Style alert: The trend this season is all about eyewear. The world we live in is an ever changing place and with that comes the need to look the part. Eyeglasses were known for years as a necessary piece of medical equipment which had the potential to be rather expensive. With the production of affordable eyewear and the ability to purchase a quality product online, prices have plummeted allowing the consumer the freedom to have not just one, but multiple pairs. Style icons from the past are revived every few years and modified with a few modern twists. Take the Wayferer and Aviator styles for example. These two have created a name for themselves in modern culture and surely will stay strong in the future. The basic construction of the Aviator frame made it extremely durable which is still popular amongst the working class in the midwest today. Yet hipsters are also keen on taking this iconic look giving themselves a vintage style. These days celebs and musicians are plastered all over the gossips pages. Paparazzi are following their every move and strike them with a thousand flashes from their cameras. The need to shield oneself then becomes necessary so the obvious choice is to grab a pair of big bulky frames that protect them from the lights, from being easily recognized and from being too exposed. Thus the trend has turned to big chunky frames. Eyeglasses frames of the past were limited in style and material. Most specs were made using metal and glass. Nowadays organic plastics have made the manufacturing and production easier, faster and less costly. Why have one pair when you can have two or three?! With having the option to have many pairs of prescription glasses, one can now choose several different styles to mix and match with different looks. By day give yourself a professional and conservative look with a semi-rimless frame that shows everyone you’re ready for business and by night, switch those lightweight frames for something trendier, chunkier and geekier. Find your inner peacock and express yourself with bold colors and size. The trends in eyewear aren’t just for the youth of today but rather for all ages. Baby Boomers are also choosing vintage like frames giving them nostalgic feelings all-the-while keeping their look up-to-date. Choosing a larger frame hides those smile lines and draws attention away from facial flaws. Even those who are a bit older are saying “Who cares?! I can wear what I want!” This season, buy a few pair of glasses online. Go big, go bold and and try something new. You’ll be able to pick your look with whatever mood strikes you. The semi-rimless and rimless frames give a minimalistic look that allows a person’s looks shine through while the trendier, geekier frames allow a person to show their bolder side. With the low manufacturing cost, you could even treat yourself to a pair of prescription sunglasses, too! Be sure to look out for summer sales and coupons and shop around for the best price. There’s something for everyone out there! Michelle Costanza Weis is a fashion stylist - turned optical specialist. Her focus is on accessories and statement pieces - like prescription eyeglasses. She is currently working for - the easiest way to buy glasses online, which now offers free shipping all over the US, with the code FreeShip10.
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