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Article Posted: 03/07/2021
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I happen to love “today”. Little Orphan Annie sang about tomorrow, but I’m a “today” fan. Big time. We only get it once. You see, today is one unique day in all the days that will ever be. And according to actuarial tables, I don’t have many left. I want today to be peaceful, tranquil, and filled with joy.

But you know, folks, I find this polarized, divisive country we live in to be incredibly annoying and distracting. I’m constantly amazed at the length people go to find fault, hate, and spew venom. All this poison attempts to invade my “today”, and although I’m pretty good at keeping it at bay, the constant whining noise, like tinnitus, persists.

For disagreements, it used to be we would engage in lively, civilized debate and enjoy a beer together afterward; but now the growing horde of ignorant, effete, impudent snobs only want to hear their own opinion. Further, they expect the same opinion to issue from your mouth. They consider any debate to be concluded—settled and done. To disagree with them is to be hated, called names, and shunned. What has happened to us?

IMHO, a contributor to this social freefall is the lack of US and World History being taught in our schools. I’m talking about real, raw, call-it-like-it-was history instead of the sanitized, watered-down, politically-correct, ignore-the-Holocaust indoctrination students receive today. Ignorance abounds. For example, I’ve watched a number of televised interviews with teenagers during which they say that only employment by a non-profit company is acceptable and moral because for-profit businesses are evil. They also reveal they have been indoctrinated into believing Socialism is the best economic system for our country. Worse, they don’t even know what it is. One young lady said, “Socialism is great for people; for instance, you and me talking together right now? We’re doing Socialism.” Good grief.

Obviously, they weren’t taught about the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, One reporter attempted to logically debate the matter and was shouted down with an incredible streak of profanity and name-calling, including “f—k the troops” by one pimply-faced, lard-ass teen. (See what I did there? I got in a “name”.) When they can’t or won’t debate because they’re either programmed sycophants or don’t understand the issues, they become vile. That’s their default mechanism.

That brings me to Donald J. Trump, for sure a polarizing figure. Half the population loves him, and the other half hates him. There is no middle ground. Whether or not you love him or hate him is of no matter to me. I simply do not care. To each his own, I say.

With that in mind, I did a bit of research on the man. He inherited his father’s real estate development business, has been married three times, and has a business degree from Wharton. Everyone pretty much knows that. I also found an old photograph of Trump (with Rosa Parks, Muhammed Ali, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton) receiving an award for service to the black community. Comments about him by the four were glowing. Hmmm. I also found a 2013 video of Hillary Clinton saying he’d make a good president. Double hmmm. I also looked into his hiring practices. From what I could determine, he’s color and gender blind when it comes to hiring and promoting.

So, when I saw a group of young people holding a sign proclaiming Trump to be a racist, I asked for an example. None of the group could come up with a specific case other than saying, “Everyone knows that! It’s a known fact!” Further, they angrily declared, since I asked such a lame and stupid question, it followed that I must be racist as well. I expected as much (sigh). It didn’t matter that I showed them a Joe Biden quote from 1977 proclaiming schools should remain segregated saying, “Allowing schools to be integrated would create a racial jungle.” Or that both he and Hillary Clinton said their mentor was Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon, West Virginia Senator Robert “KKK” Byrd. Biden even delivered Byrd’s eulogy address. “Who the hell is Robert Byrd, and who cares?” one asked. My point exactly. I faced mind-numbed ignorant souls programmed by the leftist educational system. They remind me of the rightwing robots of the 1960s arising from the John Birch Society although that group was not nearly as wide spread. In the 1960s, JBS believed communists infiltrated the civil rights movement with the goal of establishing a “Soviet Negro Republic”.

I suggested they fact check (on their own) a 1994 law Biden wrote entitled “Stop and Frisk”, which many blacks blame for systematic racism today; and a statement Biden made in 2008 calling Obama the first mainstream black to be “articulate and clean”. I remember Obama rolling his eyes upon hearing that pronouncement. Will the young folks check? Probably not. Truth doesn’t fit their belief system. They are victims of learned-ignorance; that is, in spite of facts to the contrary, they choose to remain ignorant when it fits the Orwellian agenda they have been given. (2 + 2 = 5)

I turned to leave, and one reedy little guy shouted that Trump is also anti-women because of a vulgar remark he made about grabbing a specific part of a woman’s anatomy. I agreed with him that the remark was vulgar. He seemed taken aback, but looked suspicious when I suggested he use the same standard for the political party he was supporting. He wanted an example. I gave him two: 1) Ted Kennedy, the so-called lion of the Senate, driving off a bridge, and leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to drown. He was given probation for two months. 2) Senators Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and Chris Dodd (D-CT) picking up waitresses at the Brasserie Liberté restaurant in DC for what they called “waitress sandwiches”. Actress Carrie Fisher outed them on the Tonight Show saying they tried to pull the same stunt on her. I suggested they do their own fact checking, but they told me I was full of it because none of that ever happened. Deny, deny, deny.

Oh, well…

Since the main promoters for leftwing Socialism happen to be mostly wealthy white people who are politicians (who got wealthy by being politicians), academic know-it-alls, and insipid entertainers; let’s look at history.

The French Revolution took place from 1787 to 1799 instigated by upper middle class, wealthy elites including Maximilien Robespierre, a lawyer and Jacobin Club member and Joseph Guillotine, a physician. They sought to usurp the monarchy and replace it with a Constitutional Republic similar to that of the United States.

