For generation upon generation the human race has been mislead into thinking that cause and effect in life over many different things is something external to them and in doing so have become victims through their own making: Victims because they have designated the responsibility and power of cause and effect over things to someone or some other external source. How do you expect to be effective in life if you think that the circumstances are outside of your control..? To overcome the pains and frustrations of victimhood, to take control of their lives or rightful ownership, humans must realize that responsibility is something to be embraced, not shrugged. Thus, the power lies within you and it is from this the shift from 'victim' to 'victor' will result. Here are some examples to explain. The medical/pharmaceutical establishment has intervened in human health to such an extent that many only see the destiny of their wellbeing in the hands of a doctor... Truth is, doctors know a lot about illness but because they have had little training in nutrition or naturopathy know far less than many people realise when it comes to health and well-being. The solution is to take responsibility for your health. Health and wellbeing exists in making sure you get yourself good nutrition, have an effective outlook on life, exercise and avoid toxicity. In many religions the human race has been misleading into thinking that God is something external to them: the "Big Boss in the sky" concept comes up a lot. How can people blindly accept the idea that this unimaginably big God created them as tiny, tiny creatures then demands that they worship Him and gets angry and jealous along the way..? If this is the case then God has quite an ego problem! The "Big Boss in the sky" concept is a deception. It has been manufactured to mind control and manipulate people into passivity for power; profit and political gain. Who you really are is an extension of God, Goddess, All-There-Is, so the power to make things manifest comes from within you. Whether through ignorance, apathy, deception or laziness... the human race has allowed uncaring, highly corrupt and sometimes even psychotic individuals to run their political affairs. To take back our rightful ownership of this planet certain people are needed look into political affairs and assert themselves as genuine, caring, independent individuals, separate to the corrupt major political parties currently running for office... This will take time to go into effect but as increasing numbers of successful independent candidates form, the more effective they will be at expressing the real voice of We-the-people united in a common humane cause. On similar lines with politics, the lawmakers have made certain rules and regulations favouring the rich and powerful with their agendas receiving few responses in the way of protest from the people at large... Again We-the-people need to assert laws based what is decent, fair and honest. Basically, in education, young people have been brought up and trained to fit into the boxes made for them by the system: After leaving the system, like a cog-in-the-wheel they will fit into and function in one of these boxes designed to make money for the corporate driven greed machine... Who you really are is an 'individual.' When someone or something like the education system programmes you to become a cog-in-the-wheel you lose your power by not being able to think, feel and be yourself. Thus you become a victim. Indeed the solution is to escape; think, feel and be yourself. Then there's those who have been mislead into believing that ET's will rescue the human race and their sinking ship planet Earth. One of the hallmarks of a victims is that they think they will be rescued. True, the people and the planet need serious attention but ultimately only we can recue ourselves and Mother Earth... In summary Like all the above circumstances, the shift from victim to victor starts with the realization that the power lies within you. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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