Acupuncture original came from ancient China but has become a very popular and effective alternative medicine. The treatment involves the use of needles that penetrate the skin at specific acupuncture points. These points run along meridian lines that cover the body. Acupuncture is considered extremely effective for the treatment of many illnesses and neurological problems. There are very highly trained practitioners that provide acupuncture Fort Lauderdale FL. Acupuncture is carried out according to traditional Chinese medicine, that believes that an energy force known as Chi flows through meridian lines in the body. Illnesses are caused by disruptions of Chi energy and acupuncture seeks to restore the flow of Chi by inserting needles into acupuncture pints along the meridians. Acupuncture is a complimentary medicine that cannot replace modern medicine but it works extremely well alongside it for many health conditions. The acupuncturist makes a diagnosis and decides the meridians that are be treated by asking questions and making observations. They use four ways for diagnosing their patients. These are: inspection, auscultation and olfaction; inquiring, and touching. Inspection involves the practitioner looking at his or her clients tongue. They will inspect the tongue's color, size, shape and the coating on the tongue. They may also check to see f there are any marks on the tongue from biting. The practitioner will also use auscultation and olfaction in order to make a diagnosis. Auscultation means to listen to the patients body for certain sounds, such as heart beats, digestive system sound and breathing. A stethoscope is usually used for this. Olfaction refers to detecting to the odors that the body is emitting. Inquiring refers to the seven specific enquires made in traditional Chinese medicine. These are: thirst and taste; bowel movements; pain; sleep; appetite; perspiration and body temperature. The acupuncturist will ask the patients questions regarding each of these areas. Touching refers to touching the body to feel the flow of energy along the meridian. This is often done on the stomach area, although many practitioners will feel the acupoints at other areas of the body. By feeling the practitioner can tell if the meridian is full or empty of chi, and then apply the needles accordingly. The meridians that run through the body correspond to specific organs that represent the elements in Chinese Medicine. These are; earth, fire, wood, water and metal. Every meridian line has acupuncture pints that run along it and certain intervals. The needles are inserted quickly into these points to reduce any pain. Expert acupuncturists can insert the needles so that no pain in felt at all. Needles may be twisted or gently moved by the acupuncturists to stimulate the flow of chi along the meridian. A good number of health authorities recognize acupuncture's ability to help people that suffer from chronic pain and neurological disorders. Acupuncture is perfectly safe, although it is extremely important that clean and sterilized needles are used. If you a resident of FL then you can find a highly qualified and experienced practitioner in the city that can let you experience acupuncture Fort Lauderdale FL. To learn more about acupuncture Fort Lauderdale FL residents can visit the web pages here. You can see details by clicking on the links at now.
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