Housewarming ceremony is known as Grih Pravesh ceremony in India. It is one of the important rituals before a family moves to a new house. It can be a newly constructed house or an old one as well. It is believed that all ill-effects are driven out by performing this religious procedure. According to Indian religious books, there are three types of rituals suggested for different categories of houses. The “Apporva Pooja” is performed when the house is constructed on a land where there wasn’t any structure earlier. The “Sapoorve Pooja” is performed when the owner has bought a property where people lived earlier. The same ritual is suggested when people come from abroad. “Dwandwah Pooja” is performed after renovating a house or repairing it after a natural disaster. It is important that these rituals are performed under the guidance of scholar pundits. It is possible to call expert Pandits for griha pravesh in Bangalore using the Internet. There are numerous websites that provide contact details or online booking facility. When is the griha pravesh ritual performed? Since it is an incredibly important ritual, it is mandatory to search for the best suitable day and time. Typically, “Uttarayana” (January to June) is the best period. However, pundits can suggest an auspicious time in “Dakshinayana” as well if the ceremony has to be performed during that period. When you call seasoned Pandits for griha pravesh in Bangalore, they take care of the minutest details. Important rituals and their benefits Housewarming ceremony in India is performed in different ways in different parts of India. However, the fundamental rituals are the same. · Worshipping a cow is important during the ceremony. It is the most sacred animal for Hindus. Hence, it is offered green grass and special food. Touching the feet of the cow brings divine blessings. · Worshiping Lord Ganesha is considered immensely auspicious. There are special mantras for praising Lord Ganesha during the ceremony. Pandits chant these mantras and request Lord Ganesha to make the ceremony successful. · Securing the house with sacred thread is another important event. Pandits tell the house owner to cover the entire house with a continuous thread at least three times. It saves the house from ill-effects of evil forces. · Homa (offering sacred things to fire) is performed by the house owner. When you call expert Pandits for griha pravesh in Bangalore, it is guaranteed that you get a deep satisfaction and peace after the ritual. Seva Today offers the highly qualified, experienced purohits and pandits for griha pravesh in Bangalore.
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