The reason why a lot of people who suffer from sciatica seek treatment for sciatica is due to the severe pain that accompanies this condition. Sciatic nerve pain or sciatica occurs as a result of a pinched sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body; beginning from the lower back, this nerve passes through the buttocks and ends at the leg. The pain accompanying this condition will often follow this same route and can be really excruciating. In searching for a treatment for sciatica, not many people come in contact with this very effective way to stop the pain in their backs known as epidural steroid injection. Epidural steroid injection is a non surgical method for stopping sciatic nerve pain by reducing the inflammation around this nerve. While this method has been proven to be risk free, a few physicians and researchers still doubt its effectiveness. In this article, we will explore in-depth what epidural steroid injection is and at the end of this article, not only would you have known all about it, but you will be given the option of discovering a permanent technique which you can employ to cure your sciatica forever. Read on... => Benefits The major benefit of an epidural steroid injection is that cortisone or steroids is administered right into the affected area thereby bringing near instant relief unlike oral medication and so on which take a while to get to the affected area. => Procedure Usually performed in an outpatient environment, you will require partial sedation before the injection can be administered. This whole procedure may last about thirty minutes or so. A live X-ray (or fluoroscopy) will be used by the doctor to put a needle into the space in the spine known as the epidural space and then a steroid solution will be slowly injected. After the procedure you will be monitored for about 20 minutes then allowed to leave. => Time Frame The relief you get from this treatment is not permanent but may last up to 3 months to a year before a recurrence of the pain. For some people, this technique combined with physical therapy will allow them to live a normal life devoid of pain for almost three years. => Warning You want to ensure that you do not opt for epidural steroid injection if you have an infection or are suffering from the following conditions; bleeding problems, diabetes, renal disease and congestive heart failure. => Theories And Speculations This technique is really a controversial one. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the National American Spine Society both agree that this technique works well as a treatment for sciatica but research conducted by the American Academy of Neurology indicate that patients who opt for this treatment only gain relief from their pain for about six weeks. To add to this, the American Family Physicians organization declares that prove of this technique's efficacy is limited. In spite of all of these, this treatment continues to be popular among sufferers of sciatica pain. Whether or not the above treatment for sciatica is effective, the point is this; it cannot cure your condition permanently. That means that you will experience this pain again sometime in the future. To permanently cure this condition without the risk of it ever reoccurring, read on to the next page... FACT: Most conventional treatments for sciatica only work as a temporary band aid solution; they all fail to work in the long run! Sciatica Pain? This Will Help You - Guaranteed. Stop the Pain Now. Click Here
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sciatica remedy, epidural steroid injection, sciatic nerve pain, treatment for sciatica,