The new age in the web has lead to a lot of really cool web design features that many never even realized were possible. Screens that automatically adjust based on how large your window is, whether or not you're on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone the screen will automatically adjust. This is just one example of many new features that web designers are flaunting as the web continues to evolve. Since web design is constantly changing, being able to add infinite scrolling to the HTML code of your web page has been a new popular feature. What exactly is infinite scrolling you ask? Infinite scrolling allows you to load your web page, and if a user scrolls all the way to the bottom of the page new content will automatically load and appear below the bottom of the page, creating one long continued page. This is much easier than having to go through the usual process of scrolling to the bottom, hitting next, waiting for a new page to load, and then going through the whole process all over again on the next page. Where this also makes things more convenient is the fact that overall load times are reduced significantly Less pages are being loaded, so you're really just adding new content to the page that you've already pulled up. It is also convenient that you don't have to load all of your content when you first pull up the page, which would likely take forever to load depending on how much content is on the particular page. By this method, you are only loading a set amount of content, and then the additional content only loads if the user scrolls all the way to the bottom after finishing the current content on the main page. No reason for the entire website to load if the user is only going to scroll down so far. One of the websites where this feature is extremely popular is Tumblr, which is a really cool blogging service. It works perfect for tumbler blogs because often times they have a large amount of content to be displayed, and it allows users to quickly and easily move through all that content. Not every website or tumblr template comes with infinite scrolling however, but there is an easy HTML code that you can use to add infinite scrolling to any tumblr template or website. A quick search on Google will lead you right to where you need to go so you can catch up to the web and add infinite scroll to your website or tumblr blog! John Stone Recommends the following instructions on how to add infinite scrolling to your website or blog, found here
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web design, infinite scroll, blogging, blogs, websites, design,