Have you got sick and tired of making repeated trips for the bank seeking to safeguard your cash and other private belongings? Do you need to have a substitute that allows you to continue to keep all the belongings like income etc both at home and store without the need of losing your peace of mind? There is a complete answer that will not just help recover that much essential sleep but in addition keep you peaceful throughout the day. Of course, we are speaking about the safe build up or money drop safe deposit boxes like from http://www.metrosafe.co.uk that protect your valuables towards all kinds of robbery and burglary. You can now only focus on the customers and allow these decrease boxes take care of the sleep. There are numerous types of these boxes readily available in various sizes and shapes. These are made of solid steel that resists any kind of attack. They can be opened with manual override key as well, although most of them are electronic with digital keypad. One of the most popular varieties is the locking drop box with top slot which is a perfect choice for retail stores, auto rentals, and financial institutions, rental management facilities, manufacturing plants, customer service counters or any other type of business. It can be used for storing items like keys, suggestions, ballots, cherubs and mails deposit slips, receipts etc. Another sought after one is the 2.48 cuff. Drop box safe. It is a one of its kind which has double security that has to be opened with a manual key and combination lock. Its drop slot facility enables you to slide your deposits into the vault without having to open the box every time. Moreover the epoxy finish also gives it a hard, shiny look which is not only easy to clean but also highly resistant to heat, chemicals, rust, acid and corrosion. Among others that deserve a mention is the digital keypad safe/cash. It features a 3-8 digit LED indicator display with keypad and like the 2.48 cuff. Drop box safe it also has a drop slot on top for quick deposit of cash. The electronic 1.4 cuff safe & cash drop box too has a cash drop slot that allows you to keep excess money safe and secure. Unlike others, the electronic 2.6 cuff safe/cash drop with card reader has an adjustable steel interior shelf that makes storing cash even easier. Also did you know that the locking cash drop box features 2 high security locks that require 2 keys for access? Most of them like the locking cash drop box, digital keypad safe/cash, and electronic 2.6 cuffs. Safe/cash drop with card reader and 2.48 cuffs. Drop box safe are all fitted with pre-drilled holes (3 on bottom and 3 on back) with fixing bolts that allow them to be mounted to any surface permanently. Each one of these boxes is unique in its own way and goes a long way in securing your cash against any kind of onslaught! With these drop boxes, your cash is now in safe hands.
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