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January 15, 2025

In 1979, Robert Ringer (“Restoring the American Dream”, Harper & Row, New York) opined that the two-party system in the US is a fallacy. He maintained that the two parties claimed to have great ideological differences, but in the trenches played the game practically the same. He called them the Demo-Republican party whose aim was to keep us dumb schlubs arguing over stuff they mainly didn’t give a damn about. The “game” was to get re-elected and to get rich by peddling DC influence. Ringer also wrote that the pendulum had swung too far—that there was little chance of going back; that the situa... (read more)

Author: Gene Myers

November 20, 2024

This is my third and final essay about the weird and wonderful world of declining romantic relationships. The first dissertation, BAD ROMANCE, suggested a few probable causes for the situation in the first place. I’m mean, if we’re candid and/or possess intellectual honesty, the reality of an off-the-chains affair is pretty high. My observations suggest that failed relationships are 50 to 80-percent of the equation. Guys, how many girlfriends have you had? Ladies, how many boyfriends? See my point? The second write-up was a proposed remedy for a deteriorating liaison, namely, get yourself... (read more)

Author: Gene Myers

June 09, 2024

February 1, 2023 is forever burned into both my conscious and subconscious minds. Try as I may, I cannot wish it away. It hangs out there like an unpleasant odor—worse, like a fart in church (to complete the metaphor). What I mean is that it’s not an enjoyable recollection; rather it’s like September 11 (or December 7 for my parents’ generation)—my personal day of infamy. Here it is: At 12:09 am I was informed my heretofore very healthy wife had stepped beyond the veil of existence. I mean, c’mon universe! She was in top condition—best she’d been in for years. The circumstances leading u... (read more)

Author: Gene Myers

May 01, 2024

This past March I met my daughter and son in Indio, California, at a rented house that was headquarters for the time we spent in the area. We were there to attend the PNB Paribas tennis tournament at Indian Wells. The trip and event have become a family tradition. Sadly, the last two years have been without Kay, wife and mother. Instead of returning home to Goodyear, Arizona, I continued to Orange County to spend extra time with them and attend a birthday party of a friend who lives on Balboa Island in Newport Beach. Typically, as soon as I reached Riverside the traffic was slow-and-go “b... (read more)

Author: Gene Myers

April 10, 2024

I recall that during the 1970s that many mainstream USA-made products were of second-rate quality and reliability. This was most obvious with American-made cars of the period. It was intentional. There was an insidious business strategy. From roughly World War II until, say, 1975 American Industry was like an undefeated football team—30 wins in a row. The problem was that the rest of the world was recovering and their consumers needed “everything”. Up stepped US Industry (the main reason the west won the war) to fill the void. So, 30 wins in a row! The problem was that all the wins ... (read more)

Author: Gene Myers

6. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 25
December 07, 2023

The Developer ">The Mirror Rearview; Special Report # 24 An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, an imaginary USA municipality. Alice N. Wonderland is a candidate for President of the United States for the 2024 election. She has filed papers to appear on the ballot in all 50 states under the Bliss Party. Yesterday, Ms. Wonderland made the announcement in front of the Nirvana County Administration Building in front of 5,000 supporters in downtown Utopia. The County orchestra played “Alice’... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

7. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 24
December 07, 2023

The Mirror Rearview; Special Report # 24 An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, an imaginary USA municipality. Alice N. Wonderland is a candidate for President of the United States for the 2024 election. She has filed papers to appear on the ballot in all 50 states under the Bliss Party. Yesterday, Ms. Wonderland made the announcement in front of the Nirvana County Administration Building in front of 5,000 supporters in downtown Utopia. The County orchestra played “Alice’s Restaurant,” he... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

August 15, 2023

When one’s long-time partner leaves—whatever the reason: breakup, walkabout, divorce, death—the survivor’s life is transformed. Sometimes the change is beneficial; and other times it may be heart-wrenching and bitter. According to behavioral scientists, all such occurrences are accompanied by trauma; and loss of a partner is (perhaps) the most stressful event in life. On February 1, 2023, at 12:09 am, my never-sick, robust, very-fit wife died suddenly. It didn’t really register with me for a full 36 hours. I chronicled the situation in my essay, The Widower. After some 2... (read more)

Author: Gene Myers

9. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 23
May 27, 2023

"The Developer" ">The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 22 (May 27, 2023) An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, an imaginary USA municipality. Utopia County Executive, Alice N. Wonderland, hosted the annual “State of the County” presentation, announcing recent executive actions and legislative policies implemented by the County commissioners. The sixty-minute speech resulted in over twenty standing ovations from the press and select leaders of the municipality. Ms. Wonderland, who wore a ma... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

10. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 22
May 27, 2023

The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 22 (May 27, 2023) An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, an imaginary USA municipality. Utopia County Executive, Alice N. Wonderland, hosted the annual “State of the County” presentation, announcing recent executive actions and legislative policies implemented by the County commissioners. The sixty-minute speech resulted in over twenty standing ovations from the press and select leaders of the municipality. Ms. Wonderland, who wore a mask with the letters... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

11. Great spiritual websites
May 22, 2023

Some of the best websites to use if you are spiritual are... online clairvoyant psychic readings- the website of the famous, leading international clairvoyant Rosemary Price, still going strong after forty five years of working helping people full time as a professional. This is a terrific website for anyone who wants to arrange a sitting with her but it has far more to offer with articles and help which is free. - the website of Beth Shepherd the international online clairvoyant Beth Shepherd therapist and clairvoyant who also offers totally free readings on the website - you... (read more)

Author: carmel brulez

March 22, 2023

This is an essay I hoped I’d never write. It’s a eulogy of sorts and I’ve been compelled to write too many of these over the past five years. Usually, the words flow easily and effortlessly for me. I just sit back and let loose without much effort—let fingers follow mind. But not this time. This time it’s different. This time it’s personal in the most extreme and surreal way. A strange word now describes me. Widower. I hate that word. it’s a dreadful word—perhaps an apt descriptor, but nonetheless, repulsive and definitely undesirable. Yet, in this chaotic world of entropy and ... (read more)

Author: Gene Myers

13. COVID's Breakdown
March 20, 2023

COVID's Breakdown “You better stop and look around Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes Here comes your 19th nervous breakdown.” The lyrics from the Rolling Stones’ famous 1964 song “19th Nervous Breakdown” seems to best summarize the world’s trauma over the past three years. The population didn’t look around when Covid-19 arrived…they simply swallowed the CDC’s edicts and the politicians’ decrees forming a state of mass psychosis. A few virologists and epidemiologists challenged the policies the government dictated but those doctors were intimidated, ridicule... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

14. The Importance of Pronouns: A Guide to Understanding Gender Identity
February 24, 2023

Pronouns are an essential part of communication. They are used to refer to someone in the third person, without using their name. For years, the use of gender-neutral pronouns has been a subject of discussion in academic circles, but today it has become a social issue. In the LGBTQ+ community, the use of pronouns has become an important way to express and respect an individual's gender identity. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of pronouns and provide a guide to understanding gender identity. What are Pronouns? Pronouns are words used in place of a person's name.... (read more)

Author: Nick Keeping

15. When was Pride Month Invented: A Journey Through LGBTQ+ History
February 24, 2023

Pride is an annual celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, but have you ever asked yourself, when was pride month invented? The history of Pride Month can be traced back to the Stonewall Riots in 1969, a pivotal moment in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. The riots sparked a wave of activism and a growing sense of community among LGBTQ+ people, leading to the first Pride Parade in New York City the following year. However, the concept of a designated month to celebrate LGBTQ+ identity and culture took some time to develop. In this blog post, we'll explore the history of Pride Month, including the... (read more)

Author: Nick Keeping

December 23, 2022

A few years ago, I wrote about my closest high school buddy earning his wings. Dennis Hull first soloed in a Cessna before graduation. Further, Dennis became a Wright Brothers expert as a docent at Pima Air Museum in Tucson and flew a 1911 Wright Flyer (twice) at the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio. He said it was a real bugs-in-the-teeth experience. The guy loved airplanes constantly building models including the remote-control variety—one the size of a small car. Dennis always wanted me to get into a glider (sailplane) with him, but I declined. The closest was when we (separately) “flew” F-... (read more)

Author: Gene Myers

July 27, 2022

I notice the letters LGBTQ+ (or something like that) popup a lot these days especially in print and social media. The advocates claim all the hubbub is to make sure those with a different lifestyle get their “rights”, whatever that means. Okay. Well and good. Everyone deserves to pursue happiness and/or not be mistreated, but in my world that is not a “right” per se. Equal employment opportunity, lifestyle—okay. I wish bigotry and mistreatment of individuals who are exceptional from the mainstream (sexuality, race, dwarfism, would just go away, but it won’t. The human condition i... (read more)

