In part I am repeating the first paragraph (re: Khrushchev) of my last essay because IMO it needs to be reiterated. I first learned about the socialist / communist propaganda machine in my tenth grade world history class. That was a long time ago, but as I observe events unfolding today, it is apparent little has changed except that Nikita Khrushchev’s 1957 prediction for the USA is coming true. He suggested that the USSR would overcome America, but NOT with military effort. His stated strategy was to feed the West small portions of socialism until, one day, we wake up under full blown communism. Old Nikita claimed we’d collapse from within. The baseline appeal of that philosophy remains the business of coveting one’s neighbor’s possessions; that is, of convincing a cadre of so-called “have-nots” that they deserve items belonging to an elite class of “haves”. The advocates pit one side against the other for political gain, with a stated objective to redistribute possessions so all are “equal”. History has taught us that a ruling class always emerges and gets rich while society collectively becomes poorer and chaotic. Check out Russia. Check out Cuba. Check out Venezuela. While you’re at it take a quick look at a few Democrat politicians advocating socialism, and it is apparent they are ahead of the curve. That is, they are already wealthy and live in multiple mansions surrounded by walls. Bernie Sanders and Robert (call me Beto) O’Rourke jump-started their careers by marrying women of substantial means. I can’t blame them for that. In a previous essay, I wrote that a neighbor believes US borders should be open, and that she would gladly give up some of her money, possessions, and give additional taxes to support those coming in. On an individual basis, I think that is fine. I have no problem with one making a personal decision to share as much of property as she/he desires; but—oh no—she wants the government mandate that we all MUST follow suit with no discussion—much the same as Obamacare. I have a problem with that. We already have too much government interference in our lives. She and others of her ilk are in the “US is evil” camp, to wit: At an artsy-fartsy gathering, another woman held forth on Diverse Ways of Meaning, the Science of Signs, and the Clash of Cultures. She held court at her wine and cheese soiree with her nose in the air, oozing condescension and progressive elitism like a holier-than-thou intellectual. She made no bones about edging in on any of us who thought otherwise. After delivering a nearly incomprehensible harangue on the evils of American Cultural Imperialism, she took a breath and offered her audience an opportunity to applaud, agree and/or second her worldview. The media labels her liberal, but in reality she is fascist, the difference being that liberals invite open discussion while fascists tolerate no dissenting opinion—discussion is closed. We see fascism in action on many college campuses as a result of indoctrination by so-called “liberal” professors, one of the most recent of whom is Talia Lavin dismissed from the New Yorker magazine for falsely reporting that a wounded combat veteran and ICE agent had a Nazi tattoo. NYU hired her to teach journalism. So—get this—NYU hired a teacher who was kicked out of journalism to teach journalism because they believe leftwing activism is “social justice”. Academia has coopted the word “liberal” to promote their own agenda. Inexperienced, naïve students lap up the academics’ socialist opinions, and begin a random walk from reality. I admit as a young man I leaned the same way until I experienced life, and was exposed to international cultures up close and personal. A fellow from Croatia who had become a US citizen replied to the lady as follows, “I think what you said is unadulterated rubbish. Actually, it’s worse than that. You talk about the black people in Uganda and the brown people in New Guinea, and you claim we push our cultural artifacts upon them. What exactly do you mean? Our medicine? Food? Money? Clothing? Television? Automobiles? Those people are just as clever as we are. They’d love to sit around a swimming pool and drink refreshing beverages and listen to Lady Gaga and get flu shots when they need them.” The lady looked aghast and perturbed that someone from a communist upbringing (in what was then Yugoslavia) would challenge her worldview. He was supposed to act as a shill, and give credibility to her performance. He continued. “You want to keep them in some kind of crazy zoo hunting with spears, so we can look at them and study their culture. That is pure horse manure. I’ve done that. I lived in a zoo. I lived in a tent when I was a lad and drank sewage and had diarrhea for five years. I’d kill somebody to keep from going back to that. I guarantee you if you took one of those guys out of the jungle in New Guinea and gave him some decent clothes, he’d cut your heart out before he would let you send him back. I’ve been there and seen it, lady, while your idea of being worldly is to vacation in Cancun.” She turned red and began to sputter, but he pressed on. “I’ll bet you anything they’d rather live in a nice apartment with a stereo and a toilet and running water they can drink. So what I think is, you’re arguing that you have to allow the natives (except he used the n-word) to stay in their place the way your decades of Democrat run cities have built an urban plantation to keep those natives in their place. You promise and promise, but never deliver, yet they keep voting for you hoping your deeds will match your words—someday. Simple racism is what it is.” My opinion? Politicians. They’re self-serving and greedy. Every one of them. They take property away from people who work to get it, and give it to people they think will vote to keep them in their jobs. It’s that simple. Although Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren are the most overt, other Democrats and Republicans are just as bad. I am completely disaffected. What’s going on in this country is evil. It’s that raw. By Gene Myers, your working boy.
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socialist, communist, Khrushchev, haves-nots, haves, liberal, fascist, journalism, Politicians,