Humor Articles and Ezines
January 15, 2025
In 1979, Robert Ringer (“Restoring the American Dream”, Harper & Row, New York) opined that the two-party system in the US is a fallacy. He maintained that the two parties claimed to have great ideological differences, but in the trenches played the game practically the same. He called them the Demo-Republican party whose aim was to keep us dumb schlubs arguing over stuff they mainly didn’t give a damn about. The “game” was to get re-elected and to get rich by peddling DC influence. Ringer also wrote that the pendulum had swung too far—that there was little chance of going back; that the situa... (read more)
Author: Gene Myers
November 20, 2024
This is my third and final essay about the weird and wonderful world of declining romantic relationships. The first dissertation, BAD ROMANCE, suggested a few probable causes for the situation in the first place. I’m mean, if we’re candid and/or possess intellectual honesty, the reality of an off-the-chains affair is pretty high. My observations suggest that failed relationships are 50 to 80-percent of the equation. Guys, how many girlfriends have you had? Ladies, how many boyfriends? See my point?
The second write-up was a proposed remedy for a deteriorating liaison, namely, get yourself... (read more)
Author: Gene Myers
3. GOOD TRAVEL AGENT: The Cure for Bad Romance
October 16, 2024
This is the second in a series of three essays written to explore the subject of romantic relationships. The first was entitled BAD ROMANCE—perhaps some of you read it. To be precise, in that article I was not referring to a “sad” romance—you know, a little one-or-two-week affair that went square. Nosireebob; no way. What I meant was a really, really deep-down hurt. You had to get your just desserts for the experience to officially qualify as a bad romance. The title of this blurb is my suggested remedy for the first article since when one has a bad romance it’s definitely prudent to get... (read more)
Author: Gene Myers
September 15, 2024
INTRODUCTION: In a way, this essay is the result of an assignment—yeah, like in school. I do not profess to be an expert about the subject herein, but I am a widower in a 55-plus community of my ilk and others who’ve been divorced, so the old game of seeking out new partners is in full swing. It’s pretty much like high school, that is: search, chase, rejection, success, breakup, and repeat with all the awkwardness of the early years, but with more aggression—that is, the participants get to the “bottom line” quickly. Being a nosy writer, I enjoy observing the human condition, so here we go… ... (read more)
Author: Gene Myers
May 01, 2024
This past March I met my daughter and son in Indio, California, at a rented house that was headquarters for the time we spent in the area. We were there to attend the PNB Paribas tennis tournament at Indian Wells. The trip and event have become a family tradition. Sadly, the last two years have been without Kay, wife and mother.
Instead of returning home to Goodyear, Arizona, I continued to Orange County to spend extra time with them and attend a birthday party of a friend who lives on Balboa Island in Newport Beach. Typically, as soon as I reached Riverside the traffic was slow-and-go “b... (read more)
Author: Gene Myers
6. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 25
December 07, 2023
The Developer ">The Mirror Rearview; Special Report # 24
An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, an imaginary USA municipality.
Alice N. Wonderland is a candidate for President of the United States for the 2024 election. She has filed papers to appear on the ballot in all 50 states under the Bliss Party.
Yesterday, Ms. Wonderland made the announcement in front of the Nirvana County Administration Building in front of 5,000 supporters in downtown Utopia. The County orchestra played “Alice’... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
7. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 24
December 07, 2023
The Mirror Rearview; Special Report # 24
An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, an imaginary USA municipality.
Alice N. Wonderland is a candidate for President of the United States for the 2024 election. She has filed papers to appear on the ballot in all 50 states under the Bliss Party.
Yesterday, Ms. Wonderland made the announcement in front of the Nirvana County Administration Building in front of 5,000 supporters in downtown Utopia. The County orchestra played “Alice’s Restaurant,” he... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
8. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 23
May 27, 2023
"The Developer" ">The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 22 (May 27, 2023) An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, an imaginary USA municipality.
Utopia County Executive, Alice N. Wonderland, hosted the annual “State of the County” presentation, announcing recent executive actions and legislative policies implemented by the County commissioners. The sixty-minute speech resulted in over twenty standing ovations from the press and select leaders of the municipality.
Ms. Wonderland, who wore a ma... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
9. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 22
May 27, 2023
The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 22 (May 27, 2023) An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, an imaginary USA municipality.
