Investing in real estate can be an exciting topic. Most people initially get started after hearing about it from a rich uncle, a family friend, or maybe even a closer relative like a parent. Additionally, even more people become interested in real estate by watching these shows on TV that have started to pop up everywhere. Nearly every channel on cable television has at least one show dedicated to people flipping real estate for huge profits. The problem is that in reality most of the time the situation with investing in real estate is not that easy, simple, or profitable. There is a lot more that goes into investing in real estate and some people are finding out the hard way. Particuarly young people are becoming interested through these shows, and are going out there and exploring their options dipping into some flipping action. Although it is certainly ambitious and a positive thing that a young person wants to take control of their financial future, it can also be a negative thing for some. People who are already in large amounts of debt, especially student loan debt that will never disappear proabbly shouldnt be making leveraged investments if they don't need to. Naturally eveyone needs a place to live, and buying a home is the American dream versus renting, but you also have to be realistic based off of your personal finances. Investing in multiple properities and maxing out your available credit is never a good idea, especially if you dont know what you're doing. Over expanding to quickly can be a huge mistake for many people, as they become over leveraged and end up in a huge financial mess. There are several other mistakes younger people make,primarily that they think it is too easy or they greatly underestimate expenses and costs. The work load involved is another thing that is often misleading by many of those TV shows, and countless young people are getting in over their head because of these underestimates. Keep in mind theres a lot of work that goes into investing in real estate, especialy flipping. Nothing is as easy as they make it look on TV , remember that many of these TV shows are probably scripted or enhanced anyway. This isnt to say young people shouldnt invest in real estate. In the correct circumstances and with the proper knowledage and education it can be a great thing to get involved with, but watchout for the mistakes many make when first getting started. Learn the real estate investing mistakes commonly made by young people here
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