Unless you display ostrich-like behaviour, burying your head in the sand saying 'I'll be alright…' you should be well aware of how a range of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes… could cause serious illness or even take your life and therefore require an obvious need for precautionary measures. Especially when the statistics alarmingly show that these diseases are on the up. It may come as quite a shock to some people to learn that when it comes to the treatment of disease the medical/pharmaceutical establishment does not have your health as best interest at heart. We have been massively deceived, programmed and brainwashed on health matters. The elite few at the top of the health related hierarchical trees: pharmaceutical owners, senior politicians and media bosses with their propaganda machines have managed to pull the wool over peoples' eyes for many, many years. They have managed to convince almost everyone from health professionals, academia to Joe public that this highly expensive profit model is the only way to handling illness, but it is definitely not. -They don't want you to know that unlike the medical/pharmaceutical regime with its expensive drugs, there are cheap, non-toxic alternative successful cures with very little or no side effects. For examples, for treating cancer there's the widely successful metabolic nutritional approach used in: 'Gerson therapy' and 'Latrile Therapy' and there was the lamented Universal Microscope devised by Raymond Rife. The latter, was witnessed and signed off as 100% successful; 16 out of 16 patients who had been labelled 'hopeless cases' were cured by a staff of 5 medical doctors. However, over the years, this treatment was never allowed to see the light of day with the public at large because the costs had undercut the orthodox medical/pharmaceutical approach. The practice was soon shut down and equipment was seized by authorities. All this for saving lives. For heart disease there's the Linus Pauling's unified approach … If the public at large knew about these cheap alternatives, the elite would no longer have a hold with their huge profits and power gains made through orthodox medicine: The pharmaceutical corporations make huge revenues from drugs and in turn the government get their share from taxes while the media are sponsored by the former two to advertise pharmaceuticals and ignore, ridicule or misinform people about successful alternative cures. Consequently, countless numbers of individuals have died and of course are dying, falling victim to those mortal illnesses. Who knows, if only they had known about the life-saving potential of alternative cures... and what about their uses as prevention? Pharmaceuticals do not cure, they only treat the symptoms: The leaking Roof Analogy Now here's an analogy, let's say you have a leaking roof at your home. You call in the building maintenance man, explaining your problem. Having looked around, he sets out to fix the problem. What does he do? Fortunately, it's not raining today, nor is it going to be for the next few days, so he replaces the old stained ceiling wallpaper with new and to make a nice job, paints it. Then he cleans the carpet and re-varnishes the table where the drip, drip, drips had been spreading, making their mucky marks... Then, finally, he hand you a hefty bill for his work, saying he'll be back in about a week to do the same thing again just after the next time it rains and the drips come back! -This, of course, is quite absurd. However, it's an analogy to what is happening to patients being treated by the medical/pharmaceutical establishment with their drugs. Instead of dealing with the root-cause, the patients are only being treated for the symptoms or knock-on effects, just like the maintenance man (who could have permanently stopped the problem of the leaking roof by getting to the root-cause and repairing the hole in the apex of the roof…right?). So the sickness/leaking roof keeps recurring and money continues to be made… Sadly, doctors, ever since medical school, have been misguided through being unaware of the alternative treatment available. Or they have not been allowed to use it because it undercuts the pharmaceutical treatment costs. To this end, there are basically 4 ways in which prevention and cures can be made. Find out in the article part 2 what they are. Part 2 link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/how-the-medical-pharmaceutical-establishment-sets-out-to-deceive-you-part-2/ NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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