The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has awarded Albert EinsteinCollege of Medicine of Yeshiva University two grants totaling $8million to study the microenvironments that drive the spread of cancer from the primary tumor to other parts of the body in the processknown as metastasis. "Although metastasis is responsible for the vast majority ofcancer-related deaths, our understanding of this complex process isextremely limited and so are the opportunities for preventingmetastatic disease," said John Condeelis, Ph.D., professor andco-chair of anatomy and structural biology, co-director of theGruss Lipper Biophotonics Center, director of the program inmicroenvironment and metastasis in the Albert Einstein CancerCenter, and holder of the Judith and Burton P. Resnick Chair inTranslational Research at Einstein. Dr. Condeelis is a principalinvestigator on both grants. The first grant, for $4 million over five years, will establish atumor microenvironment research center (TMEN Center) at Einstein,one of 11 new national centers created by NCI's TumorMicroenvironment Network. The Einstein center will be led byprincipal investigator Dr. Condeelis and co-principal investigatorVladislav Verkhusha, Ph.D., professor of anatomy and structuralbiology. The scientists will study two types of primary-tumormicroenvironments. The first type programs cancer cells todisseminate from the primary tumor as dormant tumor cells. Thesecells eventually awaken after many years and give rise to recurrentcancers at distant sites a condition currently not possible todetect and treat. Also under investigation is the type ofmicroenvironment that controls whether disseminating tumor cellswill grow immediately upon arrival at distant sites and aretherefore sensitive to treatment. The research will focus on breast and head and neck tumors, but theresults should be applicable to a wide variety of solid tumors.Other investigators on this grant are from Mount Sinai School ofMedicine, New York; College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering,University at Albany, State University of New York; and theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison. In a second $4 million NCI grant, titled "In vivo multiphoton basedimaging of complex cancer cell behavior," Einstein investigatorswill study the spread of breast tumor cells from the primary tumorusing cutting-edge research methods including: high-resolutionmultiphoton microscopy (capable of imaging breast tumors at thesingle-cell level), advanced fluorescent proteins (which allowmulticolor deep-tissue imaging and studies of dynamics ofmetastasis), and a novel methodology that uses computer modeling toanalyze cancer (which may be able to identify the genes that propelcell migration, dissemination and other tumor-cell behaviorsinvolved in metastasis). One important factor in securing the grants is the advanced imagingcapacity of the Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center, which wasestablished through the generous support of Evelyn Gruss Lipper,M.D., an Einstein alumna, former faculty member and former memberof the Board of Overseers. "Due to her generosity, this combinationof technologies is unique to Einstein," said Dr. Condeelis. Additional References Citations. The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as 430 Stainless Steel Coil , Stainless Steel Coils, and more. For more , please visit Cold Rolled Coils today!
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