Dividing the Spoils or Spoiling for a Fight: Disputed LotteryWinnings Lottery pool participants must act as quickly as possible to ensurethat illegally retained lottery proceeds can be located and keptsecure until justice can be served against the ticket buyer. May 06, 2012 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Recent news that a Baltimorewoman is embroiled in a dispute with her McDonald's co-workers overthe recent Mega Millions lottery brings to light a few importantlegal issues that are common to other types of civil litigation.The woman is accused of trying to solely claim a share of the $656million jackpot with other announced winners from Maryland,Illinois and Kansas. Everyone understands the appeal of banding together with a group offriends or colleagues to broaden your chances of winning millionsof dollars in a state lottery. Unfortunately, these arrangementsare usually very casual, and the promise of an unexpected windfallcan bring out the worst in a person entrusted with buying thetickets. Acting Quickly to Get an Injunction and Freeze Assets A recent scam in New Jersey led five construction workers to sue afellow crew member whom they say defrauded their weekly lotterypool after cashing in a Mega Millions ticket for $24 million. Whilehe claimed that he had purchased the ticket for himself, a SuperiorCourt jury disagreed and awarded $20 million to the plaintiffs. In that case, quick action by the co-workers' attorney resulted ina court order to freeze the assets until the legal process couldunfold. When multiple people have been cheated out of funds by thesame party, their collective allegations can carry significantweight in the court's decision to allow a lawsuit to proceed.However, they must act as quickly as possible to ensure thatillegally retained lottery proceeds can be located and kept secureuntil justice can be served. Legal action can cut both ways: a Florida woman who had played theweekly state lottery with friends for nearly a decade sued when shewas left out after not being present the week they all anted up fora winning ticket. Lottery winnings are not the only subject ofcontroversy: disputed casino winnings and other valuable prizes canform the basis of a legal action when participants disagree overdistribution. These cases provide many of the same basic legal challenges as contract disputes and other matters of commercial litigation. Because of theimportant tax implications and other complexities, people who feel they have been cheated byanyone from a lottery pool leader to a business partner can discusstheir legal options with a lawyer. Article provided by Aiello, Harris, Marth, Tunnero, Pastor &Schiffman, P.C. Visit us at --- Press release service and press release distribution provided bywww.24-7pressrelease.com. The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as China Yag Laser Hair Removal Machine , IPL Hair Removal Machine, and more. For more , please visit Ultrasonic Cavitation Slimming Machine today!
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