Do you know why you should set goals in your internet business? You should set them so that you can plan and chart your success. As soon as you accomplish one thing, cross it off the list and start on the next goal. This should be a continual process for you each and everyday that you market online. One great thing that I've learned about setting goals is that you should WRITE your goals out. When I used to sell on eBay, I became an eBay Powerseller and an eBay Top Rated Seller in only 90 days. I was making thousands on eBay, and I attribute my success to the fact that I wrote out my daily goals everyday, and tackled them everyday. You should do the same. This will help you to stay on chart with your activities everyday. Instead of running around and trying strategy after strategy... stick with a few simple strategies that you can do everyday, so that you can be productive and stay on course of what you should be doing on a daily basis. Now even though I don't sell on eBay anymore, I still employ the same strategy for my website. And I get great results from it. Everyday when I wake up, I energize myself by working out, I make breakfast, and then I hit the computer to start marketing for a few hours. To be honest with you, I really DON'T have to do marketing everyday. I can let all of my advertising do the work for me. But I do the free marketing because it lowers my overall costs of paid advertising. So for each customer that I get from free marketing, that's a profit that can be applied to the cost that I acquired from getting a customer from paid advertising. Does that make sense? I just wanted to be real with you for a second, but let's get back on topic: Goals. What are your goals? Have you ever written out your goals and followed them? You will be amazed how much more productive you are when you write out your goals and follow them everyday. Believe it or not, this is one of the prime factors as to why so many people fail online. Those that DO succeed have a couple of things going for them. For the most part they're smart, have "street wisdom", are fast learners, hire consultants, and of course... set goals. I'm willing to bet that you have all of the attributes within yourself, but you should know that you don't have to hire a consultant. It's good if you can hire a good one for around $10,000... but you don't have to. When you set goals for your internet business, you start to experience a renewed feeling of success. All of your hopes and dreams come into play, and it makes you excited and eager towards the future. If you can wake up everyday with this feeling... you will be a force to be reckoned with in your niche. You'll be able to take over and dominate your niche at will. Good luck with setting goals in your internet business. Ashish Patel is the founder of Internet Wealth Group & Ashish Patel Media Group in India.
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