If we search for the most common ailments caused due to incorrect lifestyle in the modern era, then back pain or lower back pain takes the top most position in the chart. Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle and long sitting put tremendous pressure on the lumbar spine that results in severe pain. In a majority of the cases, the problem can be controlled by making necessary corrections in the lifestyle. However, in a few cases advanced treatment becomes inevitable. There are various centers offering surgical and non-surgical Back pain treatment in Bangalore. Doctors at these centers look at each case carefully and suggest appropriate treatment based on diagnostic tests. What is the remedy? Lower back pain starts with mild or moderate pain in the lower back. Usually, it is on the left or right side of the waist. It may extend to thighs and lower limbs in some patients. It goes off by taking painkillers, hot water fermentation and pain-relieving sprays initially. However, severity increases with time, and it is impossible to sustain it further. When a patient comes for Back pain treatment in Bangalore, there is always an effort for pursuing non-surgical treatment options. With a multi-disciplinary approach towards back pain problems, they suggest exercises, weight control and change in lifestyle to achieve great results. Regular follow-up is recommended for sustaining the result. Spine rehabilitation techniques It is an evidence-based method of correcting spinal disorders. Trained Physiotherapists use the best practices that are well-accepted by medical professionals. Exercise-based technique corrects postural problems and relieves from severe pain. The techniques manage a majority of chronic and acute troubles. Sometimes patients get so much frustrated or depressed about the pain that they need counseling and mental support. Experts explain the actual reason behind it and motivate them to avoid the triggers of pain. It has been observed that patients come out of the depressed mental state and manage their pain in a better way after attending counseling sessions at the centers for Back pain treatment in Bangalore. Patient education and counseling play a key role in the treatment process. It is done using effective audio-visual modules that explain the aftereffects of incorrect lifestyle, increased weight, and improper posture. Easy and practical exercises are suggested for quick improvement. A team of surgeons, pain counselors and physiotherapists prepares the awareness modules. Surgical methods are avoided up to the maximum possible extent because of inherent risks. Back pain is the major ailments seen in IT workers of Bangalore. But there are many specialists available for back pain treatment in Bangalore, who can cure the conditions permanently.
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