Previously I wrote about a prevalent and inescapable human condition called “learned ignorance” that is, we acquire information to rectify falsely held perceptions, but continue with those incorrect notions in spite of our knowledge. Let’s see…so far I’ve slammed the medical profession, religion, science, and aircraft workers. This is my last burn on the subject, which features government, politicians, and the electorate. The last category refers to us; otherwise known as the voting public. We’re the biggest ignoramuses of all. Why? We confuse freedom and equality, and therefore, tolerate living in a system built on a foundation of insidious scheming by politicians and (mostly) naiveté by us. In addition, there is plenty of learned ignorance thrown in the mix to go around. NOTE: I'll expand on freedom and equality, two total opposites, in a future article. Hint: It's "artificial" equality that's the bug-a-boo. Please do not infer that I’m portraying myself up as some kind of expert, which I am definitely NOT. But I am a thinker; and one who does his own thinking. I invite you to do the same. Me, I believe in freedom, which means having the ability to do with my life as I please as long as I do not harm or take aggression against another. A major means by which politicians and governments restrict freedom is by taking and redistributing money through excessive taxation in a misguided attempt to force equality, which is aggression. People are not equal. We have different abilities, desires, goals, and talents; and are (in nature) rewarded thusly. However, all people DO have equal rights, but just because Paul is financially driven to achieve more wealth does not mean Peter is entitled to any of it. That does not mean we should not be charitable, helpful, and giving to those less fortunate, but we should not be forced by any government to do so. Aggression by all forms of government against the individual has accelerated over the last 25 years and is downright ridiculous. My home owners association dictated all mailbox posts must be changed from a grayish-blue to black under penalty of fines. I mean, come on, where does it stop? Well, if you don’t like it get out and vote for change! Right; that’s the ticket. That hope-and-change schtick really worked out well in the last national election didn’t it? Well, things did change—for the worse! Oops, I forgot. It’s always the fault of the previous administration. Let’s take a look at politicians and the vote. One definition of politics is: The plotting and scheming of those seeking personal power, glory, etc. Gee, that’s comforting. The vote is the manner the system uses to assure “majority rule” (we’ll get to that later), but in order for a candidate to be on the slate the following must occur: 1) financial backing and connections, which require “favors” later; 2) stump for votes by making unrealistic and contradictory promises (lie your ass off) to special interest groups; 3) get enough votes to be “in”; and 4) when “in” commit aggression against the citizenry in order to keep at least a few campaign promises. Finally, majority rule is a fallacy in America since only half of those eligible to vote do so with half of those casting votes for the winner. So you have 75 percent of the people ruled by laws and officials for which 25 percent voted. However, the real gut-level ruling is done by people in regulatory offices who aren’t elected in the first place. “Mandate of the people” my ass! What the “people have chosen” is one of two hand-picked candidates propped up as honorable, each having been selected by an elite group of activists, and elected by the so-called majority. It’s an illusion, folks; smoke-and-mirrors. Here’s the reality. It doesn’t matter who you elect or to which party the candidate belongs. Democrats and Republicans are virtually the same when it comes to restricting individual freedom and trying to force equality. However, in recent times the Democrats have been more successful because the Republicans have virtually no identity thanks to their incessant squabbling about whether to be conservative or moderate. See, the Democrat sales pitch is more attractive, which is basically “If you put us in office we’ll give you whatever you want no matter what it costs or where we have to get it!” By the way, the terms “liberal” and “progressive” today are misdefinitions. They have been appropriated by a group who is most aggressively restricting personal freedom. To illustrate, I'll contrast a normal person with today's liberal: 1) Don't like guns? Normal - Doesn't buy one. Liberal - wants all guns outlawed. Same deal with Christmas decorations and songs. 2) Tough times? Normal - How do I get myself out of this? Liberal - Who's fault is it, and who's going to take care of me? 3) Don't like Rush Limbaugh? Normal - change station. Liberal - Demands Limbaugh be shut down. They are a bunch of tight-assed, humorless, elite snobs who want to tell you how to run your life because, well, you’re too stupid to know what’s good for you. They desire to become the new ruling class where everything is owned and/or controlled by the State. Here’s the kicker: You, my friends, are helping them by signing up to the aforementioned sales pitch. So in the end when our society finally becomes a socialist “paradise” (then collapses as they all do) it’ll be just desserts. Karl Marx said socialism is an intermediate step between capitalism and full-blown communism, which needs to be controlled by ruthless dictators until the people “get it”. In over 60 years the Russian and Cuban people never got it; and China reverted to capitalism. In all cases totalitarianism, which tolerates no opposition and demands unquestioning submission to authority, remained. The two political parties and their willing accomplices in the media make it almost impossible for any real change by restricting access by any third-party challenger with a differing opinion. For example, a groundswell of activity by people fed up with government-as-usual emerged as the Tea party. Mainly, they’re sick-and-tired of excessive taxation, advocate a bare-bones government, and want government to cease interfering in our lives. How are they portrayed? As racists, bigots, and the bane of old people and children. And it’s working; i.e., their “approval” rating has fallen because of scare tactics suggesting their bare-bone government plans will kill off the massive redistribution of wealth programs. It doesn’t matter that The TPers have a high number of blacks as advocates and have elected black officials. The public buys-in because the politician or newsman or reporter is nice looking, has great hair, and glib. So we’re guilty of two things: gross stupidity because we let them do our thinking for us so we can spend most of our time chasing pop culture BS; and learned ignorance because we deny what we know is reality. And by the way, for all of you who bitch and moan about corporate salaries, are you aware of what the television talking heads earn? Why no outrage there? My leftwing, bomb-throwing buddy, Dennis, says I’m an anarchist. Actually, all I want is to be left alone, maybe sit on the sand and sip a Mojito. You know? Gene Myers (
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politicians, scheming, naivete, freedom, equality, aggression, vote, majority rule,