Members of Standing Committee of the 11th Guangdong ProvincialParty Committee met the netizens online this morning. Wang Yang, Guangdong Party secretary said the netizens wordsreflect problems in the process of the province s transformation,such as urban and rural development issues, regional gap andproblems in migrate workers, education, environment, lands andcorruptions, which the Party committee are aware of and have takenefforts to solve these problems. Guangdong has over 63 million netizens. Wang hoped the netizens canwork together with the authorities to in the happy Guangdongcampaign, and nurture a healthy online community to support theprogress of the whole society. Q&A: Netizen: After years of reform and opening up, why are the eastern,western and northern parts of Guangdong still poor? Wang Yang, Guangdong Party Secretary: To narrow the gap between eastern, western, northern Guangdong andthe Pearl River Delta, is a prominent task in this year s partycongress. To coordinate the regional development is one of ourmajor tasks in Guangdong s upgrade and transformation. Five measures were put forward in the work report to coordinate theregional development: providing same-level basic public services toall regions; further enhance the modern urbanization process inPearl River Delta to drive the development of the eastern, westernand northern Guangdong; support talent nurtures in the eastern,western and northern Guangdong; increase investment ininfrastructure in underdeveloped areas; emphasis on the developmentof county economy and poverty alleviation. I believe after five or ten years, the gap will be graduallynarrowed, what was happened in the past five years. Netizen: What is the current economic situation of Guangdong? Zhu Xiaodan, Governor of Guangdong Province: We have anticipated the pressure on economic development in thefirst half year. According to the Q1 economic statistics, Guangdongsaw declines in major economic indices such as GDP, industrialadded value, foreign trade, retail sales for social consumer goodsand fixed assets investment. The economic downturn is a directresult of global economic downturn and the shrinking externaldemand, and the province s industry transformation slows down thegrowth as well. Small and middle sized enterprise is facing a tuff situation whichis no better than in 2008 global financial crisis. According tothis situation, Guangdong has released a total of 56 measures tosupport the SMEs and put forward favorable financial servicepolicies. The government of Guangdong will take use of the markets forcedmechanism and continue focusing on the transform of economicdevelopment mode, to make a healthy and sustainable development. We are high quality suppliers, our products such as Rfid Smart Tags Manufacturer , Clamshell Card Manufacturer for oversee buyer. To know more, please visits Rfid Inlays.
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