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Female Entrepreneurs Articles and Ezines

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Showing 1 to 25 of 500 Articles in Female Entrepreneurs.
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1. How to Choose a Web Host That's Right for Your Business
February 02, 2023

If your business needs a website, then you’re going to need some form of web hosting. But if you don’t work on websites for a living, then understanding how to choose a web host that’s appropriate for your business can be daunting, to say the least. There are many different types of hosting, each with its own price points, features, and capabilities. And trying to figure out all this stuff can be pretty overwhelming. But if you want to choose the web host that’s right for your business, then you’ve got to understand what each type of hosting is, and the benefits and disadvantage... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

2. 10 Tips to Help You Get Back to Business This Fall
September 01, 2022

As the days continue to get shorter and summer comes to an end, there’s no better time than now to do some much-needed planning and ensure you can get back to business this fall with renewed confidence. For many businesses, the summer months tend to be much slower, and this makes it easier to neglect the business planning process, when what we should be doing is kicking things into high gear in preparation for the upcoming holiday season. I know some of you are probably wondering, “Why is she going on about business planning? Isn’t that something you do before you’ve even launched yo... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

3. How to Hire a Brand Designer That's Right for Your Business
April 15, 2022

When you’re trying to build a profitable business, branding is everything. No matter what products or services you’re trying to sell, without the right branding, it’s going to be hard to gain recognition, inspire trust, or communicate the right message to potential customers, and as a result, your business will be more likely to fail. If your branding looks like it was done by an amateur, it can turn people off and make them think twice about spending their hard-earned money on whatever it is you’re selling. If your brand isn’t visually appealing, or easily identifiable, it’s go... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

4. How One of Our Longest-Running Clients Has Kept Us as Busy as We've Kept Her
April 04, 2022

A Case Study On Quantum Ascendance Here at eVision Media, we are a full-service marketing agency that offers a wide range of services, including custom website design and development, eCommerce marketing, SEO and SEM marketing, social media marketing and management, logo and graphic design, copywriting, content writing, email marketing, and strategy consulting. I know that was pretty long-winded, but it’s true. No matter what you need to market your business online, we can do it, and we do it well. That being said, if there’s one client who’s given us the ability to showcas... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

5. Your 2022 Guide on How to Use Video in Email Marketing
January 25, 2022

It’s not news that video is at the forefront of marketing these days. From creating videos for your website to hosting Facebook Live sessions, this marketing tool has transformed from a nice-to-have to a must-have if you want to effectively engage with your audience and build a loyal following who will be more likely to purchase from you. Video-based marketing is a great way to stand out from the multiple messages people get in their inboxes every day, not to mention how effective it is on social media. This article focuses on how to use video in email marketing. Keep reading fo... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

6. Your 2022 Guide on How to Get the Most Out of Video Marketing
January 11, 2022

Video Content Marketing Trends & Tips In the past few years we’ve seen a massive increase in video content popping up online, and there’s no sign of it slowing down. From creating webinars to putting short clips in emails, a video marketing strategy is a must if you want to truly engage with your audience, improve brand awareness, and boost leads and sales. In fact, 83% of marketers say video helps them with lead generation, and 87% say it has increased traffic to their website. Some other benefits of video marketing include: ? It’s good for SEO. If your content is compell... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

7. How To E-A-T Your Way to the Content Google Likes
June 10, 2021

Follow These EAT Guidelines to Improve Your Website SEO You know what they say – you are what you eat. Of course, when people say this, they’re usually discussing your diet, and how your food choices impact your health. But what about the health of your website? Turns out what your website ‘eats’ plays a big role, too! I’m talking, of course, about EAT, part of Google’s new search guidelines. If you want to create content that Google likes, then you MUST follow EAT! EAT stand for three important criteria that Google uses when evaluating your site: Expertise Auth... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

8. Playing the Dangerous Comparison Game on Social Media - Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt #10
January 28, 2021

Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt #10 The Truth Behind the Social Media Gurus They Don’t Want You to Know I’m sure we’ve all done it. Compared ourselves to the seemingly successful people that showcase their achievements on social media. But…it sure can be a dangerous slippery slope…?You start to question yourself.?Wonder if you’re doing the right thing.?Second guessing your business and marketing strategies and thinking the grass is definitely greener on that other side of the fence. Then the snowball builds and starts to affect how you show up in your business.?You’d rath... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

9. New Research Shows Big Opportunities for Small Businesses
December 06, 2020

Today’s technology has changed the shopping experience. While many of us still enjoy trying on clothes at our favorite department store, we also relish the ability to buy specific and unique items through an e-commerce app, or research product details via our smartphone. The changing nature of retail has opened tremendous opportunities for small businesses in the past decade. According to new research, "Charting the Growth Journey: From Product to Profitable Business" from GS1 US, a not-for-profit product identification and standards organization, the most successful small businesses are those... (read more)

