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The New Frontier - Integrative Medicine by Tai Roylance

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The New Frontier - Integrative Medicine by
Article Posted: 11/06/2013
Article Views: 146
Articles Written: 431
Word Count: 1666
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The New Frontier - Integrative Medicine

What exactly is integrative medicine? Is there somewhere an agreed upon or established definition of this term? Does this type of medicine have a place and time of origin? Is there a prominent practitioner who established principles of diagnosis and treatment? The point being made is that it is not a form of medicine; it is a word used which sells an idea and image to the population that they are getting the best of both worlds. Unfortunately, this is inaccurate in the context that most seem to think about it by the articles written. If one looks into the history of allopathic medicine, they can trace it back to Hippocrates era. However, if you read the works of Hippocrates, you will find his philosophy of medicine to be naturopathic, not allopathic (modern medicine). Thus, stating that Hippocrates was the father of allopathic medicine is ill fitting; that would be Galen who fits that appropriation. If a person delves into the texts about naturopathic medicine, they can trace it back to people like Henry Lindlahr, Benedict Lust, and others. There is a point or era of origin with people who have written extensively about a particular philosophy of medicine. This is not the case with integrative medicine. Thus, there is no such formal medicine known as integrative medicine. There is no distinct philosophy which allows it to be compared and contrasted. The same can be said for alternative medicine and holistic medicine. These are just words which are commercialized that have a monetary value to them in capturing a particular audience – those people who are unhappy with allopathic medicine. It is important to understand the roots and philosophy of the medicine being discussed. If you don’t understand the origin and philosophy of the medicine, how can you truly understand your treatment plan? To illustrate this point, let’s look at the definition of allopathic medicine as taken from Merriam’s Dictionary: a system of medical practice that aims to combat disease by use of remedies (as drugs or surgery) producing effects different from or incompatible with those produced by the disease being treated. Is this not what happens? You have an illness, you are given a drug which makes that symptom disappear and you gain another symptom which is what is known as a side effect. It isn’t a side effect; it is a desired affect by the philosophy of their medicine. It just isn’t an effect which you desire. It should more appropriately be called the “undesired effects.” Philosophical Differences Allopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine are diametrically opposed in philosophy. They literally are oil and water. The origin and philosophy of disease is different, and therefore, so is the treatment. For one to become like the other, as in an integrative approach, is impossible without compromising the integrity of the other. For example, it is believed that there is no such thing as toxic build up. This is written in science journals, and spoken about by M.D.’s. ND’s can attribute toxic build up to certain diseases and the focus is to eliminate them through the body. They may use hydrotherapy, colonics, certain types of diets, or other approaches. In contrast, if the allopath doesn’t believe that your auto immune problem isn’t related to toxic matter in the system, which most all don’t, then their approach will be different giving pharmaceutical drugs to suppress one symptom to gain another. Again, this is the definition of allopathy. And therefore, you can’t integrate this philosophy of medicine with one who looks at disease from a standpoint of diet, an individual’s terrain, their emotional status, the lack of physical exercise, and many other contributing factors which lend themselves to producing an imbalance which then leads to the “named” chronic disease. Rather than focusing on the disease, the ND will find it more important to understand the patient who has the disease. They will attempt to uncover the contributing factors leading to the imbalance and which things can be modified or changed. Once you correct these imbalances, the symptoms improve or go absent. If you have no symptoms after a given time, is there a disease left? - Probably not. This is also is not to say that there aren’t MD’s who don’t practice from this line of thinking, but this article is strictly speaking of the philosophy that is outline by the field as a whole and that set forth by the AMA which is influenced by Big Pharma.

