It has been known for some time that the global elite rulers want to create a world made up of 5 super states: the European Union, North American Union, South American Union, African Union, and Asia-Pacific Union (includes Australia). This falls in line with the intention to create a one world central government headed by the United Nations, which is nothing more than a proxy for the Zionist Rothschild's global elite. Currently, in the case of the North American Union, as part of the intentions to create this super state, to fuse together the neighbouring countries, secret plans have been put in place to not only allow but also fund mass illegal immigration across the borders and into the United States. The North American Union and allowing of mass illegal immigration means that the citizens of the USA will experience a loss of sovereignty while the dumbing-down and fusing together of the other not so well off countries continues. This will result in one homogenised poor North American Union population that will be exploited for their labour, as part of the ruling elite's planned social engineering. This in effect will make it the end of the United States as we know it. The flood of illegal immigrants claiming from the welfare system in this country will cause bankruptcy alone. Bankruptcy is another plan orchestrated by the ruling elite to bring in extreme socialism. Extreme socialism means the political classes will be the new royalty; tax exempt, regulation free and rich: These gains are the reason why the political classes have been helping the ruling elite's capitalist offshore operations to achieve extreme socialism. There will be no middle classes, just a handful of super-rich individuals while the rest will be poor. -This is what is happening; the takeover plan in a nutshell. In the support of the above findings alternative media reporters have been discovering from border control whistle blowers that bus loads of immigrants are allowed into the USA unchecked. This happened for example in Brownsville McAllen, Texas. Typical of other borders, the illegal immigrants on arrival are given vouchers and travel tickets care of taxpayers' money, allowing them to then go wherever they want in the USA. On arrival at the various cities, accommodation facilities and churches already government funded wait in anticipation of these immigrants, voters registration cards are given out to them as well as drivers licences... Although some are caught later on, the sheer numbers of men, women and children making up these immigrants overwhelm police control. In the meantime, US citizens such as old people are experiencing hard times due to inadequate pension funds, war veterans are not getting fair compensations, unemployment runs rife, food prices rocket due to dollar devaluation... all this while Latin Americans are imploding this country thanks to the help of acts of monumental treason. Then there are the diseases that these immigrants are bringing in; small pox, tuberculosis, chicken pox... etc. plus the soon to be crime waves... while usurping the country's resources, all from the help of the federal government. Is there any way out to of all this? Is this the unstoppable political ending of liberty in the USA? Is this the beginning of the end where total squalor and tyranny in the name of the North American Union prevails? Can there be a resistance? An effective force from we-the-people capable of speaking up, saying NO while getting results from taking action? If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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