First of all what is hypnosis? In simple words, Hypnosis is a trance (unconsciousness) like state resembling sleep. The term "hypnosis" comes from the Greek word Hypnos which means sleep. There are many advantages for health and mental disorders. One such use of hypnosis for reducing weight is been discussed in this article. The use of hypnosis for therapeutic purpose is known as hypnotherapy. Formal definitions for hypnosis can be given in terms of medically, culturally and also generally in a lay man’s terms. Hypnosis is related to science. Let us define it scientifically, “Trance like, state which resembles sleep, induced by a therapist. Therapist focuses attention on the person. The person experiences a memory-loss, suppressed memories and illusion”. •To begin with, a series of instructions are given to the person who is entering the hypnotic stage, called hypnotic induction. •Person under hypnosis is said to have heightened focus and higher level of concentration than usual. •It is proven that, the person only receives, smells, perceives about only those information that an instructor is suggesting. Now let us know, •What is body weight? What is overweight? •How does overweight cause problems to one’s health? How do we overcome it by the method of hypnosis? Body weight: Body weight can be popularly interpreted as, person’s total body weight. This is generally expressed in kilo-grams. Body weight intends one’s health status. Over weight: A healthy body requires a minimum amount of fat for the proper functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems, as thermal insulation as shock absorption for sensitive areas, and as energy for future use. But the accumulation of too much storage fat can impair movement and flexibility, and can alter the appearance of the body. What is BMI? It is a ratio and is expressed as, weight/height. If the ratio turns out to be in the range of 25.5-29.0 then he/she is considered to be overweight. Overweight leading to health problems: •Low back pain and heart failure •Infertility and stroke. •High blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. Treating weight loss by hypnosis: •Soothing, carefully worded scripts can be used to explore a client's reasons for overeating and suggest new ways of thinking through visualizations. You have the control to reject any suggestions you don't feel happy with without any guidance from your hypnotherapist. •Over time you will learn how to replace your negative habits and eating patterns with positive ones suggested by your hypnotherapist. •One of the most commonly asked questions in hypnotherapy is - will hypnotherapy work for me? The answer to that is it's hard to know until you try it yourself. While it certainly won't work in the same way for everyone, the process of talking about developing good habits and getting rid of bad habits should help plant a new level of awareness when it comes to food and exercise. If you are looking for Hypnosis Centre in Brisbane or any information related to Hypnosis treatment, visit Hypnotherapy Brisbane
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