If ever there's something that should be deeply ingrained into the 'Self Help Bible of Wisdom' it's the commandment: "Look for where you have the edge to succeed." Indeed this cannot be underestimated. After reading this article you might just gain an insight for yourself and discover where that edge to succeed exists and what's needed... so you may want to thank me later on for that! So, first, allow me to start with an analogy and then make a valuable point. Let's say that there are 2 virtually identical shops selling the same products. Exactly the same sizes as each other both shops are located on opposite sides of the town centre square (Downtown Square in American). In other words both shops have equal chances of being frequented by customers. However, one shop gets far more customers than then other. Why is this I hear you ask? It's because the shop with the more customers has 'the edge.' It has a few differences that the other shop doesn't have which is why customers chose to frequent this shop more. These attractive small differences had made all the difference in the world to customers when choosing: Because human beings are walking, talking, meaning and justification machines, they will look for comparisons no matter how small when presented with a choice between exact or similar things. This wll be done to justify their choice whether it's made consciously or unconsciously... So this is what happens. Taking the case of shops as an example, businessmen know that customers are walking, talking, meaning and justification machines when it comes to making choices. This is why they spend a lot of time and money looking for those small differences that will be enough to make customers choose them and give their product the edge over the competitors which could indeed lead to massive sales... -Of course, there are those competitors who know this so sometimes when it comes down to it both end up having an equal share of the market because they cancel each other out... Taking this principle further, in the case of sports coaches and athletes, both know that sometimes the difference between a runner-up and a champion can be small. This why they may spend hours and hours focussing on perfecting those vulnerable areas in the athlete's performance... Then there are those students who have to put in that little bit extra as preparation for their finals that will give them the exam grade their looking for... Or how about entertainers who meticulously go through every detail in their act to enhance performance..? As you can see having the edge can make the difference between 1 and a million! If you liked reading this article then go to http://www.NewParadigm.ws for more related articles, blogs and videos... including a free download PDF entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience'. Hosted by Paul A Philips. One again the link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/
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