Good nutrition has been shown to reduce ageing, keep away: Diseases, allergies, respiratory troubles, skin disorders, digestive disorders, feeling down in the dumps or depression, mood swings, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, violent behaviour... and much, much more. After eating the right food and having been well hydrated you can feel that much more energised and revitalised. The necessary related methodologies, documentary evidence; scientific findings, case testimonies support all the above claims... More and more people are waking up to the realisation that the vital role of nutrition has been greatly underestimated in health. -This is my slant on the food revelation. I predict it will continue to unerringly sweep across the westernised / industrialised world with all its accelerated deliverance. As a general overview of how nutrition stands in the 'big picture' of things, it not only embraces nutrition and health related matters, but also the medical/pharmaceutical establishment's intervention, academia, approval bodies, the wheel of commerce, the media and political self-interests. I cannot guarantee the health of anyone who does not see how the 'big picture' works and the way in which it can have an effect on people's well being. Without knowing this, there is more than vulnerability at stake. I could discuss this in much detail and uncover the truth behind the medical/pharmaceutical industry and how they place profits above people's health, but for now, as I've said, I will give a brief overview. -What is good nutrition? To answer, first it could be said that good nutrition must have all the elements of a well balanced diet: Having all the adequate nutritional requirements for healthy growth, cell replacement or repair as well as activity. The nutritional requirements are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fibre, water, vitamins and minerals... -Fine, but there are certain things the school textbook doesn't tell you: No distinction is made between the qualities of nutrition. How do you know when something is good for you? What are the main factors that determine whether or not food is healthy or unhealthy? Here is a list that will help distinguish. Good nutrition includes Natural and wholesome foods: E.g. Beans, nuts, fruit & vegetables. Organic produce which is free from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Good nutrition also includes raw food having little or no heat treatment. Excessive heat or low temperature from deep freezing can destroy many vitamins and enzymes and reduce the nutrition value. This can happen in the manufacturing process with process foods. Other things to avoid with processed foods are irradiated products which can be as toxic as some of the mysterious chemicals added. In addition, eat less starchy, grainy foods which can cause mood swings caused by diabetes and erratic elevations in insulin, obesity etc... Good clean water is another recommendation. Avoid tap water with all its chemicals; chloride, fluoride... Drink fresh fruit juices as opposed to soda pops, coca-cola... that is, those laden with sugar or chemical additives like aspartame. Finally, supplements are also recommended for good health. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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