In and amongst the repertoire of culinary skills there is indeed more to herbs than mere flavour enhancement. Not just an excellent source of nutrition herbs can be used for healing, containing unique anti-oxidants, a range of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential oils and nutrients such as phytosterol compounds... All of which help contribute to building a healthy immune system for fighting infection, reducing inflammation, detoxifying, preventing disease, smooth metabolic functioning and lowering bad cholesterol. In light of this here is a list of some of the healthiest herbs about. I would strongly recommend eating these foods in organic supplies, avoiding toxic chemicals from herbicides, fungicides and pesticides and having been grown in the healthiest soil. Parsley Parsley is a great choice, known for its high vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content. It is a good source of dietary fibre known for dealing with constipation and lowering bad cholesterol. Watercress Watercress has been known for having a high nutrient content, rich in vitamins A, C and K with health promoting compounds like phytonutrients. It's good for fighting infection, preventing cancer by reducing DNA damage, maintaining healthy connective tissue and countering iron deficiency. Kale Kale is another herb rich in vitamins A, C, K and also has high iron content. It has antioxidants, such as carotenoids and flavonoids to help fight disease such as cancer. High in calcium it helps build healthy bones while preventing osteoporosis while the vitamin C contributes to healthy connective tissue... are some of the benefits. Spinach Bright vibrant spinach leafs are the most nutritious having higher vitamin C concentration than their paler counterparts. As well as a powerful anti-oxidant a recent study showed spinach to be an effective anti-cancer food in the prostrate area. Containing unique nutrients it also contributes to nervous system health. Broccoli Besides having vitamins C, A, folic acid and calcium broccoli provides fibre which helps encourage bulk and movement in the intestine. Like other herbs this is a source of calcium for vegans. Research suggests that calcium may have a role in the lowering of high blood pressure and prevention of colon cancer. Coriander As well as a wonderful food source for maintaining optimum health coriander like the other herbs has been known to treat a wide range of conditions. This includes lowering high blood cholesterol (LDL bad cholesterol), acting as an anti-inflammatory, treating mouth ulcers, problems with the menstrual cycle, digestive disorders, handling blood sugar problems and helping with eye care. Conclusion Herbs are essential for a staple diet. They play a vital role in maintaining optimum health and healing. I would highly recommend using raw herbs since this form packs the most nutrients not having been spoilt by the ravages of heating or freezing. How about a salad a day? If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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Natural health, herbs, herbs and spices, parsley, watercress, kale, spinach, broccoli, coriander, nutrition diet,