What is Allopathic Medicine? Allopathic medicine studies disease. It looks at the symptoms and will order lab tests to try and figure out what organ system is responsible for causing these symptoms. Sometimes this proves valuable, while other times this is erroneous. Many times a person will have symptoms and the labs are completely normal because there hasn’t been enough damage to the organ to produce abnormal values in the test ordered. So if your test is normal, you are either incorrectly diagnosed and told to give it more time, diagnosed with it being in your head, or diagnosed and given drugs which often suppress the symptoms or “correct the numbers”, but cause other areas of your body to become imbalanced. By the time most problems are detected by laboratory results, the person is too far down the river to make it back upstream on their own so professional intervention is required, and sometimes it is just too late period. There is absolutely no room for measures of removing toxins from the system, tonifying and strengthening the organism, or incorporating modalities which increase vitality in the allopathic model. Granted, there are some physicianswhoincorporate these approaches, but they are rogue M.D.’s who have chosen to go against the philosophy of their medicine and risk being ostracized from their peers. And for that, they should be commended. It should also be known that M.D.’s are obligated to practice medicine as outlined by the AMA, if they do not comply with these guidelines, they can lose their license! That being said, this article isn’t about a people problem, it is about philosophical problem deeply rooted and intertwined with vested financial interests. What is Naturopathic Medicine? Naturopathic medicine studies health. The philosophy of traditional naturopathic medicine understands that from the most simplistic and fundamental viewpoint of life, everything is made of energy and everything transfers energy – the food we eat, the air we breathe, the relationships we have with others, the thoughts we have, etc. These all factor not only into preventative medicine, but the restoration of health once it has been taken. This should be common sense. We have no problem stating things such as, “I could feel the energy in that place when we won the game, there’s just something about that person that I don’t like, I knew I loved that person the moment I saw them, I can feel it in my gut, etc.” These are all things that everyone I’ve talked to about can relate. So why would it not factor into our health? It does; of course it does. Whether the lesion is on the spiritual level, the mental level, or physical level, there is an energetic component to it. Thus, when treating an individual, you take out the trashin the system and have them undergo depuration, you supply them with any nutrients which may be lacking, you strengthen their organ systems, you focus on their mental well-being, and you treat in a manner which is unique to that individual’s problem. All of this is reduced down to an energetic level. Broadly speaking, do you really think your body cares about whether you eat green beans or pasta for energy? No, it cares about breaking it down so it can extract what it needs to produce ATP, the basic unit of energy. And to achieve this, it needs to be able to break it down, absorb it, and assimilate it. This is completely contrary to allopathic medicine. And currently, there is no system in place which openly reimburses medical providers who practice medicine from this philosophy.And sorry, licensing ND’s on the Affordable Care Act isn’t going to cover many of the modalities which ND’s offer. Although, if there is way in which it will be profitable for insurances, this may change.

The real meaning of integrative To be integrative in its most authentic manner should be mean that a person might see an ND for their primary medical problems, but also sees a homeopathic physician for an emotional trauma that the ND does not feel capable of addressing. Or perhaps they see an acupuncturist to address their emotional problem as it also works on an energetic level and is very successful at treating these types of problems among countless others that are not emotional or psychologically based. This person may even see an herbalist, chiropractor or a massage therapist. No one is skilled at everything, and it takes many years to master a craft; therefore, integrating different providers with their own specialization and approach to restoring health is a great thing when needed. However, mixing the philosophy of naturopathic medicine or any other philosophy of medicine such oriental medicine with allopathic medicine is not integrative. The merging of allopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine in an integrative fashion is devising a treatment plan of weaning the patient off medications and collaborating with their M.D. - if this is even possible due to the politics of medicine. Being integrative might involve sending them to an M.D. for consultation regarding an invasive test which may need to be performed, or perhaps sending them for a surgical consultation. This could be considered integrative, but this is in no way integrative from a philosophical standpoint of diagnosing the problem and treating them in a manner that is enhancing and promoting internal health, as well as mental well-being.

Written by: Chris Fucci, PA Here the author Chris Fucci says about Naturopathic Medical Schools and Naturopathic Medicine, Insurance. For more information, please visit

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