Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and others have stepped up as crusaders in advocating that our constitutional republic (No, it’s not a democracy!) become a socialist economy. They spin it as “Democratic Socialism”. Now there’s a combination of two bad ideas. Like that’s really worked well over the centuries (snicker). I doubt that there’s a more shining example of governmental failure than socialism and its big brother, communism. However, in light of the so-called progressive (actually regressive) elitists and their fawning cadre, recall Nikita Khrushchev said in 1957 that the USSR would prevail over capitalism not by warfare, but by feeding us small bits of socialism until one day we’d wake up under full-blown communism. He maintained the US would destroy itself from within—and that was over sixty years ago. The USA lefties have been very clever with their tactics in hijacking the Democrat Party. First, they got politicians, citizenry, and media to refer to USA as a democracy. Jefferson warned about that, but the “new human race” insists the founders were a clueless, racist lot anyway, and the constitution is outdated. See, democracies thrive on diversity, not unity. Each diverse cohort of the populace squeals for attention, and to use a metaphor, the squeaky wheel gets the grease—black caucus, LGBTQ, National Organization for Women, etc., etc. Diversity makes it easy to pit “haves” versus “have nots”, which has been going on in South America seemingly forever. Once the country is divided then comes what Stalin, Franco, and others called indoctrination that starts by preaching leftwing values in primary schools and continuing through the universities. Professors write books—publish or perish—with a leftwing spin, context be damned, get interviewed on NPR; and voila! Their opinion becomes the new “truth”. Then the media gets on board because journalism is boring. They want to be celebrities. In my opinion, our print and electronic media have become puppets like Pravda was for Stalin. The next step (a la Obama and Hillary idol, Saul Alinsky) is to demonize and name-call anyone who has a different point of view or disagrees with the leftist mantra. To disagree is “politically incorrect”. Examples of past politically CORRECT behavior: Germans greeting each other with a salute and saying, “Heil Hitler.” Russians calling each other comrade. I have a neighbor who calls anyone who disagrees with leftwing propaganda, “idiot”, “racist”, “homophobe”, “stupid”, etc. There is no room for discussion or dialogue with this lady and her ilk. To top it off, they’re a humorless lot as well. They wear permanent scowls, and look for opportunities to be offended to the point of being ridiculous. Here’s an off-the-wall example: A friend previously owned a successful Los Angeles recording studio. One day, Pearl Bailey walked in (with her white husband) and threw a hissy fit, offended to the max, because the insulated studio walls were white. BTW, over the last two weeks I’ve seen pictures of Joy Bahar, Hillary Clinton (from the 1970s), and Ted Danson in blackface. Media response? Crickets. Can you imagine the response had it been Ted Cruz or James Woods? In addition, I noticed during Trump’s State of the Union speech that a number of Democrat ladies, including the vacuous Nancy Pelosi, dressed in white (they say) to draw attention to women’s trails, tribulations, and successes. Pelosi while trying to keep her teeth arranged (or in place) signaled her minions when to clap, stand, remain seated, etc. Looked like part of an indoctrination program to me. I wonder if the fair ladies know that German women who supported Hitler always arrived at his speeches dressed in white? Probably a coincidence… You know, at first glance I thought they might be a Margaret Sanger wing of the KKK. The leftists seem to mainly occupy the east and west coasts and greater Chicago. Academia and Hollywood have piled on and control the Democrat Party; once the party of the working man. No longer. Maybe one reason for Trump’s election was that working men and women felt abandoned? Of course, the Dems helped the GOP (who also tried to derail the Donald) by fixing the primaries for a candidate with perhaps the worst charisma since Nero. They thought anybody could beat Trump. To be fair, so did I. Those two items along with the populace being fed up with professional politicians created a perfect storm. This past weekend I listened to a lady from Oregon opine that illegal aliens should be allowed to come across our southern border at will because “it’s the right thing to do”. She said she’d gladly give up part of her property, money, possessions, and anything else to accommodate anyone who wants to enter illegally. She reminded me of another Pelosi gem, “Illegal aliens should be left alone because they haven’t done anything illegal.” Huh??? I guess the idea is for California, Oregon, and Washington to join with Mexico and become MAXico. That makes sense since the illegals seem determined to recreate Mexico here. So if Mexico is so great, why did they leave? Also, why didn’t the Latin convoys march into the socialist paradise called Venezuela? Many states create additional problems by providing money and services to illegals that are not deserved—nor earned. Human rights are one thing, but constitutional rights only apply to US citizens. To those of you who do not like it, then get the law changed. Good luck. So anyway, listening to and reading the “perfect”, left-leaning, politically-correct prose has become to me a Zen-like exercise. The words flow softly and without meaning through my brain, an unending stream of nonsense syllables that eventually metamorphose into a grating cosmic hum. It has the same cadence and beat as a holy roller preacher indoctrinating his flock. I’ve written this before, but it bears repeating to all lock-step, insipid, pie-in-the-sky socialists: The human condition dictates that no matter the form of government, a ruling class sooner or later establishes itself and dictates terms. Witness Greece, Rome, Lenin, Stalin, Franco, Castro, Mao, and a host of Stalin-lites throughout Asia, the Middle East, and South America. For crying out loud, folks, read a little history before you support a crusade—especially one driven by hypocritical politicians who have gotten rich from the government, and live in mansions behind walls. I just want the Democrat Party of Truman and JFK back. Apparently, that’s too much to ask. By Gene Myers, your candidate for benevolent dictator.
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Sanders, Warren, Ocasio-Cortez, constitutional republic, democracy, socialism, Khrushchev, diversity, leftwing spin, demonize, illegal aliens,