From the beginning of the 18th Century, the population of France swelled by 44-percent leading to high unemployment and civil distress such as economic and social inequality, and high taxes. Louis XVI was popular with the people, but his Austrian wife, Marie Antoinette was an unapologetic, condescending spendthrift. The Committee of Public Safety, chaired by Robespierre, used Marie Antoinette’s behavior in part to justify the beheading of both king and queen. They also charged that she was an Austrian spy. From September 1793 to July 1794, 16,600 citizens were guillotined. The victims included aristocracy, their servants, businessmen, their families and servants; and priests and nuns; AND common people caught stealing bread and fruit to feed their families. By 1796, a total of 117,000 were either executed or died awaiting trial. As fate dictates for many revolutionaries, Robespierre was considered too ambitious by his peers, and on July 28, 1794 at the age of 36 was led to the guillotine. The final result was that Napoleon overthrew the government and declared himself emperor. Some revolution—from king to emperor.

The Spanish Civil War (1936 to 1939) came about when Spain’s constitutional republic, established in 1930 after ousting King Alfonso XIII, failed to solve that country’s internal problems. The war constituents were as follows: 1) those who favored the republic (Republicans), 2) communists backed by USSR, and 3) fascists backed by Italy and Germany. Germany used the conflict as a proving ground for their WWII war machine. The Fascists prevailed and installed Francisco Franco, a brutal dictator. One million lives were lost, including the clergy.

In 1917, led by V. I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky the Reds overthrew the Tsarist monarchy of Russia to establish the USSR—the Soviet Union. Brutal dictator Joseph Stalin became the head of State when Lenin died, and purged Lenin’s followers, including Trotsky who received the same fate as the aforementioned Maximilien Robespierre. Trotsky was found in Mexico City with an axe in his head.

History teaches us that so-called beneficial change is promoted by pitting “haves” versus “have-nots” by wealthy change agents, which results in brutal, heavy-handed dictatorships rendering the people worse off. Witness Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Franco, Castro, Chavez,

Socialism is voted in then replaced (by force) with Communism. The Soviets referred to the transfer as “normalizing”. In 1957, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev accurately predicted what is happening in the US today. He said we’d be fed small bits of socialism until we wake up one day under communism without one shot being fired.

With that in mind, George Soros has been working mightily to tear down our Republic under Law of Constitution, and replace it with a socialist paradise. Most of our citizens are halfway there by referring to the US as a Democracy, a form of government that has always failed because those who scream the loudest are rewarded; the law being amended to fit. I hear the term, Democratic Socialism, a merging of two really bad ideas from people I know who have converted from liberal to extreme left-wingers. The Soviets claimed it takes a minimum of 30 years to convert neophytes to leftist zealots, which is done through the educational system by first converting ultra-liberal teachers. Results: Moral decay, demonize religion, loss of family, life-is-cheap, minorities where a father is totally absent, redistribution of money because of envy, book-burning, forced political correctness, speech censoring, et., etc.

The US ground has been fertilized with the same natural (and manufactured) elements that have toppled governments throughout history: Massive unemployment brought about in just one-year courtesy of COVID-19, a natural and manufactured phenomenon; Unbridled population surge from letting people pour across our southern boundary, most of whom have not been vaccinated; A government put in power by an electronic coup—155 million ballots counted versus 138 million registered voters, many “ballots” mysteriously showing up after 3:00am; Civil unrest and rioting led by two fascist groups, ANTIFA (what an oxymoron) and BLM both paramilitary leftist gangs; Massive debt incurred for the purpose of buying special interest groups—a democracy existing of many special interest groups all devoted to their own agenda NOT the wellbeing of the nation as a whole. Obama put the country in more debt than his 43 predecessors combined. Again, the goal being to tear down the system, and rebuild it as a socialist economy.

Finally, let’s take a look at a socialist program installed during FDR’s term in office, and despite the good intentions of that day, what has happened since. Short story: as usual self-serving politicians have betrayed the people.

Roosevelt outlined five points to the plan, which he promised would never be violated: 1. Participation is voluntary, and the SSN would never be used for identification. In fact, my card contains those words, which were removed in the 1980s. Participation is NOT voluntary. 2. One-percent from the first $1,400 would be withheld, which was the case when I was a young man. That was revised to 7.65% of the first $90,000. 3. Deductible for your income tax. In 1983, congress voted to rescind that benefit. 4. The money collected would be used ONLY to fund social security. Under LBJ congress voted to transfer the funds to the GENERAL FUND to be used for whatever they deemed necessary. 5. Social Security benefits would never be taxed as income. Under the Clinton administration congress voted to tax SS benefits with Al Gore casting the tie-breaking vote in the Senate. Sen. Joe Biden also voted “aye”.

Although the changing and raiding of social security benefits was proposed and ratified under Democrats, the GOP went along as well. The whole place is a corrupt, money-grabbing machine.

And now, some want to change the government and economic system so they rile up ignorant minions to provide the lynchpin—race against race; have-nots against haves; non-believers against believers. Do not be fooled. As always, the people will be worse off. No matter the form of government, the wealthy change agents are the only ones who make good while keeping the rest of us in line with promises of tomorrow. The Democrats have been doing it to inner city minorities for years. Like Charles Barkley said, “The Democrats only care about us every four years.”

Read a little history for crying out loud! Ah, yes, tomorrow will be a brighter day just trust us. Rubbish. Me? I’m a fan of today.

Respectfully submitted by Gene Myers

Related Articles - debate, US and World History, Donald J. Trump, Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy, "Stop and Frisk", Socialism, French Revolution, Spanish Civil War, USSR,

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