Collective consciousness the etheric higher power that ebbs and flows throughout connecting everyone and everything exists for the choosing. As more individuals choose the collective consciousness they become co-creators of a world that makes a difference for everyone by raising humankind's vibration. -This is the key for creating a shift in the wind that will take us far away from the impending doom and gloom. The power is within you. Choose it! Chose if it calls, moves and inspires you... For many, what's needed is a coming from the heart. People need to create the necessary energetic changes within themselves first in order to then make those needed changes in the world. For this to happen it may require making certain sacrifices... Discernment is another requirement: The ability to distinguish between ego-driven impulses as opposed to a coming from the heart. Validation, flattery and seeking acceptance... are all empty ego gratifications. There's no need to seek emptiness! One of the greatest challenges today for a co-creator is to express individuality. For many people expressing one's individuality or even becoming an individual is way too much bother. For many, to think for one's self (as Einstein said real thinking is to think the unthinkable) and take moral stands based on what is honest, fair decent and just... acting on an inner guidance, requires way too much sacrifice. But what about the rewards for those who do make those sacrifices..? We've been 'cloned' to not have individuality. Starting with the education system at 4 years old and for some 16 years plus, as the Pink Floyd song says 'all in all you're just another brick in the wall..,' we've had more than our share of thoughts controlled to fit into 'the system.' Devoid of the ability to think critically we then we go to for more programming care of the workplace to fit into another system like cogs-in-the-wheels. Some people feel so stifled care of the corporatocracy sponsored education/workplace cloning systems they take action to express their individuality. However, there are plenty of con artists waiting to exploit these individuals and keep then controlled in the matrix illusion: In an attempt to express their individuality some people refuse to be one of the crowds by, for examples, putting on unusual clothes; dressing up as a gothic, or punk, or some outrageous hippy, dippy costume... Then there are those who, say, dye their hair green... or hook into the latest fad etc. -All these things are expressions of the inauthentic self. The only real gains made are financial by those in the fashion and hairstyling industry. To get some idea of what the true authentic self is and the gains that can be made from real self-expression try looking for example at the work of Carl Jung and the process of individuation... Let's say that it's a spiritual law that while nobody can enforce changes on others, every individual has an unfettered unimpeded right to change their own self. Let's say that this is a universal principle and is the key to raising awareness for the conscious revolution! If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles, blogs and videos... including a free download PDF entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience'. Hosted by Paul A Philips. One again the link is:
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