Author: Jason Ng

10. How to Have Clients Who Are Your Ardent Champions
November 26, 2020

Tales from the Online Marketing Crypt – Vol. 7 Showing Gratitude to The Uncle Toms of the Marketing World I’m certain every family has at least one of them in them. The rebel. The black sheep, the wild one. We have Uncle Tom. Mind you, he didn’t hold a candle to the Uncle Buck character John Candy played, but nonetheless, he has a certain flair to him that makes him stand out from the rest of the family. One summer, he piled several of us into his old Gremlin—one of history’s dorkiest cars, apparently—and headed to the Abbotsford Airshow. This was before seat belts were ma... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

11. Ultimate Small Shop - Setting Up A Wood Shop For Less Than $1000 - More for Less
November 14, 2020

Ever thought of having your very own workshop? Are you holding back due to the lack of available space or extra money? Now, you can have your own workshop in a small space even if you do not have a big budget with the "Ultimate Small Shop" guide. The following article is a personal review of Ultimate Small Shop What makes Ultimate Small Shop the Best Guide for Setting up a Workshop? It is a complete start to finish walkthrough on how you set up a workshop - from planning to optimization. It allows you to have a complete, functional, and feature-packed workshop for no more than $... (read more)

Author: Jason Ng

12. How do Fat girls Avoid Inferiority and Maintain Self-confidence?
October 14, 2020

Now we are generally pursuing the state of being thin and beautiful. Thin people have certain advantages in many things. For example, thin people have more choices in clothes. The aesthetic trends of the society and the inconvenience have made many fat girls become less and less self-confident, and even shrink in a corner to protect themselves. In fact, today’s social aesthetic is relatively deformed, because some people pursue the beauty of thin blindly. It seems that the thinner a girl is, the more beautiful she will be. Girls who are slightly plump or obese are not worthy of walking on the ... (read more)

Author: Danica Evans

13. How to regain confidence and happiness from deep inside.
June 06, 2020

It is a fact that In contemporary world, women tend to rule more and more. We have everything for it but lots of our precious qualities are hidden inside and covered by the external influences. Shakuntali Siberia, Enlightened woman, Doctor of Psychology, founder of the International Academy of working with subconscious “Gyud”, tells us how to develop self-confidence and power that are slumbering inside each woman. Self-confident person - who is that? Someone who knows exactly what he/she needs to be happy and who is free enough to achieve that. So, a free and a happy one. We all are bo... (read more)

Author: Natalie Baker

14. How many escorts are there in London?
April 27, 2020

Vibrant, extremely noisy, and above all, multicultural, the amazing city of London is without a doubt a megalopolis of people, energy, as well as ideas. When it comes to the escorts industry, the truth is that it is quite developed in the entire UK, and especially in the capital. Let’s find out more about this subject. taliking about sex workers Birmingham escorts The sex work itself is legal in the United Kingdom, but on the other hand, numerous related activities such as owning or managing a brothel, solic... (read more)

Author: Anne Marie

15. Cum alegi rochia de mireasa - întrebari si raspunsuri
March 27, 2019

Cum alegi rochia de mireasa – întrebari ?i raspunsuri Ce trebuie sa stii înainte de a-ti alege rochia de mireasa? În primul rând, trebuie sa va gânditi la locatia aleasa pentru marele eveniment. Este o loca?ie de lux? Nunta se va desfasura pe o plaja? Sau poate va fi organizata în aer liber? În functie de locatia evenimentului, rochia de mireasa trebuie aleasa în concordanta cu tipul evenimentului sau cu tematica acestuia. Nu puteti alege o rochie cu o trena de 5 metri daca nunta voastra va avea loc pe o plaja, nu? Deci încercati sa potriviti cât mai bine toate amanuntele pentru a avea o nun... (read more)

Author: Maria Enescu

16. Seven Surprising Sources For Tattoo Designs For Women
January 18, 2019

We’re living in a day and age when the notion of tattoo designs for women seems a little antiquated. Still, you can still make an argument that there are some tattoo designs that tend to have a more feminine tilt to them than others. It is important to note that this does not make them women’s tattoo designs. In fact, that’s perhaps the one thing to take away from this discussion. ‘Tattoo designs for women’ is not the same thing as ‘women’s tattoo designs’. Tattooing transcends the idea of what identifies gender and is perhaps why this form of body art still finds a place in society today... (read more)

