I saw a fantastic bumper sticker the other day. I mean it really spoke to me; drilled smack dab into my innermost core! SNOOKI: A WALKING OIL SLICK I’m pulling your leg; but wouldn’t that be aces? I read where she’s coming out with a fragrance. People want to smell like Snooki? Seriously? Wonder what that scent will resemble? Probably the dizzying bouquet of booze being sweated from her pores the morning after. Pardon me for being blunt, but yuk! Imagine being married to Snooki. I mean, we all get married. See, I got married for love. I know it must have been love because I chose marriage over fun. But I digress… Here’s the bumper sticker I actually saw: NEVER RE-ELECT ANYBODY! What a great idea! Sign me up! The last straw: two congressmen (Dems) have introduced a bill to ban chewing tobacco in baseball. Guys, just get the hell out of our lives! See the thing is, term limits can only be imposed by those already ensconced in government; the same crew that has power to grant themselves raises and big perks. Do you seriously think any kind of self-limitation has a snowball’s chance in hell with those clowns at the switch? We have no voice other than to 1) protest by demonstrating, 2) write letters and essays, and 3) demand the process be redefined and rewritten. All three can be effective in the long term I suppose, but patience is not a virtue in today’s electronic age. People want results now. A fourth option would be to violently over-throw the whole shebang; but that’s too messy and bloody (for my taste). However, Jefferson said of free societies, “Freedom must be earned by blood.” That was the reasoning behind the 2nd Amendment; give the citizenry an option should the government stray off-course. Still, bullets and bombs flying around usually cause a bigger mess controlled by bigger boobs. To that point, I saw this morning that the flag of Al Qaeda is flying over government buildings in Libya. I suppose they’ll give US and allies a big shukran (thank you) for the assist. You know Bin Laden and Qaddafi are dead for sure because both just registered as voters in Chicago. Whatever the change method, some people advocate destroying the system to save it. Sorry, but that’s not my cup-of-tea since I already believe our system, as designed, is about as good as it gets. That said, it looks like the objective of some so-called progressives (new self-given label of socialists, communists, and far-left liberals) is to do exactly that: cause the system to fail so it may be replaced by a new, socialist utopia. Come on, folks, really? When was the last socialistic system (since the beginning of society) successful? Marx said it must be imposed by strict, punishing totalitarianism until the people get it—you know, like running over protesters with tanks. It’s been 90-plus years since the onset of the great Soviet experiment, and those folks never “got it”. How long do you need? How about China, you say? China has turned capitalistic with 271 billionaires, with the trend increasing, and 960,000 millionaires. Of these, 46 percent of those have decided to emigrate citing government corruption and government run schools as the main reasons. Oh well, you still have Cuba. Now there’s a success story. I spoke to a few of the “occupy Wall Street” people, who are for the most part well-educated whites taught by their professors that capitalism is evil. They seem to completely ignore the atrocities of Russia, Cuba, and China. Hitler was said to kill 10 million, but Stalin double that and Mao 32 million! Of course the progressive apologists claim that can’t be proven except for Hitler. Oh yeah? I wonder if they know the real name of the Nazis was the National Socialist Party. Also, how come you wise sages know the exactly how fast the earth is heating up, and how long before it’s over for the planet? Gore said just below the crust it’s over a million degrees, which is pretty amazing since the Sun is “only” 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Maybe what these hating, anti-Semite protesters really mean (but can’t articulate) is that they hate crony-capitalism. You think? On that I agree. For sure the schemes of the bankers who wrecked the economy, investment counselors like Bernie Madoff, and executives like those greedy buttheads from Enron deserve the worst kind of fate. Crony-anything is terrible, and it seems to be our human condition to screw up any system. So the real (so-called) problem is our innate human condition. You see, although many things in nature are REAL problems, after eons and eons of human history one must conclude our human condition is NOT a problem we can solve. It’s a FATE that must be endured! Chaos and disorder is the natural “order” of the universe. A process known as entropy is the force that drives from order to chaos; like putting cream into coffee. Try as we might, we cannot restore the cream and coffee to their original orderly state. The mixture represents chaos. And so, we free-thinking humans often attempt to create or restore order based on some political ideology like benevolent dictatorships, kingdoms, socialism, communism, capitalism, republics, or democracies. The original ideologues usually (but not always) have the greater good in mind. The trouble is that sooner-or-later those in control of the new political system are either co-opted by an insidious third-party or succumb to their greedy human condition and let the system morph into one in which a vital few hold great power over the trivial many—without exception! Though they do not realize it, that’s the real bottom line that both ends of the spectrum (occupy gang and tea party) are bitching about. The occupy gang blames banks and corporations, and the tea party blames government. Think about it. It’s truly cause-and-effect; that is, get crony-government stopped (lobbyists and congress), and crony-capitalism ceases as well. Like all socialistic systems, true democracies from antiquity have failed. Democracies represent the most chaotic of all political systems. It’s mob rule; that is, whichever group squeals the loudest (the squeaky wheel) gets served. As such, democracies tend to breakdown into polarized me-me-me factions. Sound familiar? Over the last 30 years our country has become more and more polarized and converted from a republic under law of the constitution to a democracy. And who’s done the most harm? I’ll answer that for you: the Baby Boom generation also known as the ME generation. The occupy gangs often mention that it’s corruption under the watch of the boomers that have screwed the pooch for them. Boomers raised expectations by rearing their children to believe they’re entitled to “everything” then collapsed the economy pulling the rug out from under them. How can we help? We can put aside our party-line BS, flush the ideologues from television, print, and radio; and vote the bastards out. Never re-elect anybody! Do you have the stones? Copyright 2011 by Gene Myers (www.myersamazon.com) Check out Amazon’s Kindle page. Type in my name and click on AFTER HOURS and SONGS FROM LATTYS GROVE. Download the free samples.
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