To claim the cure for heart disease is is indeed an extraordinary claim. So what is the evidence surrounding? In the early nineteen fifties a Canadian doctor G C Willis from his research proposed that heart disease could be due to vitamin C deficiency. Most animals never get heart attacks and the reason why was suggested: that they make their own vitamin C. However, guinea pigs don't and G C Willis deprived these animals of vitamin C then observed fat-based atherosclerotic substances form on their arteries, characteristic of heart disease. In effect this led to the conclusion that heart disease is caused by a long-term deficiency in vitamin C which might take years. This breakthrough discovery had been well supported by other researchers such as fellow country man, Doctor Patterson, who noticed vitamin C deficiency in heart disease patients. Fast forward to the 1980's and you have more evidence supporting the above which concluded: *In patients found to have heart disease it was discovered that their artery walls showed signs of breaking down caused by vitamin C difficiency. *These artery walls had lost their structural integrity to the point of beyond repair. The inability to repair was due to 2 missing materials, collagen and elastin both responsible for building the artery walls and are made with vitamin C. This vitamin C deficient situation and no lysine and proline makes the body chose another way to compensate. Discovered by German researchers Beisiegel et al a fat-based material is used to repair and maintain the artery walls instead. This fat-based material is made up of low density cholesterol, otherwise known as 'bad cholesterol' which combines with a protein substance to form what's called 'lipoprotein a.' *However, 'Lipoprotein a' was found to be rather sticky and attracts materials which build up on the artery walls over time. The space in the 'artery's tubes' then becomes narrowed making it difficult for blood to flow through or complete blocking occurs.. A Nobel prise was given out to both Doctors Rath and Pauling in reflection of this great discovery, that vitamin C deficient patients had the above material 'lipoprotein a' finding its way on their artery walls surface like a lock and key mechanism where lysine ans proline normally would.. From the above stunning revelations (bolstered by other research confirming and I urge you to check this out) some very important inferences or deductions were made: In conclusion, heart disease has basically been found to be a long term dietary deficiency: An absence or scarce amount of vitamin C and the essential amino acids lysine and/or proline. This great revelation and all its vital life saving implications has been rejected by the medical/pharmaceutical establishment because the cure does not involve drugs but cheap natural substances (vitamin C, lysine and proline) so they cannot allow this undercutting of their business to occur.. Yet another example where corporate profitability overrides genuine welfare concern which has led to the suppression of this vital life-saving information, so I will leave you with the question, is this ignored health breakthrough the biggest slide in medical history? Did you find this article useful or informative? For other closely or widely related articles and a free no email required ebook go to New Paradigm is your window to natural health, alternative news, Spiritual growth, raising awareness and much more...
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Coronary heart disease, symptoms heart disease, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, vitamin C, vitamin C defficiency, linus Pauling,