There are indeed certain establishments offering various designer plans and products for you as a customer. For examples you can have designer clothes, designer kitchens or designer jewellery... Well, how about designer life? It could be said that in the self-help, self-growth or self-improvement (whatever you call it) categories you can have what could be called 'designer life.' One sure-fire way to designer life; a way of designing a life for fulfilment with all the necessary conditions of satisfaction is by achievement through the power of your word. Just how committed could you be to being a person of your word? Would you be prepared to stay up all night to get something done because you said you would..? Words not only exist to say what and how you'll accomplish something by a certain time they also create a context in which to view that target for achievement. Let me clarify this by explaining with an inspiring analogy! Three builders seen chipping away with their tools at some stones were approached by a man who asked each one 'what are you doing?' Curtly, the first man replied 'I'm trying to hammer this stupid rock into a shape...' unhappily, checking his watch, waiting for 5 o'clock home time... Showing more interest than the first the second man said hammering away carefully 'I'm shaping this rock so that it will fit into the other rocks to make a wall... I don't mind working here but I'll be glad when it's over with and home time...' Zealously, the third man hammered away at a granite block, some small pieces flew off... Happy with the outcome, that he had achieved what he said he would accomplish at this stage and within the timeframe, he then replied gazing up with pride and enthusiasm 'I'm building a great cathedral.' Three men with different attitudes and approaches with the same job to do... -Going back to what I said earlier: 'Words not only exist to say what and how you'll accomplish something by a certain time they also create a context in which to view that target for achievement.' As in the case of the third man this illustrates how the power of your word can be used to not only hold yourself accountable to achieve a target time but also create a context, a way of seeing your tasks that make them really worth doing. -So what are you building in your life? Are you building a cathedral? Does your designer purpose in life really inspire you to do things..? If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles, blogs and videos... including a free download PDF entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience'. Hosted by Paul A Philips. One again the link is:
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Self help, self growth, self improvement, creativity, achievement, power of your word, excellent communication,