Utopia County Executive, Alice N. Wonderland, hosted the annual “State of the County” presentation, announcing recent executive actions and legislative policies implemented by the County commissioners. The sixty-minute speech resulted in over twenty standing ovations from the press and select leaders of the municipality.
Ms. Wonderland, who wore a mask with the letters... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
December 23, 2022
A few years ago, I wrote about my closest high school buddy earning his wings. Dennis Hull first soloed in a Cessna before graduation. Further, Dennis became a Wright Brothers expert as a docent at Pima Air Museum in Tucson and flew a 1911 Wright Flyer (twice) at the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio. He said it was a real bugs-in-the-teeth experience. The guy loved airplanes constantly building models including the remote-control variety—one the size of a small car. Dennis always wanted me to get into a glider (sailplane) with him, but I declined. The closest was when we (separately) “flew” F-... (read more)
Author: Gene Myers
November 14, 2022
Here we go again. Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of….wait a minute—it doesn’t go that way. This is the seventh Christmas-themed essay I’ve written for www.amazines.com over the last 12 years. The previous six articles are listed at the end of this blurb along with a short description of each should you, dear reader, get the urge to peruse them. (I hope you do.) Well, it’s mid-November and I’ve already viewed several Hallmark Christmas movies, perhaps in the mood for cheesy, well-worn, predictable, plotlines, to wit: boy meets girl, conflict, spark, boy gets girl, misunderstanding, boy loses... (read more)
Author: Gene Myers
12. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 21
May 18, 2022
The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 21 (May 18, 2022)
An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Utopia County, formerly Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality.
Alice N. Wonderland, Laicos County Executive, has officially been renamed Utopia County and the county seat has been changed from Laicos City to Nirvana. The county and city councils unanimously voted for the name changes.
Stemming from the invasion of Ukraine, Ms. Wonderland has imposed punitive actions against anyone in Utopia County who h... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
13. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 20
December 03, 2021
"The Developer" ">The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 19 (December 3, 2021) An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, an independent journalist for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Twelve months ago, Laicos County Executive, Alice N. Wonderland ordered a permanent lockdown of its residents to curtail the spread of COVID-19, based upon the recommendations of Dr. I. M. Gloomy, an epidemiologist, and Dr. Max Panik, head of the County Department of Health. However, using a lottery number system, Laicos County residents are allow... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
14. How to Cheat at Golf
August 16, 2021
How To Cheat at Golf I have been around the game of golf since I was a young teenager, working as a caddie at a private country club. I have played over 2,000 rounds with hundreds of golfers and participate in amateur tournaments and match play at my private golf clubs. I have observed the most gross violations of the rules on the course, as well as how golfers rig official handicaps. The following is a summary of the best tactics to win at golf by cheating. On the course: 1 Improve your golf ball lie or position on the course. This is best accomplished by a little foot kick or... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
15. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 19
October 19, 2020
The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 19 (October 19, 2020) An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, a Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous eighteen reports. I returned from Sweden a month ago, only because my visa had expired…I wanted to stay there much longer. I’m now in depression, having to comply with the lock downs imposed by Laicos County Executive, Alice N. Wonderland. This afternoon after learning that most restrictions have been lifted in Florida, I rewrote the lyrics to The... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
16. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 18
July 08, 2020
The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 18 (July 8, 2020)
An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, a Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous seventeen reports.
State legislators have approved funds to erect a statue to honor Alice N. Wonderland, the Laicos County Executive, for her extraordinary leadership, especially after the Covid-19 virus outbreak. A notable sculpture artist will create a 30-foot tall marble image of Ms. Wonderland and will be erected in Wonderland Park next year. The ... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
17. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 17
May 04, 2020
The Mirror Rearview: Special Report # 17
An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, a Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous sixteen reports.
Sales tax collections from businesses in Laicos County have quickly evaporated, as well as taxes on lodging, car rental, local wages, and the deferral on payments for homeowner properties. Trey Easurer, the Laicos County Auditor, confirmed the County is hemorrhaging its operating reserves as staffing increased in the County, coupled with the signifi... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
18. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 16
April 13, 2020
The Mirror Rearview; Report # 16 An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, a Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous fifteen reports.
(April 13, 2020) This investigative reporter has learned that Laicos County Executive Alice N. Wonderland has ordered all television and radio stations in the County to focus coverage on “feel good” stories and avoid any reference to the number of deaths, hospitalizations, and confirmed cases of Coronavirus. Violations are subject to a $100,000 fine for the fir... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
19. The Mirror Rearview; Report # 15
April 03, 2020
Special Report # 15: Stephen P. Bye, correspondent for the Mirror Rearview.
