The principal thing on the mind of every body suffering from the unpleasant symptoms of piles will be how to treat hemorrhoids properly. As a victim you will have a lot of questions on your mind about the best ways to deal with this ailment, some of the common questions on your mind will include: - What Are The Different Hemorrhoid Treatment Options? The different methods of treating this ailment include: i) Over-The-Counter Hemorrhoid treatments like piles creams, suppositories and lotions. II) Conventional medical drugs like s, ibruprofen and antibiotics iii) Natural hemorrhoid home cures which include: [A] The use of herbal remedies for hemorrhoids treatment: The herbal cures are made up of natural plants and parts of plants that have medicinal and natural healing properties on inflamed piles tissues. [B] The use of anti-constipation diet to relieve constipation which is the major precursor of piles, this type of diet comprises mainly of fresh fruits, vegetables and high fiber diets. [C] Lifestyle changes which help to prevent further worsening of symptoms by strengthening the tissues of the wall of the anal and rectal veins. These lifestyle changes also aim to improve the general well- being of the body. iv) Piles surgery with both minor and major surgeries like banding treatment, injection treatment, photocoagulation, scalpel hemorrhoidectomy, stapled hemorrhoidectomy etc. - What Is The Safest Way To Treat Hemorrhoids? The safest way to treat hemorrhoids is to make use of natural home based cures which act naturally to address the disease without causing any side effects. Over the counter creams and lotions usually contain steroids which can cause discoloration and shrinking of skin after prolonged use and analgesics like ibuprofen can lead to abdominal pain after prolonged use. Hemorrhoid surgery could be complicated with post surgery pain, infection and bleeding. -How Much Will Treatment Cost? Hemorrhoid surgery is an expensive option with some of the major hemorrhoid surgeries costing up to twelve thousand dollars if you health insurance does not cover the operation and even if your health insurance covers the operation you might still need to cough out about two thousand dollars out of your pocket for the operation. Although the individual units of common over the counter drugs like creams and suppositories might not be too high, the accumulated and repeated use of over the counter drugs gradually depletes your pocket. The cheapest form of treatment is by the use of simple home based natural cures which consists mainly of lifestyle and diet changes which you can use at nil or little cost. -What are the best diet and lifestyle changes that I can use to cure my symptoms at home? You can discover the best diet and lifestyle changes for cheap and effective piles home cure by making use of a simple hemorrhoid home treatment guide. And so you are invited to go to to learn in details how you can access a simple effective hemorrhoid home treatment guide to cure your symptoms at home. Finally click here to read a free book on hemorrhoid treatment at home.
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