It may come as a surprise to some that one of the biggest 'Emperor has no clothes' situations is that vaccines and vaccinations are a fraud. When you, like I have, meticulously researched the situation you'll find, perhaps to your dismay, that vaccines and vaccinations are a fraud. Here are some of the main bullet points you may well find in your research: - Orthodox medicine's highly praised Edward Jenner the founder of vaccines was an uneducated apothecary and a fraud. Here's a quote from way back when... " was on the strength of this solitary experiment that Jenner had launched his discovery upon the world, claiming that cowpox was a prophylactic against smallpox, while to give some sort of scientific colour to the claim he labelled cowpox with the name "Variolae Vaccinae" (smallpox of the cow)...the picture of the whole of the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons swallowing the theory of an unqualified country apothecary, based on one totally unreliable experiment, seems scarcely credible." -Truth Editorial Jan 10 1923 There are other findings from the archive that will confirm Jenner's and the medical establishment of the time with their falsehoods. For example, such as the key evidence found in a friend of Jenner's, Doctor John Barron who states in his biography that Jenner never found a cure for small pox. I urge you to check this out. -The whole basis for vaccination remains fundamentally flawed to this day and taken for granted i.e. not being checked. -All the early evidence presented by doctors and suchlike to show that smallpox vaccinations caused more harm than good was suppressed; there is much evidence to support this. -The suppression related to the flaws in vaccines and vaccinations allowed the medical establishment to make huge profits from the smallpox vaccine -All the evidence indicates that the drop in death rates from smallpox was due to better sanitation NOT vaccinations -One of the most staggeringly monumental deceptions and lies is the claim that vaccine's are safe. Just Google and find the shed loads of scientific peer-reviewed data as evidence for harm Evidence indicates that the drop in death rates from many diseases was due to better sanitation NOT vaccinations -Further statistics questioning the efficacy of vaccines show how doctors have refused vaccinations on themselves and their immediate family -There are a whole list of flaws in vaccinations -How can you protect yourself knowing the real underlying cause of disease? This means doing your research and indeed applying the solutions to the way you treat your body... It is hoped that the reader has been pointed in the right direction towards getting savvy and learning the truth about vaccinations. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles, blogs and videos... including a free download PDF entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience'. Hosted by Paul A Philips. One again the link is:
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Vaccinations, flu vaccination, mmr vaccination, Edward Jenner, vaccination fraud, vaccine damage,