Quite deservingly, there has been a lot of good press on antioxidants. They have the capability of reducing the ageing process, increasing longevity, preventing disease and can contribute to the effect of making us feel more energized. Free radicals and how antioxidants work Be it through the body's natural processes, or diet, smoking, drinking, inflammatory responses, environmental toxins, exercising, stressful circumstances... free radicals can form in the body. Free radicals are unstable and unbounded. This makes them chemically reactive. They become stable by bonding to other molecules. When bonding, excess free radicals can cause cellular damage. They can cause considerable instability in cells. In the bonding process free radicals steal electrons from neighbouring molecules. The neighbouring molecules having lost electrons then become unstable so they in turn steal electrons from other molecules... which become unstable and so on. This chain reaction process can cause pandemonium, making it manifest in illnesses such as cancer through DNA damage. Free radicals can also cause tissue or organ damage, neurological problems like those related to Parkinson's or Alzheimer's diseases, cataracts, cardiovascular disease and diabetes... Antioxidants work by mopping up these unbounded unstable free radicals, stopping the chemical chain reaction process and cellular damage. In short, antioxidants prevent the oxidation of other molecules. Additionally, they help repair damaged molecules and contribute to the switching on of genes related to the body's defence mechanisms against disease. Sources of antioxidants Chanting the mantra: 'eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables' (particularly of the organic sort) is not something to be said in vain. These are excellent sources of antioxidants. Supplements would also be a great contribution. The more rich and varied the supply of the above the better. Here are some examples of powerful antioxidant fruits and vegetables. These are certainly worth the buzz you may have heard about them as powerful antioxidants! Pomegranates Containing the polyphenol antioxidants anthocyanins, ellagic acid and tannins, fibre-rich pomegranates has a whole host of health benefits. This includes improving heart health, reducing arterial plaque, lower inflammation with those suffering arthritis and anti-cancerous properties. Berries Scrumptiously sweet berries like strawberry, blackberry, raspberry and blueberry have quite a share of proanthocyanidins antioxidants. They have anti-cancerous properties and can contribute to preventing heart disease. Berries are vitamin-rich (such as vitamin C a great antioxidant source) and mineral-rich. Garlic Garlic has quite rightly earned its status as a super food. This flavor enhancing spice particularly in its raw form has been known to be used as an antibiotic (anti-microbial). It can also be used for lowering high blood pressure or as a chelation agent for detoxifying the body from heavy metals and has anti-cancer properties. A garlic clove has vitamins A, B and C with the other health-contributing substances the minerals; iodine, iron, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron and potassium. Green tea Organic sort recommended and make sure you get a good quality. Green tea contains polyphenols antioxidants. Particularly a very powerful catechin polyphenol antioxidant called EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate). Effectively, green tea helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, lowers bad cholesterol, fights glaucoma and much more... Kale Cruciferous vegetables: Brussels sprouts, kale, green and white cauliflower and broccoli... etc contains antioxidants. They are rich in polyphenols and vitamin C. In one experiment Kale was found to have the highest antioxidant activity in this group. Regardless of the food group it belongs to kale is definitely one of those top of the class healthiest foods. Kale helps fight a range of cancers: colon, prostrate, bladder, ovary and breast cancer, thanks to the Isothiocyanates (ITCs) present. ITC's also contribute to detoxification. The 40 odd flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol in kale work in tandem to give antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties... Thus kale reduces serious inflammation and oxidative stress. Supplements Supplements are recommended such as Liposomal Vitamin C, CoQ10/Ubiquinol, acai berry and vitamin E... etc. Go easy on the supplements since they can be counterproductive if overused, which can mean having a condition made worse and indeed money lost. Overall I hope this has encouraged the reader to consider the wonderful health benefits of antioxidants and take action in promoting their health and wellbeing. 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