Some ten years or so ago I wrote a song and produced the music to it called 'The Media Man.' The lyrical content rings true more so now than ever. The mainstream media is corrupt to the core and in effect should obviously not be trusted. The mainstream media however, only reflects the voice of the major corporations, banks and senior politicians since they the mouthpiece for these corrupt institutions and individuals with their ulterior motives based on greed, deception and hidden agendas. It's up to us all to educate ourselves, our family and friends to wake up and realize what's going on here. The media is a major tool for programming, brainwashing and mind controlling the masses into pacification and servitude... What could you do to stop these hidden enslavement agendas implemented by the ruling elite? The mainstream media I would say in my years of research is THE biggest mass mind control tool and if you don't see right through its hidden agendas and ulterior motives to enslave then you will indeed become a victim. Now is the time to act and campaign for the truth in journalism. Spread the world for freedom. Turn to alternative media for truthful unbiased reporting. -This choice is indeed up to all of us. To highlight my points here's a quote from Thomas Jefferson. "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be ... The People cannot be safe without information. When the press is free, and every man is able to read, all is safe." -Thomas Jefferson Anyway, to sound off, here are the lyrics to my song 'The media Man' -Words & Music - Paul Phillips written some 10 years plus ago, but as I've already said means just as much now as ever! The media man Has got a lot to answer for The media man Is spinning lies And don't you know don't you know Don't you know don't you know You're the effect of it all? Don't you know don't you know by now That shadow cast still falls? There's more to life than money Its love that makes the world go round Its soul destroying and not very funny He's the paid off prostitute from underground But he won't go far (far, far, far) -That's the media man (The media man) That's the media man (The media man) The media man The news today Is such a theatre of illusion Your wake up call's Long overdue And can't you see, can't you see, Can't you see, can't you see, Who pulls the wool over our eyes? Can't you see, can't you see somehow Those cover-ups disguised? There's more to life than money... etc. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles, blogs and videos... including a free download PDF entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience'. Hosted by Paul A Philips. One again the link is:
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