For all your pleasure needs">Is it safe to use sex vibrators during pregnancy? Pregnancy does not stop you using your sex vibrators at all. However, there are some precautions you should pay more attention to when using them during pregnancy. Sex vibrators are fine to use during most pregnancies. It is important though that you keep your toys clean as infections could lead to an early birth. Some quick tips Make sure that after each use you sex vibrators are cleaned all over. This includes all the buttons, the handle and of course the end that has been inserted. Rinse off any cleaning products thoroughly. You don’t want to leave traces of any soaps, bleaches or anything else you use to clean your toy. Store them in a clean dry area where they will not collect dust or other foreign material before you use it next time. Use different toys for different areas. Don’t use the same toy in your vagina and anus even if you clean it well. There might still be elements that could cause infection. Don’t share your toys. This is especially relevant if you are in a same-sex relationship. Keep your toys separate. Clean yourself thoroughly if you get a chance before having sex. This might not always be possible with the spontaneous nature of sexual activity, but if you can it will help stop infections. Sex vibrators may improve satisfaction during pregnancy You may find that you get greater satisfaction from you sex vibrators while you are pregnant. This is due to the increased blood flow to the vagina region resulting in heightened orgasms reported by many women. Sex during pregnancy is good for the woman also as she goes through altered body images. Showing that she is still beautiful and lovable releases all the endorphins and will make her happier. Sex vibrators can be used to stimulate the clitoris and other areas around the vagina if you go off full penetrative sex during pregnancy. This can lead to full orgasm and will also release the endorphins that make you feel happier and loved. Final word of caution for using sex vibrators during pregnancy First of all, if you have experienced any bleeding during your pregnancy then you should speak to your doctor, midwife or health professional before using any sex toys during your pregnancy. If you have been told that you have a low-lying placenta, or it is laying over the cervix then you should use extreme caution with your toys and only use them low down in the vagina. It is best to seek advice from your health professional in this case too. Your health professional may warn you against using sex toys as it could lead to early labor. Listen to them as they have your best interests at heart. You may suspect that you have a vaginal infection and if so then you should refrain from using sex toys until this has cleared up. Finally, if your waters break then you should stop your sexual activity and get to where you are going to have the baby as delivery is imminent. In conclusion You may experience heightened satisfaction and stronger orgasms when using your sex vibrator during pregnancy. This is a good thing. You may also find that you don’t want anything inside you during pregnancy and this is fine. Your vibrator can be used to satisfaction just on the outside of your vagina. Let your partner know. If the vibrator hurts at any time or feels extra hard, ask your partner to be gentle. Remember the blood flow is increased and the whole area will be more sensitive. You can still enjoy sex during pregnancy. Listen to your doctor and follow their advice. Don’t let the pregnancy stop you enjoying your healthy sex life though. Annabel Star Author: Sexy Kitten For all your pleasure needs
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