event. Meanwhile, in the support group, topics and emotions related to chronic pain and opioid use/misuse were discussed. The Substance abuse therapists across the United States will be interested to learn of recent research pointing to the usefulness of mindfulness training in reducing the deficits in natural reward proc... (read more)

Author: Smith Lara

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