Author: Alfred Mears

17. Mange Your Time - Don't Let It Manage Your
November 07, 2018

Manage Your Time -Don’t Let it Manage You When you get right down to it, time management is really about managing your actions. We all want to use the process of time management to allows us to perform more actions in the day, getting everything done that needs to be done and giving us time to do the things we enjoy doing. But time management isn't a magical cure for getting the actions done that you need to do. It's simply a tool. A very powerful tool when used correctly, but still just a tool. For example, you might learn all there is to know about time management - read countless books, l... (read more)

Author: Lela Stovall

18. Secrets to Creating a Visual Brand Identity That Sets You Apart
November 12, 2017

8 Key Areas You Want to Keep Your Visual Brand Consistent Have you ever wondered what your social media followers think about you? Is it possible you are sending mixed messages to your prospects? This month we’re talking about the importance of personal branding and how it helps your business. This article ties closely in with that regarding your visual brand – essentially how you come across to others. Over the years I have seen a lot of business owners who haven't taken time to define their brand. They don't understand when businesses stray from their brand, it dilute... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

19. 7 Crucial Elements to Building an Effective Personal Brand
November 06, 2017

How to Gain More Income, Influence and Impact Through Building a Personal Brand It used to be that if you had a logo and a website you had a business brand. But today's consumers demand a lot more. Branding for them is about the experience of being with you, the owner of that business. Today businesses have to look a lot deeper when it comes to creating a personal brand that is in harmony with their business brand. When you have a strong personal brand, you become a mini-celebrity in your field. With that strong brand comes clout and credibility. People look up to you. ... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

20. Preparing For Fall In-Home Entertainment
September 25, 2017

The days are beginning to cool off, the pace of life is picking up and the kids are heading back to school! It must be fall! Perhaps for you, this is also the beginning of the fall entertainment cycle! What better time to think about how to decorate for those fun moments with friends and family? As you begin planning for this season, you’ll want to reflect your style, taste, and favorite activities in terms of your home’s flow, color schemes, materials you’ll use and even the furniture that supports all your activities. Let’s start with flow. Go With the Flow You can help your guests... (read more)

Author: Joe Hines

21. The Tone of Your Voice Tells a Story - What Is Yours Saying?
June 09, 2017

When it comes to the speaking voice, tone deals with the expression of a mood or emotion. In relationship to your delivery, your tone can have a surprising influence on how your topic or subject is perceived. Were you to give a motivational speech, your tone would be different than if you were speaking to a master’s level class on horticulture. I worked with a woman who always sounded distant when answering the phone. In truth, the tone in her voice made her sound uninterested. No matter who was on the other end of the line, be it her colleagues or prospective clients, the tone in her voi... (read more)

Author: Nancy Daniels

22. A stylish fashion abode
May 26, 2017

Style Satva, a recently completed fashion studio by young design firm, Kyrra Studio in Vadodara is as fashionable as it is practical. Designed in the basement of the client’s residence, Style Satva meets specific client needs in a comprehensive and stylish milieu of colours and materials. The design effectively tackles challenges of tight space, dampness and lack of natural light. Beginning from the exterior, visitors climb down a marble-tiled metal staircase lined with planters into the studio that emanates comfort and calm amid the harmony of materials composed with utmost attenti... (read more)

Author: Team IAnD

23. ClothesMake Offer Customized Suits for Men with Free Shipping
March 03, 2017

ClothesMake has been recognized for providing high quality products for their customer at a price they can surely afford. This company made its name by specializing in making fully customized suits for men with free shipping for bulk orders. Men in suits these days, especially those who are working in a big company or the owner of a multinational firm, have realized the importance of wearing suits that will best present them to their prospect clients and to everyone they meet in their day to day living. Men who want to get customized suits that match their taste and their size can expect to... (read more)

Author: John Doe

24. What it Takes to Create an Award-Winning Business
November 29, 2016

What it Takes to Create an Award-Winning Business 14 Strategies We Attribute to Our Recent Business Excellence Award Out of the blue, I received an email from the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce one day notifying me that eVision Media was nominated for a 2016 Business Excellence award. Say what? Once I got past my shock and disbelief that they must have the wrong Susan… it began to sink in that someone out there thought we were worthy enough of this nomination. Wow, what an honour! Part of the nomination process consisted of a 30-minute interview in front of ... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

25. 8 Secrets to Keeping Your Business Going While on Vacation
August 08, 2016

The summer means it’s vacation time! Time to get away and enjoy sun and summer fun! But when you are a business owner, the thought of leaving your business can be stressful. I know it took me several years before I allowed myself the opportunity to truly take time off for some badly needed respite. When you are on holiday, you should be able to unwind… not sit and worry about lost productivity and things falling through the cracks. So how can you ensure your business will run smoothly while you’re gone? Here are some tips I’ve learned over the years to help keep your bus... (read more)

Author: Susan Friesen

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Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more

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Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

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