How to Make a Running LED Light Electrical circuits are made up of a number of fundamental components, such as resistors, capacitors and inductors. In addition to these basic components, more complex devices, such as light emitting diodes (LED) can be implemented. An LED is a device which shines a certain color of light when it is powered. LEDs come in a variety of different colors including red, blue, green and orange. A running LED light an be implemented into a circuit relatively easily using a resistor to limit the current. Instructions 1 Connect the resistor to the positive terminal of the LED. LEDs should not be connected directly to a power supply since the large current will burn it out. In order to calculate the value of the resistor, use the following equation: R = (Vs - VL ) / I Vs is the power supply voltage, VL is the LED voltage and I is the LED current. For example, if the power supply is set to 9V, the LED voltage is 2V and the LED current is 10mA, then the resistor value would be: R = (9 - 2) / 0.01 = 7 / 0.01 = 700 Ohms 2 Connect the remaining terminal of the resistor to the positive terminal on the power supply. 3 Connect the negative terminal of the LED to the negative terminal of the power supply in order to complete the circuit. Switch on the power supply and set the voltage to 9V. The LED should light up. Dreambox store wholesale dreambox dm7080HD cheap dreambox DM8000HD led wall washer light led pixell light LED Underwater LightLED Spot Light LED Spot Light dm8000 DM7080 HD Dreambox DM8000 HD DM8000 HD DM8000 dreambox dm7020 HD 7020 HD DM7020 HD DM500 HD DM500 HD V2 Dreambox dm500 HD DM800 HD SE v2 dreambox dm800 HD SE V2 Dreambox dm800 HD SE V2 DM800 HD SE Dreambox DM800 HD SE DM800 HD SE wholesale usb flash drive wholesale leaf jewelry wholesale lenovo cellphone Dreambox DM7080HD decoder
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