An on-going series from Stephen P. Bye, a Correspondent for the Mirror Rearview, a fictional newspaper in Laicos County, an imaginary USA municipality. Please refer to the previous 14 reports for further background.
(April 3, 2020) I’m back on the beat as an unpaid reporter for The Mirror Rearview after a twelve-month absence, while serving my sentence in prison. Thankfully, my attorney, Sue Yourbutt, took my case to the State Supreme Court, who ruled I was inappropriately arrested for expressing free speech ... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
20. Political Correctness in Professional Team Nicknames
December 23, 2019
Political Correctness in Professional Sports Team Nicknames
With the groundswell of political correctness rising from multiple tribes and polarized camps involving gender equality, politics, age discrimination, religion, and other mainstream issues, there is growing pressure to change the nicknames of several professional sports teams.
Politics: Republicans vs. Democrats…Red vs. Blue. Several teams must change their colors or nicknames in order to avoid protests from opposite party voters. These include the St. Louis BLUES; Boston RED Sox, Washington REDskins; Detroit REDwings... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
21. The Washington Nationals and DC Politics
November 01, 2019
The Washington Nationals and DC Politics How about the inspiring performance of the Washington Nationals, who “stayed in the fight” to become World Series champions? I must have missed Donald Trumps “Tweet” informing the world that he was solely responsible for the Nationals’ victory, claiming their success was solely derived from his political theme of “Nationalism.” Two former Major League Baseball teams in Washington were called the Senators. Although they did win the World Series in 1924, the adage about the former team’s record was “first in war, first in peace…and last in the A... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
22. Airplane Toilet Challenges (Part IV)
October 20, 2019
Airplane Toilets-The Future of Airplane Travel (Part IV)
Further down the runway, the airplane industry will change the use of toilets as follows:
1) Airlines will soon charge a fee for using restrooms in the coach section by selling tokens in the gate waiting area. 2) In the toilets, three thin sheets of toilet paper will be released twice. The amount of soap allotted will be a small drop. The faucet water will be limited to one strike of the handle and only one tiny napkin will be dispensed by an automatic sensor. 3) Ultimately, toilets in coach section will be eliminated comple... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
23. Airplane Toilet Challenges (Part III)
September 08, 2019
Airplane Toilet Challenges (Part III)
After a long delay due to turbulence, a trip to the toilet in the rear of the plane can also be an adventure. After the seatbelt sign goes off, here’s what to do:
1) Act cool and roll your eyes when twenty people immediately rise and jostle for position in the toilet queue line. 2) Nonchalantly make your way back to the toilet twenty minutes later when the line subsides. 3) Curse at the clueless passengers who attempt to return to their seat and block your way to the toilet when they could simply duck into a vacant aisle seat. 4) Avoid touchin... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
24. Airline Toilet Challenges (Part II)
August 02, 2019
Airplane Toilet Challenges (Part II)
How often have you had the urge to pee on an airplane when the attendants block the aisles behind your row with service carts? Obviously, the only option is to use the first-class toilet. However, one problem…the purser has drawn the curtain that separates the cabins. Here are the recommended steps:
1) Tug the curtain aside, acting confident like you’re a first-class passenger. 2) When the purser becomes confrontational, point at the service carts blocking your path to the rear restrooms. 3) Patiently listen to the purser’s lecture about the pri... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
25. Airplane Toilet Challenges (Part I)
May 30, 2019
Airplane Toilet Challenges (Part I) Most of you have flown on an airplane at some point in your life and probably had to use the toilet facilities on a flight. Most of the older planes were better designed for travelers, however, as time has passed, the airlines have added more rows, shrunk the seat widths, eliminated a potty or two, and shrunk the size of the restroom. They might as well post a sign outside the toilet door… “skinny folks only”. Have you ever rushed to the gate to board a plane and didn’t have time for a last restroom stop? And then, how often is your plane held in t... (read more)
Author: Stephen Bye
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Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more
After 60-plus years of living, I am just trying to pass down some of the information that I have lea...more
For more articles, blog messages & videos and a free e-book download go to www.NewParadigm.ws your p...more
At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more
I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more
I'm an avid consumer of a smoothie a day living, herbs, vitamins and daily dose of exercise. I'm 60...more
Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more
I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more
Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more