Something Has To Be Done Having got the realization that there is an ongoing global enslavement agenda from the hidden powers that be which includes you as one of its victims and gained some understanding over the way it works, are you going to do anything about it? It's certainly not the intention of the author to evoke panic or fear in the messages. Instead, the intent is to warn you of the gravity of the situation: To raise your awareness, bring on a sense of urgency and therefore reach the firm conclusion that something needs to be done. Not 'one day'; next month or next year... but now. Yes, NOW. If nothing is done, then the world may well turn into a global fascist dictatorship with all the hallmarks of that contained in George Orwell's 1984 novel; a big-brother-is-watching-you militarised police controlled state, one government, one central bank...People treated like dogs; lame, docile, coerced into obedience… Do you have children? Is this what you want for their future, because it's heading that way? And what about your children's, children? What will you say to them when their old enough to understand what's going on in the world and their freedom is greatly restricted because these awful circumstances have come true? What will your reply be when they ask "Hey, what were you doing over the years when those changes were made for it to end up this way? WERE YOU DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT?" Get Active It is time to rise above our selfish preoccupations and view life in a greater way. Making sacrifices like watching far less TV to get active in birthing the new paradigm experience is certainly a good start. What other sacrifices could be made? Trick is to realize that it's NOT the case of "How can little ole' me possibly make any difference to a situation of this magnitude?" No, you can make a difference. Consider the analogy of throwing a small rock into a large pond. This may be thought of as something that would cause little disturbance to the water. However, after the small rock is thrown and hits the pond it then causes concentric water ripples to spread out far and wide… -This in effect is what happens when you get active with the solutions to what has been learnt from the above stage one realization. Getting active means: 1.Spreading the word, shining a light on the dark cabal, exposing them for what they are, making others aware of what they're doing to humanity… and 2.Doing your 'inner work' (more on this crucial key factor in later messages). -With these solutions we can cause enough ripples to co-create a world far away from the doom and gloom. Just 'keep on keeping on', your ripples of cause and effect, your solutions will reach out and broadcast more far and wide than you can ever imagine...I promise. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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