When I listened to President Obama’s speech defending the problems of Obamacare, and pledging all would be well (Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain), I had but one thought: Oh, my God he sounds like an Enron executive. I thought maybe the media would pick up on it and call the man to task. (cricket sounds) Look, I understand that he’s their man, and they will bend over backward to support him. That’s all right. I completely understand them and the sycophant Hollywood mental giants. However, support him or not, the media has a public responsibility to stop being shills and become actual journalists. Before you label me a racist and right-winger—the typical liberal reaction to anyone who disagrees with them—hear this: I support neither party and dropped out of the last election in disgust. Refer to my article, “Mandate of the People” published by www.amazines.com November 8, 2012. Being an equal opportunity political party basher, I’ll get around to the GOP in a later rant, but for now I’m over the top disgusted with donkey (the ass is an appropriate symbol) gang and especially the so-called Affordable Care Act (ACA). Before I go there let me ask how the hell any of you in good conscience can support the wicked-witch-of-the-west, namely Nancy Pelosi. She makes Bush sound glib! How do you excuse her saying Congress had to pass ACA so they could find what’s in it? Here’s another quote by Dianne Feinstein in a Senate committee meeting last September, “All vets are mentally ill in someway and government should prevent them from owning firearms.” At least columnist Bert Pretlutsky of the L.A. Times had balls enough to comment about Pelosi, Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Barbara Boxer. He wonders how California has the predilection for electing really obnoxious women to high office. He wrote, “You don’t know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words.” So, c’mon you serious democrats start kicking-out your own dirt bags. Would you agree that here in the US we have plenty of outstanding website designers? So why did “our” government choose CGI Federal, a Canadian firm with headquarters in Montreal? Even though CGI president, Donna Ryan, made six visits to the Whitehouse (why?), there was still the issue of CGI being fired by the Canadian government for a major cock-up on one of their sites that cost $46.2 million. And we spent just short of $500 million for a system that doesn’t work? We turned over one-sixth of the US economy to a foreign company with a failed track record? Why not use Amazon’s designer whose site handles hundreds times more traffic (including international) with flawless performance and costs only 10-percent of what was spent? Why not call up Bill Gates or Apple? The incompetence of those in charge of our government is simply mind-blowing yet their sycophants sit out there drooling with a glazed-eye look and believe they’ll receive free health care. Maybe you will if you’re an illegal immigrant or banging-out babies on welfare. Lest you think I am mischaracterizing BO’s legion of supporters dig this: I walked up to a 50-something guy holding up a sign that read something like Glenn Beck is a liar. I know who Beck is, but I’m not a listener so I asked the guy what Beck lied about. He said, “I don’t know. They gave me a sandwich and this sign and told me to stand here.” I checked out CGI Federal a bit more and discovered they wrote the marginally acceptable site for gun registration in Canada in the 1990s, which was very unpopular with Canadians. It took 19 years to repeal it, which happened in 2012. Further: If ACA is such an incredible panacea, why isn’t it good for everyone? Why did Congress receive an exception as well as 1,400 more entities (er, cronies) including labor unions? So far, of 19 million people who’ve logged on to ACA, 500,000 have applied or 2.6 percent. This is what is being touted as successful. I just heard several teachers on a local radio station who were Obama voters say they could not afford ANY plan offered under ACA. So far, not one person has signed-up in New York State. Some success, huh? Great plan, huh? Some results are as follows: 1) A woman reported that to get similar coverage as her family has presently, the gold plan applied. Her annual bill went from $3,000 to over $10,000 and her co-pay increased from $15 to $50. 2) For another couple the price increased from $420 per month to $958 per month. For two others investigating the bronze plan, their monthly costs increased from $195 to $550, and $267 to $750. Then there are outrageous deductibles for in-network such as $5,000 for an individual and $10,000 for a family. Then there are number of physicians dropping out and retiring before they get caught up in this clusterfu-er-mess. Why oh why would you trust your health and body to a group of DC incompetents that have never done anything of substance with success. The republicans say just pass it through and watch it fail then we’ll get it stopped. No freaking way. Whenever something fails in DC their method of “fixing” entails more regulation and more bureaucracy. The GOP, as usual, has their heads up their fannies. There are plenty of socialized government health care models that work. Just copy Great Britain or Australia. I smell something insidious behind ACA, and it stinks to high heaven. Respectfully submitted in anger by your working boy, Gene Myers
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Affordable Care Act, ACA, Obamacare, CGI Federal, Amazon, Bill Gates, Apple,