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Case Study of a Ghost Removal by Scott Petullo

Case Study of a Ghost Removal by
Article Posted: 02/13/2017
Article Views: 763
Articles Written: 244
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Case Study of a Ghost Removal

Advice,Self Improvement,Spiritual
After removing discarnate entities from people and places for over twenty years, it’s as natural for us to perceive them as it is for you to spot a bird in the sky. What follows is a recent example when we visited our sister.

Our sister and her family have lived in their current home, built decades ago, for eight years. During one of Stephen’s first visits, he was standing alone in the kitchen and saw someone across the room, out of the corner of his eye, at the top of the open stairway that leads to the basement level. He turned and instead of seeing one of his family members, he noticed a dark cloud of energy descending the stairs.

Our sister said she was once in her walk-in closet and heard a subtle voice laughing behind her. She turned around and no one was there, but she could feel the presence of negative energy.

Her oldest son, who is eight, was scared to sleep in his room because he said something was in there at night. That bedroom was also where the “troubled” daughter of the previous owner of the house slept. Whatever the entity was it seemed to roam the house and we sensed it had been there before my sister and her family moved in.

This past October, when we visited our sister and other family members, we slept in the finished basement. Scott had the bedroom, and Stephen slept in the open area on the couch. The morning after the first night, Scott asked Stephen if he sensed anything.

Stephen said, “Yes! And it wouldn’t leave me alone!” As soon as he turned off the light and started to go to sleep, he felt a presence standing next to him. He tried to ignore it because he was tired (he’s used to such occurrences, which are now annoying instead of scary). But he kept getting major chills up and down his body from the entity and the thing wouldn’t go away.

He tuned into it and sensed an angry, rebellious young man who died young. He also suspected drugs, and a car accident because Stephen could see impressions of blood on the man. The previous owner had four kids who grew up in the house, and the entity may have been a friend of theirs, or followed them home after partying. Stephen was finally able to fall asleep after drawing down intense white Light for protection, which kept the entity away from him.

Scott also sensed a troubled entity approach him as he was drifting off to sleep. He offered his name that started with a J--John or Joe. Scott also shooed him away with white Light.

In terms of numerology, this sort of event isn’t surprising at such an address. The home is a 22 (total) house address, which symbolizes a portal to the other side. In addition, the neighbor’s house across the street is also a 22 address, and the house next to that one is an 11 address (plus 6 addresses on either side--6 is also a dual number), which also symbolizes a gateway to other dimensions. In effect, there’s a massive triad of other-dimensional energy among the five properties. Perhaps 2000 years ago a migrating tribe spent time on that exact spot doing tribal magic.

We did a Spiritual Detox clearing which removed a lot of spiritual clutter (which all homes have, just like dirt), but the second night we both sensed the entity still hanging around. This time Stephen sensed it hiding across the room instead of right next to him.

The next day, we knew we needed to do a more powerful clearing to get rid of the stubborn entity. This time we used our intent to bring down a larger, more powerful tornado of white Light. We sensed the entity trying to hide and stay outside of the Light, but eventually he was escorted safely to the Light by spiritual helpers of the Light.

Since then our sister hasn’t sensed anything in her home, and our nephew isn’t scared to be alone in his bedroom anymore. She told us she mentioned the clearing to her neighbor and was surprised to learn that some entities have been tormenting her, too. We told our sister to suggest to her neighbor to try our free Spiritual Detox script to clear the spiritual clutter.

Free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 13 Other Spiritual Laws Besides the Law of Attraction. We offer practical spiritual guidance and tools, including Spiritual Detox and Let Go MP3 meditation audios

Copyright © Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

Related Articles - Ghost removal from house, dark energy, negative energy, spiritual detox, other-dimensional energy, white light, lost souls, spiritual helpers,

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