How to Refill E-Cigar Cartridges E-cigars are an alternative cigar for smokers. An e-cigar doesn't contain the harmful additives and chemicals that are found in normal cigars. Smokers can refill e-cigar cartridges using a substance called e-liquid. E-liquid simulates the flavoring, nicotine and propylene glycol of a normal cigar. It also provides a visible smoke, which is actually a vapor created through heating by an atomizer. E-liquid is available in a variety of flavors. Instructions 1 Remove the cap to the outer cartridge with your fingers. Use a paper clip to pry the inside cartridge out of the e-cigar. The inside cartridge only needs to be visible, not removed. 2 Remove the cap from the e-liquid bottle and use a syringe to extract the liquid. Insert the syringe into the bottle until the tip of the syringe is submerged in the liquid. Slowly pull up on the plunger of the syringe to suction the liquid into the syringe. 3 Insert the needle into the inside cartridge filler until the needle is close to the bottom of the inside cartridge. 4 Push the plunger of the syringe with your thumb to release the liquid into the inside cartridge. Slowly move the needle to ensure an even fill. Stop when the you see the liquid near the top of the inside cartridge. 5 Push the inside cartridge back into the outside cartridge and reattach the cap. 6 Clean your syringe with fresh water and flushing it several times. Tips & Warnings Although e-cigars are less harmful than real cigars, they are still unhealthy and can also cause cancer. Always use care and caution when using a syringe. electronic cigarette store Dreambox dm8000 hd pvr dm8000 dm8000 hd dm 8000 hd pvr dm 8000 dreambox 8000
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