Author: Gene Myers

18. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 21
May 18, 2022

The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 21 (May 18, 2022) An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, formerly Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Alice N. Wonderland, Laicos County Executive, has officially been renamed Utopia County and the county seat has been changed from Laicos City to Nirvana. The county and city councils unanimously voted for the name changes. Stemming from the invasion of Ukraine, Ms. Wonderland has imposed punitive actions against anyone in Utopia County who h... (read more)

Author: Stephen Bye

19. A Prayer for Ukraine
April 13, 2022

Creator, the only God there is, Lord Jesus, who is just to forgive all our sins, Holy Spirit, our help; we adore You (Genesis 1-2) (1 John 1:9) (Matthew 28:19) (Psalm 34:1-4). We call upon you because you are God, who does not delight when wicked people rule over the land allotted to the righteous (Psalm 46:10 (Psalm 125:3). I ask You to save Ukraine. You said, that if there were ten just people, you would spare the whole place for their sake (Genesis 18:26). There are many people there, who are made justified by the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus because they believe in you. These... (read more)

Author: W M

20. Cyberwar History and Ukraine
April 04, 2022

Cyberwar History and Ukraine, by Steve Burgess, 2022 People are much more drawn to images of blown-up building, fires, mushroom clouds, refugees in dire circumstances, color pictures of pain that are better in black and white than they are to explanations of code or even fallout from code if it’s not resulting in something blown-up, fiery, or pictures of people in pain that are better in black and white. That is to say, while we see plenty of stories of ransomware, temporary business disruptions, and credit card & ID fraud, it’s not visceral. It goes by quickly on the page and in our... (read more)

Author: Steve Burgess

21. El Salvador Adopts BitCoin
July 21, 2021

El Salvador Adopts BitCoin copyright 2021, Steve Burgess El Salvador just passed a law to make BitCoin (BTC) legal tender and is the first country to do so. It did something similar back in 2001, when it made the US Dollar the official currency, replacing the Salvadoran Colón (named after Christopher Columbus), which had been the official currency for more than a century. What’s interesting is that the dollar was adopted because it was a stable currency. It was adopted in hopes of stabilizing El Salvador’s economy. While BitCoin is joining the dollar as legal currency, one would be... (read more)

Author: Steve Burgess

22. Coated Steel: Best Choice For Construction
February 11, 2021

Coated steel roof presents a particular upscale fashion that can't be mimicked by another kind of shingle. They're designed to suit almost any kind of house and may match the appearance of much more expensive and less durable shingles like wooden shingle shingles. The important selling point to this kind of roof is it may be painted in several distinct schemes so that you are able to fit the area you reside in. Most Mediterranean style houses utilize this kind of coated steel and have them painted the color orange to actually match this exotic house design you don't see very frequently in ... (read more)

Author: Anish Sah

23. An American Patriots Shame
February 09, 2021

As I watched the 13 minutes from the impeachment trial opening, I became profoundly ashamed. Many of the insurgent's parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and ancestors fought for...(?) this country(?), our Constitution(?), a way of life that has been blissfully dead for 200 years? Indeed some of those insurgents where or had been in the military or police forces fighting for...? I'm not so sure anymore. If that is the equal so many of us have fought and died for, for so many decades and centuries, then it's time to revisit our truths, our democracy, our republic. I don't want to be equal... (read more)

Author: marvell lawson

24. The Perfect Way to Shop for a Diversity of Items
November 10, 2020

STOP! Go no further... I have found 'the Holy Grail' of websites. Most websites carry a distinct theme. I've assembled this one with you in mind. Although no specific theme sticks out, an underlying one is made evident. It was built to share advice in a number of areas while giving you access to these same areas and in some cases for free. Free is always good. I will attempt to describe all the nook & crannies of this site and trust me, a few exist. The website is constantly evolving as good persons like yourself keep offering me good content to add or items they would like to s... (read more)


25. Importance of handwashing during Corona Pandemic
October 16, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic provides the major reminder that handwashing with soap and water is one of the simplest, most effective ways to stop the grow of germs and stay healthy. Handwashing with soap and water can prevent 1 in 3 people from getting unhealthy with diarrhoea and 1 in 5 people from getting a respiratory illness. That is why handwashing is so important, especially at lead times such as after using the bathroom, when preparing food, before eating, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. "Hand Hygiene for All" is the theme of this year's Global Handwashing Day, fo... (read more)

Author: Anjali Devri

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Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more

For more articles, blog messages & videos and a free e-book download go to your p...more

At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more

I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more

Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

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