As the New Year begins there has never been a time when peaceful activism has been needed more. Slowly but surely, the walls surrounding continue to draw in, further restricting our freedom as a race. However, as more and more people are indeed waking up to the realization that they've been greatly deceived this brings with it conscious (or unconscious) intentions to create a world totally different to the dark agenda planned by the hidden powers that be. So what exactly does 'peaceful activism' mean? We know that laws have been made and will continue to be introduced further restricting our freedom of expression in terms of the right to protest and demonstrate against injustice. However, peaceful activism by definition will not allow us to be hampered by this. Peaceful activism means 1. Spreading the word on how our freedom is greatly restricted. Take your pick: Politics, media, health, business, banking, finance, the military, religion, the entertainments industry, history, ancient history, science and technology... just about every subject on planet Earth involves a major deception. If you have an area of specialist knowledge then in the name of freedom I strongly urge you to spread the word on the deceptions related to this. 2. Consistently doing your inner work Philosophers of ancient and modern times have been going on about it. It's packaged and presented under many different guises in the world of self-help or self- improvement... I'm talking about the universal laws of attraction. In summary, the universal laws of attraction imply that what you create within will in turn reflect the world about you. 'Like attracts like,' by focussing within on the world you would like to see based on freedom, love, peace and justice... then this will in turn manifest. Be it through thoughts, meditation, prayers, and visualizations... whatever it takes, if we-the-people concentrate in numbers on these things then we will affect the outcome synergistically, taking us away from these darkening times and into the light. 3. ...being consistent and persistent with the above in a peaceful manner Remember, rioting on the streets, damaging property and getting angry means losing your integrity and as the laws of attraction demonstrate that this will only create a world of further negativity... Overall It does matter what you say and what you do. You can make a difference. Consider yourself in the analogy as someone casting a pebble out onto a large and still pond. That pebble when it makes contact with the pond will cause water ripples of 'cause and effect' that will continue pushing out far and wide... Do it for humanity, your family and friends. Do it for the children of the world to be. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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