It is basic human nature to make simple things complicated because so-called big-brained intellectuals get paid a lot of money to offer convoluted, and often times conflicting, explanations for simple matters. We seem to like complications in order to deny and/or avoid the truth. Even though in a past life as a consultant I’ve taken part in this charade, I am a believer of Occam’s (or Ockham’s) Razor which states the simplest or most obvious explanation is the correct one. Here we go— The theme of high school and college graduation snore-fest speeches, since before I was born, and probably until after I’m gone, can be summed up in one word: CHANGE; namely, social change. The orations begin something like this: “We must sound the alarm and be the new leaders; be agents of change so we can move forward for this great nation, the world, and future generations, blah, blah, blah…” Doctor Henry Jekyll said, “The only thing constant is change.” Barrack Obama recycled Fidel Castro’s slogan of “Hope and Change”. My thesis is we’ve had a boatload of “change” during my days on Earth, and (if anything) people seem unhappy and dissatisfied as never before. Oh, wait a minute; I get it. Not all change is good change, right? Who decides? In present day USA, what’s good/bad seems to depend on what political party affiliation one espouses. And in this day of travail, non-thinking, kneejerk responses, saliva-bubbling, and cheap wine, anyone who disagrees with us is not worthy of discussion and debate. Oh, no! They are to be hated, and called names like idiot, stupid, deplorable, etc. God forbid, we actually discuss our differences. And that, my friends, is a big CHANGE over the last two decades amped up by the advent of social media. So-called “change” hasn’t gotten us anywhere unless one considers promoting divisiveness as progress. Come to think of it, some people might! George Soros seems to thrive on it as he financially backs hate-and-discontent promoted by those who call themselves progressive. (Imagine that!) Woodrow Wilson is generally considered to be the father of the so-called modern progressive movement. Wilson who screened “Birth of a Nation” in the Whitehouse, and considered the KKK as an enforcement arm—yeah, that Woodrow Wilson. What is called progressive this day and age is actually regressive, but what’s the old adage? A lie told 1,000 times becomes the truth. It might seem like I’m piling on the Dems, but the GOP is just as bad. They want ZERO change, status quo, protection of their pensions, PACs, etc. They seem to abhor being in control because it’s much easier to sit back and criticize rather than actually do anything. (“Duuhhh, we’ll just pass ACA and let it fail.”) See, if you DO something it might be (whine) criticized. They are totally risk adverse. Both parties like to blather and do nothing, but pretend like something is actually accomplished. Obamacare (ACA)? What a cesspool disguised as progress. Let it live on, and it’s a falling body. Change it, and who knows what happens. Get the government totally out of the health care business is my vote. But the point of this essay is not our vapid and insipid political parties, but to define the true message of the 2016 presidential election. What should be our takeaway? Takeaway No. 1: Donald Trump was in all actuality a THIRD party candidate. Think about what that means. The RNC and the Republican establishment did everything in their power to derail the guy; they hate him since the (fake) R by his name will rub off on them. Yet the people who voted in the primaries did not listen to the asinine GOP establishment. Why not? Takeaway No. 2: The DNC (after Trump won the GOP nomination) put in the fix for an extremely unattractive candidate figuring it wouldn’t matter who ran against Trump, and besides, dammit, it was HER turn because Obama hijacked her presidency. For what’s it’s worth, I thought the DNC figured correctly. Aside: For Obama and his team to beat the established Clintons in 2008 was a major upset in my book. However, the lesson the DNC should have learned from the past, was when they ran charismatic candidates (JFK, Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama), they won. When they ran unattractive candidates like the wooden Al Gore, John “Lerch” Kerry, and anti-charisma Hillary, they lost. Many registered Democrats stayed away from the polls. How come? Takeaway No. 3: Like me, the RNC and the DNC misread the tea leaves. The Republicans have for decades gone around stepping on their own collective Johnsons. Have you ever seen such an inept cadre of chumps? Meanwhile, the Democrats have abandoned their base of the working class, which includes a lot of white (gasp, oh dear, I said it!) men in favor of the Hollywood nose-pickers and elitist academic holier-than-thou snobs. Talk about out of touch! GOP: How do you rationalize goofballs like Mitch McConnell and Gov. Rotund from New Jersey? Democrats: Feel free to criticize Trump all you want, but how do you turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi? Worse you have supporter Al Sharpton in debt to the IRS for about four million (cricket sounds from the media), and perpetual candidate Hillary Clinton embarrassing herself daily. Even uber-lefty Bill Maher said Hillary should just go away for the good of the party. Takeaway No. 4 and bottom line: Many people in the country, mainly those in the flyover states are sick and tired of evil (that’s right), self-centered, establishment politicians—Democrats and Republicans alike. In the election of Trump a kind of revolt has begun. Change doesn’t cut it anymore. Reformation of the system is demanded. To summarize, the elements of the perfect storm are 1) the clueless GOP establishment who seem to go round-heels daily to try to become more popular rather than stand on principles (it’s not working); 2) the Democrats abandoning their base, rebranding themselves as elite celebrities, and daily throwing out names like idiot, racist, deplorable, etc. to anyone who disagrees with their opinions. Hey Dems, you’ve had your fannies handed to you in state and federal elections since 2010, yet you continue the same rhetoric. How’s that working out? Here’s the deal. The only people who still have an iota of trust in “their” political parties are mindless ideologues, and slobbering sycophants—people who only have an opinion when someone else gives it to them. We just go along like good, little, mindless robots blathering the drivel from our favorite TV talking head or union. You also see it in everyday life; like on home flipping and house purchasing shows. Suddenly, we all simply MUST have stainless steel appliances, granite (or similar) counter tops, open concept, etc. Why? Please don’t tell me that someone threw a switch that registered in every brain simultaneously instructing, “From now on thou shalt NOT be different.” I don’t know why I’m in such a lather. I mean, what I’ve described is the prevailing human condition of following and conforming. Zero thinking required, y’see? Political ideologues remind me so much of televangelist worshipers. “Y’all send in your money so ah kin buy one o’ them-there aeroplanes to continue mah radio ministry.” Well, at least half the people in the country have said “enough” to lying and misleading politicians who’s only “change” has been to 1) expand the government bureaucracy beyond reason; an organism that over-promises and under-delivers; and 2) get us at each other’s throats. The politicos must really get a kick out of the latter; of how gullible we are. That’s why there is NEVER any palatable positive “change”. At least half the country wants the system reformed—they’ve had enough change—and that’s what resulted in the November 2016 election results. It’s that simple. Respectfully submitted by your working boy, Slip Mahoney
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