In 2009, British scientists conducted clinical trials of existing modern head lice treatments. The main purpose of these trials was to understand what method of lice treatment is most effective and safe. The research involved 60 people, the youngest patient was 5 years old. They compared three main methods (groups): 1 - Application of chemical drugs based on permethrin and malathion; 2 - A combination of chemical drugs and metal comb with AntiV technology; 3 - Manual (mechanical) removal of lice and nits with a metal comb with AntiV technology without the use of any chemicals. Side effects were noted in the first group that received treatment with chemicals only: one patient noted an allergic reaction to permethrin preparations, 5 patients noted side effects such as itching, reddening of the skin, local skin irritation after application of chemical drugs. In the third group two patients were observed side effects in the form of dermatitis associated with the use of chemicals. In the second group, which used only a mechanical method of lice therapy wasn't any cases of adverse reactions associated with the use of the treatment. The most effective was the scheme that combines the use of chemicals and metal comb with AntiV technology. In addition, in the group which only used head lice comb for the treatment were no side effects in general. Cases of recurrence were observed in the group where only used chemical treatments, their share was 30% in the first two weeks after the beginning of research. Side effects (dandruff, scalp irritation, allergic reactions, increased hair fragility) were noted in both groups, where chemicals are used. The only drawback of a mechanical method was called a large number of procedures (every 2 days for two weeks). In the published material metal comb with AntiV technology was found as head lice treatment Number 1 in the World.
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nit, lice, antiv, lice treatment, antiv comb,