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Mandate of the People by Gene Myers

Mandate of the People by
Article Posted: 11/08/2012
Article Views: 1987
Articles Written: 220
Word Count: 912
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Mandate of the People

The election’s over! Hip, hip, hooray and hot damn! Also, hot dog! (A kosher one for my Jewish friends.) In my heart-of-hearts I do not expect anything to change except an upsurge of hate-and-discontent, bitching-and-griping, gridlock, non-action, denial, projection-of-blame, and higher taxes. My comment has nothing to do with winners and losers. We’re all losers. The result would be the same regardless of the election outcome: Romney or Obama. It’s a statement of what we have become in this country; a country where even supporters of professional sports team WINNERS riot and vandalize their own cities. Our collective national IQ has dumbed-down to an uh-hyulk-duh-gee-whiz level, but we (in our arrogance) still think we’re better than other countries. The Europeans have been laughing at us crude, loud, ignorant Americans for years. So why do we have such a superior mind set? Here’s why: because our government leaders and the talking heads tell us so. We believe our own press clippings. We’ve slurped-up the Jim Jones Kool-Aid. Hell, I even remember when the same so-called leaders (different names, different time, but same difference) told us Juan and Eva Peron were beloved leaders of Argentina. Beloved, my ass! They were torturing people!

Back in September I wrote as essay entitled, “The Diversified States of America: The Good Ol’ DSA” in which I said I was dropping out of the national election BS, and to wake me when it’s over. Thankfully it’s over. No more television and radio ads. What a relief! The only problem is it’s one of those slumbers where you wake with a headache. Ever have one of those?

This blurb is not intended as a hit job on the US voting system, but simply to report reality. Since we have turned into a Hatfield versus McCoy society, more polarized than ever, some facts are in order. I do not expect facts to have any bearing on the mindset of either a hard D or R, since neither cares about facts only their particular ideology, no matter how flawed and ridiculous. With that in mind, here we go…

Before our national election I heard both sides (well, their talking heads) say the results would be the “mandate of the people”. What complete and utter rubbish! Here’s something to chew on: the US population is about 315 million, not including illegal immigrants. Of that number, approximately 134 million (42 percent) are registered voters. National elections get a better turnout when the presidency is up for grabs, and being generous, maybe 94 million actually cast ballots. That’s about 30 percent of the population. The US is divided half and half right down the middle, which means 15 percent of the population made the decision about what agenda would go forth. Would someone please tell me how 15 percent is a “mandate of the people”? Do I have a better idea? No, not really. Not unless the people want to declare me benevolent dictator for life. I would be sooo good…

When George H. W. Bush was voted out of office 20 years ago the reason, which became the rallying cry of his opponents was, IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID! Apparently, it’s not the economy anymore. It’s political correctness, and redistribution of wealth, and class envy, and creating a social welfare state, and a socialist paradise. It’s about being envious of those who have achieved, and demanding equal “stuff” because we believe we deserve it even though it has not been earned. Listen to the talking heads… Illegal immigrants DESERVE free health care and education and rights to jobs and voting privileges. Americans DESERVE more jobs! American workers DESERVE higher pay! Americans DESERVE free health care! In my opinion, we DESERVE only two things: 1) What we have earned, and 2) Equal opportunities and rights under the Constitution.

I leave you with a quote from Nikita Khrushchev from 1959. For younger readers; that is, all those who get their geo-political chops from Comedy Central and pop culture icons, Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Union after Stalin kicked-the-bucket. One of his more famous moves was pounding on the table with his shoe at the UN in his famous we-will-bury-you speech. Khrushchev said this: “Your children’s children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you; WE’LL SO WEAKEN YOUR ECONOMY, until you fall down like overripe fruit into our hands.” Well, Khrushchev is gone, but fear not some of our own citizens have picked up his sword.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: My latest book is in the second rewrite stage, and should be ready for the editors before Christmas. Also, I’ll have one more essay before Thanksgiving. Back in the day one of my fraternity brothers went into the country and rustled a turkey. It’s a story that deserves to be read.

Cheers until then.

Copyright by Gene Myers, author of AFTER HOURS: ADVENTURES OF AN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSMAN (2009), Strategic Publishing Group, New York, NY – a hilarious account of the author’s overseas travels; and SONGS FROM LATTYS GROVE (2010), PublishAmerica, Fredericksburg, MD - a mildly sinister, but amusing work of fiction. Both are available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and available in Amazon Kindle and Nook formats.


Related Articles - election, Romney, Obama, US voting system, Nikita Khrushchev, socialism,

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